Read Prajnaparamita Sutra or Heart Sutra of Buddha first. You can Google it and read it. It is half a page Sutra.
There are Vipassana courses and retreats in which
people are asked to wake up early, eat very little, and meditate for longer
periods of time (may be 8 hours a day). If a person who is not used to sitting for 15 minutes a day is asked to meditate a couple of hours a day, he/she will damage his/her body and mind irreparably. It's like forcing a kid who has not run a kilometer a day to run 8 kilometers a day for as many days
continuously. COMPLETE BREAKDOWN! And if the kid is unable to run 8 kilometers, the blame is on him! If the kid collapses while running, the kid is to blame again! All the problems are with the kid! Surprisingly, the kid also thinks the same!!! Hasn't common sense gone for a six? What is this if not a delusion?
I have heard that some people attending such courses
and retreats go out of their mind within a very short period of time. Such practitioners are secretly chucked out of the retreats and courses due to the same and in order to avoid others fleeing the retreats and courses.
DANGER: Vipassana teachers will tell you to just observe the bodily sensations without reacting--this will damage your body, nervous system, spinal chord, etc., if you are sitting for a prolonged period even when you have pain or pressure.

Observing body sensations continuously, sitting rigidly in a body position/posture, without relaxation of the mind leads to overheating of the brain leading to mental disorders.
TRUTH: Vipassana is a mediation experience! It is not a meditation technique.
Is Enlightenment a result of meditation or a meditation technique?
Is Vipassana (seeing/knowing things as they are, i.e., knowing the truth about oneself and the entire cosmos) a result of meditation or a meditation technique?
VIPASSANA has been corrupted and brought down to the lowest level of focusing on the usual body sensations and mental feelings, which we all experience everyday, throughout our lives. It is being popularized as a meditation technique for good physical and mental health, as a stress buster, a tension reliever, something that bestows peace and happiness, etc.
If someone says through mental activities, you can gain mental peace or through observing sensations, you can sense Enlightenment—take that person to be a BHRAMjnaani (a delusional person or a fake guru that is hell bent on making you delusional) because it is like saying you can gain super-consciousness through sex. Some people do believe it!
TRUTH: Buddha did not get enlightenment by observing his breath! Buddha got enlightenment as his mind went through the following stages:
To know about the REAL meditation experiences, the meditation experiences of your REAL/TRUE self or nature (Buddha nature per buddhists), Enlightenment experiences, spiritual Revelations, Samadhi experiences (buddhists call it as Sambodhi), REAL VIPASSANA, real Insight and the real effect of Indian Dhyan, Chinese Chan, Korean Son, Vietnamese Thien, or Japanese Zen, click:
WARNING: Vipassana meditation practices may help in giving you a pseudo-mental state or an ego massage by making you feel that you have become spiritual or you can sit in a meditative pose for longer duration. Due to this reason, you feel compelled to change your outlook, behavior, attitude and feel or act differently. You will be like the emperor and others in the story of The Emperor's New Clothes.

It is common sense that when your legs get numb, you need to
change your position. Prolonged absence of blood supply to any body part
or too much pressure on the spinal column results in severe medical conditions.
A meditator told me that his uncle wanted to meditate in Padmasana (Lotus
posture), so he somehow managed to fold his legs in Padmasana. He meditated for
some time, and then he started screaming. He was unable to unlock his legs from
Padmasana. People tried to unlock his legs, they couldn't, so they took him to the hospital, and now he is
paralyzed. This is a believe it or not stuff.
Sitting in a rigid posture; sitting for a longer duration of time
without changing the position despite feeling pain, pressure, heat, air
movement will damage your body area or cavity, spinal column, and nervous
system irreparably.
Observing body sensations continuously, sitting rigidly in a body position/posture, without relaxation of the mind leads to overheating of the brain leading to mental disorders.
TRUTH: Vipassana is a mediation experience! It is not a meditation technique.
Is Enlightenment a result of meditation or a meditation technique?
Is Vipassana (seeing/knowing things as they are, i.e., knowing the truth about oneself and the entire cosmos) a result of meditation or a meditation technique?
Buddha encouraged his own family members to renounce the
world and live like him. By using Buddha's name and concocting his teachings, some people who are neck-deep in family (worldly) life and enjoying the pleasures of the world
are making spirituality and meditation a profit-making venture. Such people
have not done an ounce of Sadhana which the Buddha did by he tonnes. Such people do not know what solitude is; they have always been among people all their lives enjoying worldly pleasures. Can such people's teaching ever have any effect on a person's spiritual progress? Can such people's followers ever benefit spiritually? Can such people ever know what Vipassana is?

If someone says through mental activities, you can gain mental peace or through observing sensations, you can sense Enlightenment—take that person to be a BHRAMjnaani (a delusional person or a fake guru that is hell bent on making you delusional) because it is like saying you can gain super-consciousness through sex. Some people do believe it!
TRUTH: Buddha did not get enlightenment by observing his breath! Buddha got enlightenment as his mind went through the following stages:
To know about the REAL meditation experiences, the meditation experiences of your REAL/TRUE self or nature (Buddha nature per buddhists), Enlightenment experiences, spiritual Revelations, Samadhi experiences (buddhists call it as Sambodhi), REAL VIPASSANA, real Insight and the real effect of Indian Dhyan, Chinese Chan, Korean Son, Vietnamese Thien, or Japanese Zen, click:
WARNING: Vipassana meditation practices may help in giving you a pseudo-mental state or an ego massage by making you feel that you have become spiritual or you can sit in a meditative pose for longer duration. Due to this reason, you feel compelled to change your outlook, behavior, attitude and feel or act differently. You will be like the emperor and others in the story of The Emperor's New Clothes.
VIPASSANA IS NOT A MEDITATION TECHNIQUE -- VIPASSANA IS A RESULT OF DEEP MEDITATION. Vipassana is a meditation experience, which happens when the mind becomes silent of all thoughts. It is the awareness of your super-consciousness, not your bodily or mental consciousness.
Food for thought: By the way, Here and Now means 'Akaliko.'
Akaliko was used in the context of dharma or religion to mean 'without time
frame' or 'here and now.' According to
the ancient monks, a good religion should yield results here and now, without
waiting for longer periods of time. It means if you follow a good religion, the
fruits of that religion should be experienced here and now, in this very life;
you don’t have to wait for future, like going to heaven after death to enjoy
the fruits of your dharma. This was used to criticize the theories of heaven and hell which were prevalent in Buddha's time and which are prevalent even now. In the ancient times, people were under the delusion that if
they do good karma (basically donating to religious priests/gurus/causes), they will get the results in heaven, which surprisingly continues till date.

Isn't the term 'here and now ' "here now" "akaliko" being used or misused beyond limits? THINKING HERE AND NOW, HERE NOW IS NOT ENLIGHTENMENT; IT IS A PSEUDO-MENTAL STATE.
Some people say that living in the present is Nirvana, Self-realization, or the effect of meditation. In that case, all children should be Self-realized and experience Nirvana everyday without meditation. Can anyone live in the past or future? Thinking about the past/future is done in the present. Some people jump and dance and tell other people that whoever lives in the present feels happy like him/her and jumps and dances. Does happiness mean jumping and dancing? Such persons have still clung to their bodies to express their happiness, which is a mental emotion. Also, does it mean people are watching his/her dance in the past/future and not in the present?
Such "live in the present moment" stuff is cooked up by some fake gurus/teachers/book writers to satisfy the appetite/ego of those people who have had a bad past and bad memories, who have an inferiority complex, who are concerned only about fulfilling their selfish physical and mental cravings/desires Here and Now, who believe only in taking and not giving, who are body worshipers, who want to have a pseudo-mental state and pseudo-happiness, and who want to feel great about themselves. More often than not, such people who say "live in the moment" are not considerate towards others, do not care about their duties and responsibilities toward others, live a selfish life, have big fat egos, and are artificial and dry. Such people are ungrateful because they forget those who have helped them in the past. Avoid contact with such ungrateful people and also avoid contact with gurus who teach others to become ungrateful.
Truth: Thinking about the present is also a thought, a mental activity. Silence is the best form of meditation, and silence is a stage which one has to go through in deep meditation to have a meditation experience, an insight, or real Vipassana.
"Be silent and know thyself." "In Silence, The Supreme Sound (Word of God) is Heard." "Be still, and know that I am God."
A guru is not needed to teach silence. This type of meditation is easy, free, guru-less, can be done anywhere and anytime.
Are these the reasons why gurus don't teach silence? or do they really know anything about meditation?
Is meditation deliberately made an activity and given a fancy name or a mumbo-jumbo with some do's and don'ts stuff to say I-know-you-don't-know-so-I-am-your-guru?
If everyone practices silence as a meditation technique, what will happen to all gurus, their courses, and their organizations where physical and mental activities are taught as forms of meditation?
What will happen to all the authors, writers, and others who make money writing on meditation/spiritual mumbo-jumbos?
How many Buddhist people, monks, bhantes, abbots, lamas, ripoches, bhodisattas, gurus know the real meaning of the 8 auspicisious symbols, especially THE ENDLESS KNOT?
A guru is not needed to teach silence. This type of meditation is easy, free, guru-less, can be done anywhere and anytime.
Are these the reasons why gurus don't teach silence? or do they really know anything about meditation?
Is meditation deliberately made an activity and given a fancy name or a mumbo-jumbo with some do's and don'ts stuff to say I-know-you-don't-know-so-I-am-your-guru?
If everyone practices silence as a meditation technique, what will happen to all gurus, their courses, and their organizations where physical and mental activities are taught as forms of meditation?
What will happen to all the authors, writers, and others who make money writing on meditation/spiritual mumbo-jumbos?
How many Buddhist people, monks, bhantes, abbots, lamas, ripoches, bhodisattas, gurus know the real meaning of the 8 auspicisious symbols, especially THE ENDLESS KNOT?
To know the real meaning of this the endless knot, click and get enlightened:
Read Prajnaparamita Sutra or Heart Sutra of Buddha again.
it or not #1: Buddha is not a name of a particular person.
A person
who merges/dissolves his Buddhi (physical mind/intellect/intelligence/ego) in
Bodhi (Chit/Bodhicitta/Bodhichitta/Pure Awareness/Consciousness/Spiritual Mind or Consciousness) is a
Just as anyone can become a Yogi or a Seer, anyone
can become a Buddha. YOU CAN BECOME A BUDDHA!
In the history of buddhism, there was only one Buddha, i.e., Gautama Siddhartha. Buddhism never produced a second Buddha who taught in a buddhist monastery, temple, organization, building, or a buddhist place.
Believe it or not #2: A Buddha (a person who merges his Buddhi in Bodhi due to Samadhi/Sambodhi) gains Prajna.
In the history of buddhism, there was only one Buddha, i.e., Gautama Siddhartha. Buddhism never produced a second Buddha who taught in a buddhist monastery, temple, organization, building, or a buddhist place.
Believe it or not #2: A Buddha (a person who merges his Buddhi in Bodhi due to Samadhi/Sambodhi) gains Prajna.
Prajna/Panna means complete/perfect wisdom/knowledge about the reality of oneself, others, and the entire cosmic creation, creator, creatures.
Without meditative Samadhi/Sambodhi due to Kundalini/spiritual awakening, if a person thinks he/she is a Buddha, then that person is deluded and will definitely delude others about meditation, mediation experiences, Kundalini, spirit, spirituality, Self, No-Self, Non-Self and with his/her nonsense. Such a person is called a BHRAMjnani (a deluded/delusional person or a person who will delude others). To know about real Kundalini/meditation/spiritual experiences, click:
it or not #3: Samadhi/Sambodhi results in Jnana or Prajna.
Prajna/Panna = The perfect wisdom/knowledge that whatever is
obvious to one and all (physical cosmic creation, body-mind complex) is non-self/Anatma/Maya.
Maya is a word which is used in various contexts to mean evil, ignorance, illusory nature of the world, illusions/delusions/hallucinations, etc. Wrong knowledge that non-self/Anatma is Self/Atma is called Maya (ignorance).
Prajna is directly experiencing and realizing the following Eternal Cosmic Principles/Dharma Sanatana/Sanatana Dharma/Ritam/Rutam:
Maya is a word which is used in various contexts to mean evil, ignorance, illusory nature of the world, illusions/delusions/hallucinations, etc. Wrong knowledge that non-self/Anatma is Self/Atma is called Maya (ignorance).
Prajna is directly experiencing and realizing the following Eternal Cosmic Principles/Dharma Sanatana/Sanatana Dharma/Ritam/Rutam:
- There is a physical and spiritual nature to the entire cosmic creation, including you and me.
- Due to ignorance of our spiritual nature, we think that only the physical nature is the Ultimate Reality. Such ignorance is called Maya/Mara.
- As long as a person is under the spell of Maya (ignorance about one's spiritual nature), he/she will remain in Samsara (cycle of births and deaths/change/birth-old age-death-rebirth/building of a house-decay-destruction-reconstruction, etc). Our ignorance leads to our rebirths and redeaths.
- With Prajna/realization/enlightenment of our spiritual nature and loosening all the knots of the spiritual heart, we are liberated from Samsara.
- Due to liberation from future physical forms/nature/births, we remain until eternity in our spiritual form/nature. This nature is called Buddha nature/Buddhahood, etc.
Ignorance that we are only this physical body-mind complex (Maya) obviously leads to various types physical/mental/ego desires and karma (building
materials for a house per Buddha's victory song) that force you to come into and go from this Samsara/world in a physical form. The reason for this is the cosmic principle of action and reaction/Karma and Kamaphala. So the house-builder Buddha refers to in his victory song upon enlightenment is the Sanatana Dharma (Eternal Cosmic Principles) and the building materials he refers to are ignorance, desires, and karma.
Anatma/Anatta/Non-Self = Physical nature.
Atma/Atta/Self = Spiritual nature/Buddha Nature/Buddhahood.
Maya = Delusion that Anatma/Anatta/Non-Self/Physical nature is all that we have, it is the only reality, and that there is no Self/Atma/Atta.
nature is not permanent, it undergoes continuous change, hence it is
called non-self/Anatma. Our body-mind complex is born, becomes old, gets
diseased, and dies. So it is temporary, hence non-self.
nature is eternal, it is neither born nor dies nor undergoes any change, hence
it is our Real Self.
CAN ONLY DESTROY YOUR QUOTA OF BUILDING MATERIALS (ignorance about your spiritual nature, ignorance that you are only the individual ego/body-mind complex which results in desires and karma).
- The destruction of building materials (ignorance, desires, karma vasanas and samskaras) also means destruction/loosening all the knots of the spiritual heart (buddhists wrongly interpret the inauspicious knots of eternity as one of the 8 auspicious buddhist symbols).
- Ritam/Rutam/Dharma Sanatana/Sanatana Dharma/Eternal and all-pervasive Cosmic Principle is the House-Builder.
- Everything in this cosmos has dual forms - a physical form/nature and a spiritual form/nature.
- Everything that is physical is no-self, non-self.
- Everything that is spiritual is self, real Self.
- Everything that is physical changes. The physical body is born, grows, gets diseased, becomes old, and eventually dies.
- Everything that is spiritual doesn't change. The spiritual body is neither born, nor grows, nor gets diseased, nor becomes old, and never dies.
Believe it or not #5:
Why does a spiritual body take a physical form in the first place?
Cosmic principles. The house-builder has his/her/its own rules. You can't do anything about him/her/it.
The house-builder is the Supreme Sound/Vibration/Cosmic Creator/Cosmic-creating principle, Ahm/Om/Hum/Hoom, Brahm, Atma/Atom, Cosmic Self which has physical and spiritual principles:
Knowledge of this house-builder and the building materials which this house-builder assembles to build individual houses is the first step toward understanding spirituality. The second step is to know how to destroy your quota of building materials.
Buddhists misinterpreted the Great Void, Emptiness, Nothingness, etc., as No-Self. The Great Void is the Unborn/Unmanifest/Unconditioned physical nature of the Cosmic Self. Whoever/Whatever is aware of such a Great Void, Nothingness is the spiritual nature of the Cosmic Self, which is your own real Self:
Believe it or not #6:
- Whatever of you gets enlightened resulting in liberation from coming into/going from this faulty Samsara is your self/essence of yourself/yourself.
- Whatever of you is not born and doesn't die is your self/true nature.
- Whatever of you is born (coming) and dies (going) is your non-self/false nature.
- Your physical body and mind (body-mind complex) is non-self, and your spiritual mind/consciousness is your true self because spiritual body is neither born nor dies.
- Loosening all the knots of the heart leads to freedom/separation/liberation from future physical body-spiritual body entanglement.
it or not #7: Prajna is the end of one's journey in this
Samsara (cycle of births and deaths in a physical forms). One who
has reached/attained Prajna is called Tathagatha (one who has arrived at the
truth/Prajna/end of knowledge/end of Samsara/end of the journey in physical
forms/end of the cycle of births and deaths).
it or not #8: Through Kundalini awakening/Samadhi/Sambodhi, you get Vipassana. Directly seeing/knowing/experiencing your spiritual nature is Vipassana. Directly seeing/knowing the house builder/Cosmic Principles/Dharma is Vipassana. Directly knowing the building materials is Vipassana. With many Vipassanas due to many Kundalini Awakenings/Samadhis/Sambodhis, you will gain Prajna.
Kundalini awakening=Samadhi=Sambodhi=Vipassana helps in loosening the knots of the spiritual heart. These knots are ignorance, desires, and karma. Ignorance is Evil/Maya/Mara. Knowledge is Liberation/Freedom from ignorance/Maya/Mara. Self-Knowledge is Bliss/Nirvana.
Loosening all the knots of the spiritual heart through Kundalini awakening/Samadhi/Sambodhi/Vipassana = Prajna = Perfect Wisdom = Enlightenment = Self-Knowledge = Self-Realization = Nirvana = End of Samsara = Liberation/Mukti/Moksha/Freedom, etc., etc.
Check similar thoughts on enlightenment/liberation/Atma as per Vedanta and Buddhism in the following link:Kundalini awakening=Samadhi=Sambodhi=Vipassana helps in loosening the knots of the spiritual heart. These knots are ignorance, desires, and karma. Ignorance is Evil/Maya/Mara. Knowledge is Liberation/Freedom from ignorance/Maya/Mara. Self-Knowledge is Bliss/Nirvana.
Loosening all the knots of the spiritual heart through Kundalini awakening/Samadhi/Sambodhi/Vipassana = Prajna = Perfect Wisdom = Enlightenment = Self-Knowledge = Self-Realization = Nirvana = End of Samsara = Liberation/Mukti/Moksha/Freedom, etc., etc.
NOTE: The intention of writing the above 8-noble believe it or not is to encourage you to strive for a real single Kundalini awakening first. These are in no way intended to theoretically enlighten you. With Kundalini awakening, you will experience the truth about real meditation experiences; and with many real meditation experiences, you will experience spirituality and your reality directly.
How did buddhists get No-Self wrong? Why do buddhists talk about No-Self?
It is only some schools of Buddhism that talk about No-Self or Non-Self in delusional terms. Their misinterpretation/misunderstanding/manipulation of No-Self/Non-Self is phenomenal. All this is due to ignorance or manipulation of Buddha's real teachings.
We have dual realities - one is physical and the other one is spiritual. Ancient Indian Seers found out that anything related to your physical nature is non-self (because it is destructible, it changes/dies) and said that your spiritual nature is your self (because this is eternal, doesn't get destroyed, doesn't change/die).
Everything in this cosmos has subatomic nature. Everything in the universe, from light to electrons to atoms, behaves like/is both a particle and a wave at the same time.
Can you see your mind and thoughts? Can you see others' minds and thoughts? Can you see yourself as subatomic particles/waves/vibrations? Just because you can't, it doesn't mean the mind doesn't exist, thoughts don't exist, or you are not subatomic particles/waves/vibrations. Similarly, just because you don't know or have not experienced your spiritual nature/self, it doesn't mean self/spiritual nature doesn't exist.
Our spiritual body/mind/consciousness takes different types of physical forms based on our individual (ego) ignorance, desires, and karma due to cosmic principles. With enlightenment, we stop the process of rebirths and re-deaths in physical forms. We will live on until eternity in our real and spiritual body/mind/consciousness just like Buddha.
All buddhists light candles, offer biscuits/chocolates/fruits, pray/worship, celebrate Buddha's birthday, Buddha poornima, meditate and beg Buddha/Buddha's statue for enlightenment, etc. Are buddhists practicing idolatry? or do they believe that Buddha exists in spiritual/eternal form? The spiritual form is your self, which is eternal, just like Buddha’s.
Cosmos/life is a play of spiritual and physical existence.
Buddhism versus Vedic Religion of Buddha's time:
If there are 10s of toilet soaps in the market and if you want to manufacture a brand new soap and make profit from selling that soap, you must use effective marketing strategies to beat the competition. Buddhists did the same after Buddha's death. Buddha's disciples/followers used a lot of marketing strategies to prove their new religion's uniqueness and superiority. One of them is reversing Vedic religious practices. Gautama Siddhartha (Buddha) was right in opposing many wrong Vedic religious practices of his time. He was correct in teaching the right knowledge which happened to be exactly the opposite of many wrong Vedic practices. The wrong Vedic religious practices during Buddha's time were the result of ignorance/manipulation/misinterpretation/misunderstanding of Vedic knowledge by the Vedic scholars/priests/pundits of that time.
Believe it or not: Many priest-class Vedic people took over Buddhism after Buddha's death and started teaching buddhism in Sanskrit! Buddhism was split into two based on language in which Buddhism was taught/written:
1. Mahayana with scriptures in Sanskrit. 2. Hinayana with scriptures in Pali.
Food for thought: Who do you think would have become the teachers of Mahayana?
1. Mahayana with scriptures in Sanskrit. 2. Hinayana with scriptures in Pali.
Food for thought: Who do you think would have become the teachers of Mahayana?
After the split of buddhism, the Pali buddhists became paranoid about Vedic religion and Sanskrit. They overdid the opposing of Vedic ideas to the point of reversing everything that was Vedic. You will understand this when you read how Buddha attained enlightenment; he overcame all torture/temptation from Vedic Indra and other deities. Buddhists will say that Buddha got instant enlightenment in one night after having realized how to meditate! His gurus (Vedic/Hindu-type) in Kashi/Varanasi/Beneras had just taught him how to torture his body and do all kinds of wrong meditation and spiritual practices. Buddha remembered that he had achieved equanimity of breath during childhood, and therefore gave up all his gurus' teachings and practiced breath meditation and got instant enlightenment. Buddha found out how to really meditate, which gave him enlightenment! Buddhists will tell that Buddha learnt whatever their gurus could teach and realized whatever they had realized but was still not satisfied with his progress in his search for the end of suffering. What did Buddha learn/realize when he did not know how to meditate? Without real meditation (momentary silence, equanimity of breath, cessation of breath), how can one have meditation/spiritual experiences? So Buddha never had any real meditation experiences in Kashi. He did not have any spiritual experiences until he remembered in Gaya that equanimity of breath results is meditation. If he got immediately enlightened with this type of meditation, then Buddha's enlightenment is instantaneous/one-night enlightenment. As I have mentioned in the following post, you will have 1000s of meditation/spiritual experiences and visions.
Google what experiences/visions/knowledge resulted in Buddha's enlightenment and how he became Tathagatha and then read the following post:
Ok continuing with Buddhism versus Vedic religion, the buddhists' treatment of Vedic religion and Sanskrit was/is nothing short of paranoia. They have reversed and want to reverse everything that is Vedic, even if it is an undeniable, irrefutable cosmic/spiritual truth as obvious as the Sun. All this reversing of Vedic religion is due to sheer ignorance or total manipulation. The one such total manipulation/ignorance is the Self as mentioned above, and the second one is the very, very ancient Swastika which is a universal symbol from time immemorial.
Buddhism is reverse Vedic religion (Hinduism).
Google what experiences/visions/knowledge resulted in Buddha's enlightenment and how he became Tathagatha and then read the following post:
Ok continuing with Buddhism versus Vedic religion, the buddhists' treatment of Vedic religion and Sanskrit was/is nothing short of paranoia. They have reversed and want to reverse everything that is Vedic, even if it is an undeniable, irrefutable cosmic/spiritual truth as obvious as the Sun. All this reversing of Vedic religion is due to sheer ignorance or total manipulation. The one such total manipulation/ignorance is the Self as mentioned above, and the second one is the very, very ancient Swastika which is a universal symbol from time immemorial.
Buddhism is reverse Vedic religion (Hinduism).
Right-sided Hindu/Vedic Swastika
Right-sided Jain Swastika
They also reversed the ancient Vedic belief of a Self to show the uniqueness/specialty of Buddhism. What these ignorant buddhist followers did not know is that the word Swastika means Sw/Swa+asti+ka "Self Exists" and the symbol Swastika is not just an auspicious symbol, it is a symbol denoting The Existence of a Self (cosmic-creating principle) in all 4/8 directions. Whether the swastika is right sided or left sided has no importance. Jain Swastika
buddhist swastika
Buddha, when alive, never bothered about wearing/putting a symbol
on himself.
did buddhists use Swastika on Buddha then?
Religious/Business/Financial/Political reasons. Swastika was a very ancient and
universal symbol. Archaeologists have found and are finding Swastikas world over.
Swastika was/is a widely known and much revered auspicious symbol in India. It was widely worshiped symbol even during Buddha's times.
Will a king/kingdom/citizens/society follow a new religion
(Buddha dharma) that doesn't use such a famous auspicious symbol?
So after the
death of the Buddha, the buddhists started using Swastika to market their new
religion, but since they had to be unique/different than existing religions
(Vedic, Jainism, etc), they reversed it and said left-sided Swastika is more
auspicious than the right-sided one. Thus, Swastika on Buddha' chest, hand,
etc., is a later development by his followers (buddhists) for Religious/Business/Financial/Political reasons.
Buddhists reversed the Swastika from right to left. They may also put it on Buddha's feet to show Buddha's superiority or disrespect to Hindus'/Jains' beliefs. Anybody can give some nonsense as a very good/logical/religious/spiritual explanation.
To know the meaning of the universal Swastika and Swastikas of various countries throughout the world, Indus Valley Swastika (some say 5000 year-old civilization, some 15000 BC), click:
After the death of the Buddha, his followers elevated Buddha to the level of a God. Only in India, Buddha is addressed and revered as Buddha Bhagawan (Lord Buddha). In other buddhist countries, they make a caricature of Buddha, like the fat laughing Buddha. Buddha is also considered as an Avatar (incarnation of God) in some Hindu scriptures. Buddha and an Avatar of God? Yes! As mentioned above, Swastika on Buddha' chest, hand, etc., was a later development for religious, business, financial and/or political reasons, Buddha becoming an Avatar is also for the same reasons. Buddha/Buddhism became very famous at one point in time, and many powerful kings/princes were following Buddha's teachings because he himself was an ex-prince. Many big kingdoms/regions in India were following Buddhism. Is it difficult for powerful kings/Sanskrit scholars to insert Buddha as an incarnation of God in a scripture?
If Buddhism was so famous during ancient times, what is the reason for its downfall?
Buddhists. They made Buddha's noble 8-fold path a state religion. The Buddha's path is only for spiritual aspirants. If all Hindus are forced to follow Patanjali's Ashtanga Yoga, which teaches sexual abstinence, in less than 100 years, there will not be a single Hindu in India. If all Hindus (including military) follow Patanjali's non-violence/non-killing, within 10 years, all Hindus will be conquered/murdered/converted and there won't be any Hindu in India.
Buddhists got dharma, karma, sangha, meditation, dhyana, jhana, spirituality, enlightenment, maitri bhavana, metta, loving-kindness, compassion, non-violence, non-killing, Vipassana, Nirvana, etc., totally wrong and many buddhists of many countries, including Indians, paid a price for their ignorance/manipulation of Buddha's teachings. Many Asian, Middle East countries were buddhist. Google "Taliban destroys Buddhas." Bamiya Buddhas were destroyed by Taliban and no one did anything. ISIS and other terrorist organizations are wiping out history in the Syria, Middle East. Tibet became China. If such things can happen in a civilized, modern, developed world, what would have happened to buddhists in the ancient times?
Food for thought: How did new the religions (Christianity, Islam) spread throughout the world so quickly? What were the religions that were being practiced where the new religions have spread?
Did Buddha teach reverse Vedic religion/No-Self?
Not at all. He was not bothered about Self or No-Self. Buddha never bothered about creating a religion by the name Buddha Dharma/Buddhism or a religious/spiritual organization (Sangha). Sangha basically means the company of enlightened/spiritual people, but buddhists made it a religious organization/monastery with a head/president and other staff members.
If Buddhism was so famous during ancient times, what is the reason for its downfall?
Buddhists. They made Buddha's noble 8-fold path a state religion. The Buddha's path is only for spiritual aspirants. If all Hindus are forced to follow Patanjali's Ashtanga Yoga, which teaches sexual abstinence, in less than 100 years, there will not be a single Hindu in India. If all Hindus (including military) follow Patanjali's non-violence/non-killing, within 10 years, all Hindus will be conquered/murdered/converted and there won't be any Hindu in India.
Buddhists got dharma, karma, sangha, meditation, dhyana, jhana, spirituality, enlightenment, maitri bhavana, metta, loving-kindness, compassion, non-violence, non-killing, Vipassana, Nirvana, etc., totally wrong and many buddhists of many countries, including Indians, paid a price for their ignorance/manipulation of Buddha's teachings. Many Asian, Middle East countries were buddhist. Google "Taliban destroys Buddhas." Bamiya Buddhas were destroyed by Taliban and no one did anything. ISIS and other terrorist organizations are wiping out history in the Syria, Middle East. Tibet became China. If such things can happen in a civilized, modern, developed world, what would have happened to buddhists in the ancient times?
Food for thought: How did new the religions (Christianity, Islam) spread throughout the world so quickly? What were the religions that were being practiced where the new religions have spread?
Did Buddha teach reverse Vedic religion/No-Self?
Not at all. He was not bothered about Self or No-Self. Buddha never bothered about creating a religion by the name Buddha Dharma/Buddhism or a religious/spiritual organization (Sangha). Sangha basically means the company of enlightened/spiritual people, but buddhists made it a religious organization/monastery with a head/president and other staff members.
Buddha practiced spirituality to know the truth about the end of suffering. How would he know spirituality leads to the end of suffering if past enlightened people hadn't told about it? Why did he go to Kashi if there were no spiritual people/practitioners there who also like him wanted end of their sufferings?
He took to spirituality after seeing a happy and blissful ascetic. This ascetic may be a Himalayan Baba. You will see Buddha's ears stretched. Babas wear Kundals, big earrings. Kashi had and still has many Kundal-wearing, Jata-growing (long mattered hairs) babas practicing spirituality. Buddha also wore Kundals resulting in his long, stretched ears. He also grew a Jata like all babas do. Till date, babas wear Kundals and grow Jatas but buddhists don't.
Food for thought: Are buddhists following Buddha and his teachings correctly?
The actual Sanskrit name for No-Self should be "Anatma" but buddhists use the Pali term "Anatta" to mean No-Self. I think this must have been a misinterpretation of Sanskrit word "Ananta," which means limitless, unlimited, endless, eternal, which is a characteristic of Atma.
Truth: Buddha initially practiced wrong meditation/spiritual practices (maybe kriyas :), tapasya, austerities, etc.) due to ignorance about meditation and spirituality, suffered, then realized his mistake, gave up his gurus, gave up the wrong meditation/spiritual practices, took to silent meditation, achieved equanimity of breath, got his Kundalini awakened, had many meditation/spiritual/Kundalini experiences, loosened all the knots of his heart, and got enlightenment which ended all his sufferings.
Buddha's enlightenment was through direct meditation/spiritual/Kundalini experiences. This enlightenment was real and not bookish. He taught his newly discovered ancient truth about the end of suffering. End of suffering means escaping from Samsara, the cycle of births and deaths which is really terrifying and horrifying. Life inside a womb is terrible. Without Liberation, you will be forced again and again to take birth from various types of wombs. People don't like to sit silently and meditate for an hour or so. They don't know that time will force them to spend 9 months inside their mothers' womb in one position, lying there silently :) Death is terrible. Diseases/old-age/death is horrible. Unfulfilled desires torment us.
End of suffering means end of the cycle of births and deaths. End of suffering doesn't mean that your body doesn't feel pain, doesn't get diseases, doesn't get old age, and doesn't die. All miracles and miraculous stuffs came from misinterpretation/manipulation of enlightened people's knowledge. Ignorant people think that enlightened people can cure their own and other people's physical ailments/diseases. Fake gurus thrive on such ignorance and delude gullible people with their miracle-mongering stuffs. The truth is Enlightened people will also get diseases and will eventually die one day.
Food for thought: Are buddhists following Buddha and his teachings correctly?
The actual Sanskrit name for No-Self should be "Anatma" but buddhists use the Pali term "Anatta" to mean No-Self. I think this must have been a misinterpretation of Sanskrit word "Ananta," which means limitless, unlimited, endless, eternal, which is a characteristic of Atma.
Truth: Buddha initially practiced wrong meditation/spiritual practices (maybe kriyas :), tapasya, austerities, etc.) due to ignorance about meditation and spirituality, suffered, then realized his mistake, gave up his gurus, gave up the wrong meditation/spiritual practices, took to silent meditation, achieved equanimity of breath, got his Kundalini awakened, had many meditation/spiritual/Kundalini experiences, loosened all the knots of his heart, and got enlightenment which ended all his sufferings.
Buddha's enlightenment was through direct meditation/spiritual/Kundalini experiences. This enlightenment was real and not bookish. He taught his newly discovered ancient truth about the end of suffering. End of suffering means escaping from Samsara, the cycle of births and deaths which is really terrifying and horrifying. Life inside a womb is terrible. Without Liberation, you will be forced again and again to take birth from various types of wombs. People don't like to sit silently and meditate for an hour or so. They don't know that time will force them to spend 9 months inside their mothers' womb in one position, lying there silently :) Death is terrible. Diseases/old-age/death is horrible. Unfulfilled desires torment us.
End of suffering means end of the cycle of births and deaths. End of suffering doesn't mean that your body doesn't feel pain, doesn't get diseases, doesn't get old age, and doesn't die. All miracles and miraculous stuffs came from misinterpretation/manipulation of enlightened people's knowledge. Ignorant people think that enlightened people can cure their own and other people's physical ailments/diseases. Fake gurus thrive on such ignorance and delude gullible people with their miracle-mongering stuffs. The truth is Enlightened people will also get diseases and will eventually die one day.
So if you want enlightenment or the end of suffering/Samsara:
1. Like Buddha, give up all your wrong and dangerous meditation/spiritual gurus/teachings/practices/techniques (whether they are buddhist or not doesn't matter).
2. Meditate to achieve a momentary silence, equanimity of breath, or cessation of thoughts/breath which results in a REAL meditation/spiritual/Kundalini experience.
3. Vipassana is the result of Samadhi/Sambodhi due to Kundalini awakening. Modern-day Vipassana meditation doesn't lead to meditation/spiritual experiences because it involves continuous mental activities.
4. Don't bother/split hairs about scriptural theory of any religion/Self vs No-Self.
5. STRIVE FOR 1 REAL MEDIATION/SPIRITUAL/KUNDALINI EXPERIENCE IN THIS LIFE, else all your meditation/spiritual knowledge will remain bookish, theory, or delusional.
Believe it or not: No guru can give you enlightenment until you deserve and are ready for enlightenment.
Similarly, no guru can awaken your Kundalini until you deserve and are ready for Kundalini awakening.
WARNING: It's okay if you don’t meet a Brahmajnani (Self-realized seer) or realize yourself in this life, but never ever meet or follow a BHRAMjnaani (fake guru who will make you delusional). If you do, then you will suffer your entire life.
1. Like Buddha, give up all your wrong and dangerous meditation/spiritual gurus/teachings/practices/techniques (whether they are buddhist or not doesn't matter).
2. Meditate to achieve a momentary silence, equanimity of breath, or cessation of thoughts/breath which results in a REAL meditation/spiritual/Kundalini experience.
3. Vipassana is the result of Samadhi/Sambodhi due to Kundalini awakening. Modern-day Vipassana meditation doesn't lead to meditation/spiritual experiences because it involves continuous mental activities.
4. Don't bother/split hairs about scriptural theory of any religion/Self vs No-Self.
5. STRIVE FOR 1 REAL MEDIATION/SPIRITUAL/KUNDALINI EXPERIENCE IN THIS LIFE, else all your meditation/spiritual knowledge will remain bookish, theory, or delusional.
Believe it or not: No guru can give you enlightenment until you deserve and are ready for enlightenment.
Similarly, no guru can awaken your Kundalini until you deserve and are ready for Kundalini awakening.
WARNING: It's okay if you don’t meet a Brahmajnani (Self-realized seer) or realize yourself in this life, but never ever meet or follow a BHRAMjnaani (fake guru who will make you delusional). If you do, then you will suffer your entire life.
You have a SPIRITUAL BODY/MIND/CONSCIOUSNESS!!! This is your real "I," Self, BE+ING.
You can directly experience your spiritual body in meditation within a short period of time. You just need to practice silence for 1 hour a day!!!
If you have any one of the following experiences, then know for sure you will definitely succeed in experiencing your true Supernatural Spiritual Self in this very life.
Shubhamastu = Let Good Happen To You!
Buddhists don't know the real meaning of The Endless Knot/Knot of Eternity (1 of their 8 auspicious symbols) and Hindus don't know the real meaning of the sacred thread (Yagnopavita, the thread that differentiates between castes and can only be worn by upper castes):
Many Buddhists definitely don't know the real meaning of Akaliko (wrongly translated as "Here and Now", "Here Now," "Be in the Present," "Living in the Present," etc) and Vipassana.
General observation: Most Westerners who have practiced Vipassana/Zen and other Buddhist meditations for a couple of years and been to Japan for sometime think they have experienced Nirvana and become Buddhas :) Most Buddhist monks (esp Japanese) who teach meditation think they are Buddhas and in a perpetual state of Nirvana :)
It's all create by somebody who have real experience & he should know always we are trying but really it's result is not in our hands. Thanks. G.N.
Buddhism is Indian, originated in India. If so, why buddhism died in India in the ancient times?
Buddhists tried to make Buddha first a Super Man and then a Super God!
A person who is higher/greater than gods must be a Super God (many gods existed during the rise and fall of buddhism in India, many exist till date). Buddhists started "Buddham sharanam gacchami" "Sangham sharanam gacchami" "Dharamam sharanam gacchami." These are called Trisharana which means "take/taking refuge or surrendering to Buddha, Sangha (organization), and dharma (Buddhism) for your well being."
What will happen when a person, organization, religion that never existed comes into existence and then the followers of such a new person, organization, religion tell people that without surrendering/taking refuge in Trisharana/Trisarana, they will not live a happy life, will not get any benefits or spiritual knowledge in this life, and will suffer?
What will happen when you tell people that only the new Buddha is enlightened when they know about 100s of past and present Buddhas/Enlightened beings?
What if there are already many living Buddhas/Enlightened people and you tell them that Only Gautama Siddharta, on whose teaching Buddhism was created, is real and others are fake?
What if all the teachings of Buddha already existed and you tell others that Buddha's teachings are new and unique?
What will happen if everyone is told to practice celibacy, not get married and not have children, give up worldly life, wear Buddhist robe, join buddhist organization and be at the feet of a buddhist guru for the rest of your life?
What will happen to a religious organization and people who preach others celibacy and they themselves indulge in sexual activities?
What will happen if there is infighting within a religious organization and the organization has split into many factions?
What will happen to the kingdom and its citizens who practice "Ahimsa" (nonviolence) and don't strike back at the enemies even when the enemies are looting and killing its citizens, raping their womenfolk, razing their kingdom to dust?
THE KINGDOM, ITS CITIZENS, ITS RELIGION, ITS RELIGIOUS PEOPLE ARE DOOMED. Buddha's statues, buddhist temples will be razed; the sangha (buddhist organization) will be reduced to dust, and dharma (buddhist religion) will become nonexistent. (It's not only nonviolence but all weak people/religions/kingdoms/countries have experienced this throughout the world).
ALL THESE LEAD TO THE DEMISE OF BUDDHISM IN INDIA. These are the results of misinterpreting/manipulating Buddha and his teachings, religion, Karma and results of karma, nonviolence, Dhyan (meditation), spirituality, spiritual practices, celibacy, cosmic reality, etc.
Many buddhist monks indulge in sexual activities and take the 5 precepts (Sila) again. Many young monks change their robes to jeans to roam around cities to avoid getting noticed. Many Nepali children joined buddhist monasteries after the recent devastating earthquake. A lot of buddhists have diabetes due to wrong food habits.
Google - Monk obesity thailand
In an Indian spiritual organization which has the most number of educated English-speaking Sadhus, a whopping 90% of the sadhus/monks above age 40 have diabetes. Diabetes is not due to any meditation or spiritual practice but due to wrong food habits and lifestyle.
In the ancient days, Buddhism split into two:
1. Mahayana (greater vehicle or Grand/faster mode of transport for enlightenment) with buddhist teachings/scriptures in Sanskrit.
2. Hinayana (lesser vehicle or Cheap/slower mode of transport for enlightenment) with buddhist teachings/scriptures in Pali.
(This distinction must have been made by Mahayana Buddhists, who were in power, in order to denigrate Pali-speaking Buddhists.) Pali was the local language spoken during Buddha’s time (Most probably it’s ancient Nepali because Buddha was born in Lumbini, a place in Nepal, near India-Nepal border). Mahayana and Hinayana (Therevada) monks spread Buddha's teaching to countries closer to India, eg., China, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Myanmar/Burma (which means Brahma), etc., from where Indian Buddhism spread throughout the world.
To know about Zen, Zazen, DeluZen (delusion), reverse buddhism, the fourth/fifth-hand buddhist knowledge (Zen):
So Indian dhyan became Chan, Son, and then Zen.
Meaning of Indian Dhayna:
Dhi + Yana = Dhyana. Transcending thought/mind/intellect/intelligence is Dhyana.
The journey beyond the mind and intellect is Dhyana "(meditation).
Dhi = Thought/intellect/intelligence
Yana = Vehicle/mode/method of arriving or going, journey/travel/marching toward/forward (in spirituality transcending)
Buddha got enlightened about his true nature (spiritual/higher/real/true nature/self/Self) due to this Dhyan and not due to observing his nasal breaths. Only when observing the breath leads to silence, Kundalini awakening/Samadhi/Sambodhi/Enlightenment/Self-Realization/Spiritual Awakening happens (knowing one's true nature = knowing Buddha's nature).
Why doesn't buddhism talk bout Kundalini?
ONLY SOME BRANCHES OF BUDDHISM TALK ABOUT KUNDALINI as Candali/Chandali, tummo or inner fire/heat. For eg., Tibetan Vajrayana. Google it up.
Buddhists fear that the moment they talk about Kundalini, Buddhism will become Hinduism :)
All people want to prove that their meditation is unique, special, and is different from others. It's a big nonsense and an age-old delusion! You can call the "sun" with many different names in different languages, different pronunciations, and view the sun differently in different angles, at different times, from different locations, but the sun is one and the same. Similarly, people can call our inner self/true self with many different names, but it is one and the same. People can teach you 100s of meditation techniques and claim that their technique leads to Enlightenment, Realization, Peace, Nirvana, Happiness, Physical and Mental benefits, etc., but the reality is meditation leads to silence of the mind and Kundalini awakening due to such silence.
Warning: Modern-day Vipassana/Mindfulness/constant be aware or Here and Now/constant observation technique results in an over-heated/over-concentrated/over-focused/overworked/overactive brain/mind which is dangerous.
Koan is Bheja/brain frying nonsense. "If You Meet the Buddha on the Road, Kill Him!" "If you meet a Buddha, kill the Buddha. If you meet a Ghost, kill the Ghost." The intelligent money-making shrewd masters may give deep meaning to this Koan crap, but in reality it is a nonsense similar to mind frying activities like who am I? Be, Being, I am, etc. Taoists hated Buddhism the most because they were trampled on by Indian Buddhism. Tao = Zen – Buddhism. Zen people are in fact Taoists who most likely unwillingly had to accept Buddhism. So till date, they have not accepted Buddha. No wonder they come up with something like the above Koan to denigrate Buddha and buddhism. I think many ancient non-buddhist people encouraged killing buddhists. A person's spiritual life is doomed if he/she likes/appreciates the above Koan.
Silence is supreme, practice it. All meditations should lead to natural momentary silence/equanimity/cessation of thoughts/breath for Samadhi (Sambodhi) and Enlightenment of one's true nature.
amaste _/\_
Your blogs are very detailed and helpful. Thank you for taking out time and helping seekers. When you say meditate on silence, does it mean quietening the mind and focusing on nothing? Because that never happens. Pls help.
Hi Shipra,
Read other posts also; you will get some techniques to silence the mind.
"Because that never happens." It may be true in your case because you never practiced silence as a form of meditation. Give it a try, and then let's see.
Shubhamastu = Let Good Happen To You!
Hi Amritesh,
Find out what's a Swabhavika Kriya.
Kriya/Pranayama being a meditation experience is a secret known only to people who experience Swabhavika Kriyas or Kundalini Kriyas during meditation.
Find out the meaning of the word "Vipassana."
It's a secret known only to people who experience silence during meditation and see their own spiritual nature.
REAL KRIYAS/Swabhavika Kriyas of Kundalini/Kundalini Kriyas/Shakti Kriyas that loosen the knots of the heart/Dhyan-Zen-meditation-spiritual-yogic experiences that result in Vipassana/Insight about our true nature are listed in this post:
About Asana/Pranayama/Kriya:
What is Kama Sutra?
Various positions/ways that animals and a human body can have sex. Kama Sutra is a compilation of sex positions of animals and positions in which a person can have sex.
What is yogasana?
Various ways your body can be bent/twisted/positioned (similar to some objects/animals). Dhaurasana/trikonasana (Bow/triangle pose), Matsyasana (Fish), Mayurasana (Peacock), Kurmasana (turtle), etc. Even normal Indian ways of sitting/squatting are given some asana names.
What is pranayama?
Various ways in which you can breathe. You do various pranayama daily without your knowledge: when running, doing strenuous work, lifting/pushing heavy objects (you have to hold your breath, tighten your abdomen muscles, and then exhale forcefully while pushing/lifting), when you go to the toilet in the morning, etc. Pregnant women also do pranayama during labor.
A combination of Asana and Pranayama became a Kriya. People added meditative element and made it a spiritual practice for enlightenment = Kriya Yoga. The real meaning of Kriya yoga is entirely different. Some deluded gurus added Kama Sutra to a Kriya and said that a particular way of asana, sexual activity, breathing/pranayama, concentration leads to super-consciousness. According to Sex Tantra/sex to superconsciousness gurus, SEX KRIYAS lead to enlightenment!!!
Rapid and heavy breathing helps burn calories. Do you think such a breathing won't give side effects? Do you think doing modern-day Vipassana meditation (10-hours mental activity) won't give side effects?
How many people in the world practice yogasana/pranayama? Are they not healthy? Do people who practice yogansana/pranayama never have health problems?
I knew an old person who was a yogasana teacher (Padma awardee) who showed me he could lock his breath in different parts of his lungs. When he would lock his breath, I could see a bump in his chest. Bumps would come up in different parts of his chest with different kinds of Bandhas/breath locking. Have you heard of/seen/know any person that can do this?
He was paralyzed at the waist in the sense that he would walk on both of his hands and legs; I don't know the reason. This person had no knowledge about Kundalini/meditation/spiritual experiences though he used to ask his pupils meditate 15 minutes either before or after yogasana training.
Kriya/Vipassana are not meditation/spiritual practices. Ancient Kundalini awakened people said Samadhi/Kundalini awakening results in various types of Asana/Kriya/Pranayama/Vipassana due to spiritual body/mind awakening. Their disciples/followers mistook/misunderstood/manipulated the result of Kundalini awakening as the cause for Kundalini/spiritual awakening. ALL Kriya/Vipassana gurus/disciples don't know this secret. Do you think such people are enlightened?
If you are still confused, read all posts once in a week for the next 3 months. Meditate on silence during this period. Understand the reality about meditation, Swabhavika Kriya, spirituality, Vipassana through direct meditation experiences.
I have already mentioned how momentary silence results in various types of meditation/Kundalini experiences:
Read all blogposts once a week for 2 months.
Shubhamastu = Let Good Happen To You!
What meditation technique do you recommend? Any particular ashram/guru?
Thank you very much for the detailed explanations. I am hearing for the first time that the kriyas and pranayama etc happens as a result of having kundalini experience and not to be followed as yoga practices to reach kundalini awakening. Got surprised but curious to know more.
I have been listening to all popular new age spiritual gurus who really talk very well. Further to listening to their TV programmes , impressed by their teachings I usually read their books and watch all posted youtube videos .It started around 10 years back .When i felt low in my life I happened to watch Brahmakumaris and whatever was explained in TV show by Sister Shivani made sense to me . After reading a lot of their material how one should lead simple pricipled life I came across their explanations about the starting of their organisation, rebirth of shiva etc etc and also about their cult like functioning which literally suffocate their own volunteers etc. and lost faith in them. After reading the book "secret"by Rhonda Byrne I was amazed to read that being spiritual was much easier than what I thought. I must have read almost all books by the famous authors featured in that book and tried practicing visualisation and few more techniques. I read books like "Laws of Attraction" by Abraham Hicks( channels) , read about past lives by Brian Weiss, many books by Dr.Wayne Dyer,Deepak Chopra, Shakti Gwain, Joseph Murphy and so on. Off late I was impressed by Sadhguru Jaggi and the clarity of thought he displays. So far I have been doing self study and I thought I will go to his Ashram and get practical guidance for the first time. I just was searching for reviews about Courses and came across very grievous allegations about the entire organisation. Again it appears to be another "cult" like AOL and most of other such big organisations. A link in one blog took me to a book called " stripping the gurus" and also a mock video on "how you can be a fake guru and start a cult". Both were eye openers for me and parallely I came across teachings by J Krishnamurty and also UG Krishnamurty. UG had gone thru enlightening experience many a times but he refused to teach or guide anyone . In many videos he clearly told "I had an experience but I do not think it is of any use to any of you to get advice on or practice upon." Just when I was at the confusing mental state as to "is there even anything to explore or is it all foolish to go any further, I came across your blog.
Achintya, Can u please guide me on these doubts?
1) After the kundalini experiences ( one or many) after the realigning process which happens automatically as explained by you, what difference it brings to one's body( cures all diseases?) , mind( bring clarity of thoughts, joyful state ?
2) If a person is gets enlightened ( by multiple KA experiences) does he remain in that altered higher state forever or need further effort from his side to stay like that?
3) If our human birth is a conscious decision by soul , does it not make sense to stay just like what we are naturally now ? Does our higher self NOT know that human physicality has all these limitations what we experience? If not- why not soul could stay in its higher non-physical plane itself?Why took birth in the first place?
4) If I believe a Guru (just for eg:Sadhguru Jaggi) got enlightened , what compels him to say that he hold a vision to help the vast human majority to attain a similiar state he could reach? Is that a normal urge for all enlightened souls? And I seriously doubt if I attend a course devised by him instructed thru non-enlightened disciples( many of whom feel trapped and frustrated in the cult) , I could gain any thing. Why do all those gurus then form these organisations?
5)What is it with "spiritualism and ladies" . Stripping the gurus " states that almost all famous gurus had secretive affairs and scams related to sex and ladies. Why are not many women gurus there?
Thanking you
Hi Shailaja,
Don't bother about what ABC says or what XYZ book contains.
Meditate on silence and have one real meditation/kundalini experience.
Keep in mind that only the worst human beings are made the best and famous gurus by the rich and famous people.
Hello sir, I've been going through your blogs and have started practicing in silence. It results in sleepiness most of the times. I yawn within 2 minutes of practicing meditation, maybe because I'm not used to it but I will keep going unless I experience my first kundalini experience. I just want to know your opinions on Swami Vivekananda. I like his teachings a lot and have heard that he was self realised. What are your opinions on it sir? Do you think, he was self realised? And if he was.. Then why not he is seen like Gautam Siddhartha. Just a question, if you don't mind sir.
I find that using mindfulness as a starting point so one can simply identify thought and then either allow the thought to dissipate or if it will not to fix/resolve the thought, works wonderfully to allow for a silent mind. I do however agree that using mindfullness constantly in every day life would probably be exhausting and using it to ignore what the body is telling you could be dangerous
Hi Mail,
Mindfulness/Vipassana meditation is not only useless but also dangerous. It involves constant mental activity.
Hi Deepti,
Three things happen when the mind becomes/starts becoming silent:
Many people sleep during meditation - that's normal. So sleep and as soon as you wake up, try to silence your mind again.
Without mental silence (however brief), nobody can have Kundalini awakening/spiritual experience without which nobody can attain Samadhi. Without Samadhi, nobody can gain real spiritual knowledge. Why did past famous gurus/masters not teach silence and make it famous? Why did they teach dangerous/constant mental activities as THE best forms of meditations? Why is everybody following them? Why most meditators don't know about the real spiritual experiences and the dangers involved in wrong meditation practices? Why everyone always talks about self-realization without knowing the initial spiritual experiences that begin the process of self-realization? Why the experiences of Samadhi as mentioned by past famous gurus entirely different than reality? Why did and why do gurus teach that a singular Samadhi results in instant self-realization? Why was and why is Self-realization taught and understood differently by different gurus/people?
Shubhamastu =Let Good Happen To You!
Hi so what do you do if you are doing the silence meditation technique, which I have been doing and thoughts arise. How do I resolve this, I have been identifying it and allowng it to dissipate, is this wrong?
Hi Mail,
No identifying, no allowing, no not allowing, nothing = silence. Silence happens. Practice sleep in a sitting position.
Three things happen when the mind becomes/is becoming silent:
Read all the blog posts repeatedly until you understand meditation and spirituality as they really are.
Shubhamastu = Let Good Happen To You!
Thank you, i have practised meditation as you have said and I am enjoying it, the only problem I'm finding is quite often I fall asleep, which leads to really really strange almost lucid dreams, often whereny I am still meditating in the dream, is there any reason for this?? alsp is there any advice you could give me on how to stay awake when the mind becomes correctly silent, as more often than not I fall to sleep,
thank you for your previous advice enjoying the silence meditation and shall be continuing to practice it, many thamks
Hi Mail,
Your subconscious is attracted to meditation and spirituality. Your subconscious is making you experience the feeling/emotions and the life which you had experienced or wanted to experience. This is a milder version of Reliving and Relieving process as I have discussed in other posts.
Three things happen when the mind becomes silent, even for a second: sleep, kundalini awakening, thinking state. It's normal if you fall asleep during meditation. After you wake up from sleep, meditate again. Do it in a sitting posture.
Shubhamastu = Let Good Happen To You!
I have been following your blog since some time as i was searching for explanation to some of the things i have been experiencing. I started meditating about 2 months ago and about 1 month ago I experienced strange things. In the morning while meditating i saw the white light and pink and violet waves of bright light . I also saw a fully blossomed pink lotus facing downwards towards me. Then at night when I was about to sleep, I saw my body covered with pink light and green fireflies emanating from my heart. It was a dream like state and I could realise that I was awake . The visions vanished as soon as i opened my eyes. Since then I often feel heat moving on my spine and emanating from the top of my head. Now whenever there is a moment of complete silence I can feel my body throbbing with some energy and at times some movement at my seat. Please guide me what this is. Is it a kundalini experience/ awakening ? I remember getting a similar experience about 10-12 years ago. I used to see waves of coloured lights whenever I closed my eyes and went to sleep. but then over a period of time it just vanished and I forgot about it . Now it is happening again. At times I blabber while meditating and as soon as i hear myself talking I wake up and realise i was dreaming.
Am I meditating the right way and what is this that is happening . Please guide.
Hi A,
Heat of head. DANGER!
Same pink light..., etc. wont repeat.
Stop whatever meditation you are doing and completely unlearn meditation and spirituality that you know about. Don't meditate and think spiritual for 2 months.
I am a very beignner in of now I feel that removing thoughts is possible but as u said to meditate on silence.(I am not getting the technique) as to remove thoughts the mind has to focused somewhere like on diety or like people do to fore head..on breathing ..focussing in heart or sensation.i am asking as to where to keep mind while being in silence like in the beginning of maintaining slence my mind is on the place where it is just aware I am not focussing anywhere but since I am a biggner it is impossible to let go that mind exist .bottom line is as to meditate in beginning I have to keep my mind on some plane of reference where should I keep it.keeping where it is (head )brings tingling sensation afterwards.
And since your blogs are good.and since you have taken the charge you should not let people with loose by just critisizing their should make a detail blog report on how to meditate on silence and how you got it.who taught you.etc things.
Hi Ankur,
Hello Sir,
i had tried vipasanna meditation but just after spending first day and went for sleeping, my sleep suddenly broke in night around 11:30 pm and found my right head is heavy and warm.This never happened in my life. i tried to contact some people and luckily i found a doctor ther who also came ther for meditation.He immediately reached to
manager and checked my blood pressure and it was normal.By that time my head was coming to normal.I went for sleep and continued for second day meditation but by the breakfast time, i did not feel like eating anything and gaveup. I talked to teacher about my condition and he suggested to check with doctor first and do meditation later.I left the center and soon after that when i was alone , i started realizing something not good with my mind. I was not able to spend time alone.It was like i did something wrong as i left meditation in between.Soon after 2-3 days, my sleep broke and found something going on in centre of my forehead physically and i am not able to control.Next day , i went to doctors and all mri scans, blood test ,ear test but everything was normal.After that, i did not such physical feeling in my head but all the troubles insomnia, digestive issues, ear ringing, anxiety,weakness caught me.Its been a six month now. Many of the things are in control but not cured.What should i do? Should i live with diseases forever? Any suggestions?
Hi Vivek,
As long as people keep thinking about various things and don't follow vipassana teachers' instructions verbatim/seriously, they are safe. But as soon as people take these fake teachers seriously and start concentrating/focusing on the head/forehead intensely to experience subtle sensations/feelings, they all will invariably get one or the other problems that you are facing. Vipassana meditation or insight meditation by default is a dangerous concentrating/focusing physical exercise. The only people who don't experience the dangerous effects of this dangerous meditation are those who are self-conscious, who are unable to concentrate, unable to stop thinking, unable to sit still in one position, and who are just waiting for the bell to ring.
I am sure you still don't think Vipassana meditation is dangerous but you were responsible for your problem, the problem was with yourself. I am sure you wouldn't have asked your teacher for remedy, much less telling him/her that Vipassana was the cause of your suffering, that Vipassana meditation is dangerous, that he/she should stop teaching it, and that he/she in fact is accumulating demerit (paapa) by damaging people's physical/mental health. I am sure you will never tell others not to practice the dangerous Vipassana meditation.
Vipassana meditation leads to nervous damage and that is what you got with Vipassana, the dangerous focusing/concentration on the physical sensation/feeling thingy. MRIs, scans, tests will not establish any diagnosis hence doctors cannot help you.
- Avoid heavy thinking. Avoid reading. Avoid focusing/concentrating/meditating.
- Avoid electronic audiovisuals, i.e., TV, mobile, cinema, computer viewing/listening.
- Avoid nonveg. Avoid oily/spicy/junk food.
- Do running/jogging/cycling in the evening so that you get tired and get good sleep at night. Make sure you get good undisturbed sleep.
- Do 2 minutes of alternate breathing, nadi shodhana. 2 minutes of left nostril breathing. Inhale slowly from the left nostril and exhale slowly from the right. In between, inhale slowly from the left and exhale quickly from the right, 9 seconds inhale and 3 seconds exhale ratio. Whatever breathing gives you relief, do it more.
- Laughter. Leisurely walking. Time with people for fun.
- Apply camphor+sandalwood paste (mixed with water/oil) to your forehead for 10 mins.
- Avoid anything that adversely affects your well-being, including my suggestions.
I have already mentioned all these things in my blog. In other posts, you may find some more advice that may be beneficial to you.
Shubhamastu - Let Good Happen To You!
Thanks for your quick response sir. I will work on your suggestions.Being software engineer, few things i can't do but i will try other things.
I tried contacting later few vipasanna teachers and they suggested to come there again and complete it. According to them, it was vikaar inside me and will solved after its completion. Yes, you are right. I thought it was something wrong with me.But, nomore.I will spread the word so that atleast people must be aware its dangerous .
Hi Vivek:
You are welcome!
Vipassana meditation or focus/concentration on the physical body (inner/outer) sensations/feelings and mental feelings/emotions/thoughts/awareness/activity leads to heating up of the brain. Intense, continuous, monotonous brain activity with intense focus/concentration on the head, forehead, nose, ears leads to nervous damage resulting in health issues like headache, dizziness, fatigue, tinnitus, insomnia, etc. It adversely affects the normal functioning of the central nervous system. Focus/concentration on the stomach leads to stomach problems.
Vipassana meditation by default is a dangerous, continuous, focusing mental activity. People who have good concentration and take up Vipassana seriously end up with the above health issues instantly, in a single day or in a couple of days. People who are self-conscious and keep thinking about themselves/others and various things, who are unable to concentrate intensely, unable to sit still in one position, and who are just waiting for the bell to ring will not experience the aforementioned health issues. This is the only reason why some people experience health issues and many don’t in the first 10-day Vipassana course. However, with continued Vipassana practice, everyone will suffer. The more you concentrate intensely on the inner body sensations the quicker you experience the dangerous effects of Vipassana.
The fake meditation teachers will obviously give some nonsense reasons for the health issues you experience. They will say that you have Vikaar/Vikar, vices, or bad habits/deeds like kaam vikar (lust, sexual desire), krodh Vikar (anger), ahankar vikar (ego), etc., chakra blockage, unbalanced chakras, negative energy, negative thinking/emotions/deeds, unsoundness, etc., which are coming out (?!) or coming to the fore (?!) due to meditation and hence you are having health issues. If you are experiencing sleeplessness, insomnia, anxiety, irritability, depression, altered thinking, hyper thinking, racing thoughts, flight of ideas, mood instability, and other symptoms that will eventually lead to mental disorders, the fake teachers will say that you are experiencing Vikars, the dark night of the soul, ego death, spiritual crisis or existential crisis, etc. Do people have pure souls who don't experience Vikars? Are you a bad person if Vikars come up? Or is it that the meditation is only effective for you or only you are progressing in meditation and that's why you are bringing them up? Fake teachers invariably will say that it is a normal process in meditation/spirituality and ask you to continue or intensify your practice. THE FACT IS THAT THESE ARE ABNORMAL HEALTH SYMPTOMS. If you follow these fake people and continue their dangerous practices, you will definitely end up in a hospital, general or mental hospital. Brahma Kumaris talk more about this nonsense Vikar stuff.
Give up all practices that affect your physical or mental well being.
Shubhamastu = Let Good Happen To You!
Thank you for your advise sir.
My friends are suggesting me to go for inner engineering course to learn shambhavi mahamudra(by sadhguru). They are saying it can be easily learn and will help atleast with your health condition. Shall i proceed?
Hi Vivek,
I am sure somebody would have suggested Vipassana meditation. I am sure you would have expected good results from the course. What happened?
Don't fall for fancy named meditation and spiritual courses. I have already mentioned in my blog that Kriya yoga, Kriyas, concentration on body parts is dangerous.
No meditation until you become normal.
Shubhamastu - Let Good Happen To You!
Thank you sir. I will focus on my health primarily.
The way marketing and advertisement are used for yoga/meditation, everyone is influenced.
From my experience (I am no guru, so dont take my advise: I did go through some intense agonising experience like Vivek mentioned. Let me give an example: Suppose you are on a railway track and all of a sudden u find the train fast approaching you, no time to escape. All you can do is lie down and let the train pass. If you try to get up, it will hit you, so the best thing is to stick to the ground, lying down flat. It is scary, dangerous. But if you try to dislike/oppose it, it will damage. So you have to let go. With this understanding, I went second time, and with gods grace and gurus timely help, I could cross that phase, and I am now in a different place. So a proper guru is key, that is why Yoga always emphasizes proper guru, without which it should not be practiced.
What I can say: Let go of any such experience. It is easier said than done (like letting the train pass). Key is not to dislike it,and remain neutral.I did this mistake of not liking it and resisting, that multiplies the agony (like pouring petrol to fire). If you remain neutral, and let go, it acts like fantastic fire extinguisher. It will greatly enhance your awareness. The problem here is about awareness. Most people remain complaining about bad experiences, which multiplies that, and they may remain stuck for long time due to that key mistake. Vipassana guys are right in saying it is our past, but they often fail to guage the intensity. Those symptoms always there even during our normal days, but our sensitivity is heightened in that enviromnet, so it is felt more intensely.
I gave all practices a long break, minimum 1 year. Listening to Eckhart Tolle was of great help for me.
Disclaimer: I am no guru. But I have quite a bit of experience, no not a beginner either. Each individual should listen to inner voice and take a call. All practices by great gurus like Krishna, Shiva, Buddha etc are valid techniques, to be practices strictly under proper guidance of a guru, which often is lifetime association with Guru, and beyond. Like any popular product, there are counterfeit Gurus also, so one should do proper study for long to identify who is proper Guru and who is not.
One can not deny all techniques as dangerous. If you recommend silence now, you have reached this stage, due to your previous practices. Now you find it is unnecessary baggage. You are right, but what has taken you to this point?
Hi .com,
So Vivek was wrong for not pursuing Vipassana despite experiencing health issues from it?
Or he did not know how to let go (and should learn from you) or he did not follow instructions of his certified proper guru?
So I am wrong asking him not to pursue Vipassana/Kriya which result in health issues?
It is a waste of time publishing or answering tragilogic/logitragic viewpoints or questions as they are all invariably from people who support/practice dangerous meditation techniques of fake gurus. Logic that makes life tragic is Tragilogic/Logitragic. Supporters of fake gurus/dangerous meditation techniques like you will always say that they benefited from them, had enlightenment/Kundalini awakening, felt great/tasted success in life, suffered initially but got great rewards later, etc. You are furthering the propaganda of money minting fake gurus who teach dangerous meditation/spiritual practices. If you had really suffered or seen people getting chronic illnesses, paralysis, going mad, becoming beggars, committing suicide due to following fake meditation/spiritual teachers and techniques, you wouldn't have written this comment.
Real Story: There was a young sadhu/monk who was practicing mediation/spirituality and lived by begging. After a couple of years of doing these spiritual activities, he started collecting a cow dung cake each day. After a couple of months, one night, people residing near his hut started smelling unpleasant foul odor. When they came out of their homes to see what and where the smell was coming from, they saw smoke emanating from the young sadhu's hut. The sadhu had committed suicide.
Things like the above made me write this blog.
What do you advise to let go? Tinnitus, sleeplessness, mental illness, agonizing experiences due to meditation? If you get physical/mental health problems due to Vipassana/Kriya Yoga, you suggest Vipassana/Kriya Yoga is the treatment? If you get liver cirrhosis due to drinking, you can get rid of cirrhosis by more drinking!? If somebody says he got ill health due to wrong meditation practice, you blame that person and not the meditation practice. You are a tragilogician/logitragician.
Not to dislike, not to resist what? meditation that gives physical/mental health problems? You are suggesting to people who experience sleeplessness not to bother about it, just let it be, and practice meditation that lead to the sleeplessness. This will eventually lead to mental health problems and mania.
For you, the first time there was no god's grace and guru's timely help, but after you suffered agonizingly from proper gurus and realized (on your own) to let go, you miraculously got grace and guru's help came to enlighten you? Now you are an awareness enlightened person! So everyone should suffer first and then learn how to let go off like you to get enlightened or progress in meditation/spirituality. That's a sadistic and dangerous technique. You think those who teach meditation techniques that lead to physical/mental problems are proper gurus? You think the more famous a meditation technique is the more proper it is? You think those who teach famous activity-based meditations are proper gurus?
Truth: The world is full of improper gurus, dangerous activity-based meditations, and tragilgic/logitragic propaganda/marketing.
By the way, you sound like a person who used to fake that he had Kundalini experiences that are listed in the first post and ask questions that Kundalini awakened people would never ask. His comments are published no more. Many propagandists/fake followers of fake gurus comment here. It's a waste of time publishing and answering them.
WARNING TO ALL: Don't fall for tragilogic/logitragic propaganda. Except for silence/no-activity/Akriya meditation, all famous meditation techniques of famous gurus are dangerous.
Shubhamastu - Let Good Happen To You!
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