My Kundalini/Meditation Experiences relevant to this post:
People talk about Kundalini getting STUCK in some part of their body, especially Chakra locations. This is a myth! Pure Lies! Kundalini never gets stuck anywhere.
You may have unnatural sensations (vibrations, pain/pressure, pulling, pulsations, swirling, twirling, worm/air movement, etc) in any body cavity or body area after meditation. This is NOT DUE TO KUNDALINI. These sensations are due to excessive air getting trapped or rupture of minute blood vessels/nerve damage in a body cavity/area due to meditation/over-concentration/over-focusing on that body cavity/area.
- All the experiences under headings Body Movements (jerks, shaking, etc.), Body Sensations, and Breathing experiences in the following post:
People talk about Kundalini getting STUCK in some part of their body, especially Chakra locations. This is a myth! Pure Lies! Kundalini never gets stuck anywhere.
You may have unnatural sensations (vibrations, pain/pressure, pulling, pulsations, swirling, twirling, worm/air movement, etc) in any body cavity or body area after meditation. This is NOT DUE TO KUNDALINI. These sensations are due to excessive air getting trapped or rupture of minute blood vessels/nerve damage in a body cavity/area due to meditation/over-concentration/over-focusing on that body cavity/area.
Unnatural sensation in body cavity/area even after meditation is because:
- You may have been concentrating/focusing on that body area for long. For example, concentrating/focusing on a Chakra location, spine, head, forehead, heart, etc.
- You may have suddenly twisted, turned, moved and hurt that area.
- You may have been practicing breathing techniques, Pranayama, Kirya, Bandha, Mudra, or difficult/crooked body postures to awaken Kundalini.
- You may have been shaking or moving that area deliberately for long, for ex., shaking the neck, blinking eyes, etc.
- You may have been sleeping during meditation and suddenly wake up jerking your head/body.
- MORE OFTEN THAN NOT, you may have persisted in one body posture/position for long despite experiencing pain, pressure, heat, warmth, movement, or other unnatural sensations in that body area.
- Many other reasons that stem from misunderstanding spirituality and meditation.
Sitting in a rigid posture; sitting for a longer duration of time
without changing your position despite feeling pain, pressure, heat, air
movement will damage your body area or cavity, spinal column, and nervous
system irreparably.
Kundalini does not get obstructed in Sushumna. Sushumna will NEVER get obstructed or blocked.
Kundalini is a great benefactor. Kundalini cannot and will not hurt you. However, you may harm yourself by practicing wrong meditation techniques to awaken Kundalini.
Kundalini is a great benefactor. Kundalini cannot and will not hurt you. However, you may harm yourself by practicing wrong meditation techniques to awaken Kundalini.
Once prana/kundalini shakti enters Sushumna, you cannot have
complete control over your body. Kundalini power takes over your body and does what is good for you.
If you are meditating in a wrong position/twisted position, Kundalini will not ascend. No harm done.
People start convulsing violently and drop to the ground (if they have been standing) when Kundalini awakens. After the intense Kundalini experience is over, they feel very light, relaxed, and energetic. No harm done.
Due to pranayama/bandha (locking of breath) or too much concentration/focusing on a body
cavity/part, air gets trapped there. Also due to excessive concentration/focusing on a
body part, minute nerves and blood vessels get damaged or ruptured. This is
wrongly called as Kundalini getting stuck or Kundalini Symptom. There is nothing called Kundalini symptom or Kundalini syndrome--this is a creation of ignorant people who have hurt themselves due to wrong meditation practices to awaken Kundalini. People, without having a real Kundalini experience, hurt/harm themselves with wrong meditations and blame it on Kundalini.
LIES! You will either have Kundalini experiences or you will not have Kundalini experiences. There is nothing called "Kundalini Symptoms," "Kundalini Syndrome," or "Kundalini Psychosis." These are all lies, imaginations, or hallucinations of ignorant people, fakes, propagandists, hypochondriacs, liars, or those who have damaged their bodies and minds due to wrong meditation techniques and practices without having a real Kundalini experiences.
These are real physical problems, psychiatric hallucinations, and mental disorders due to weak mind, weak nervous system, lack of good sleep, lack of healthy food and lifestyle, concentrated and magnified imaginations, excessive mental activities, hyperbolic views, etc., all due to wrong meditation/spiritual practices and misconceptions about meditation, spirituality, and Kundalini.
LIES! You will either have Kundalini experiences or you will not have Kundalini experiences. There is nothing called "Kundalini Symptoms," "Kundalini Syndrome," or "Kundalini Psychosis." These are all lies, imaginations, or hallucinations of ignorant people, fakes, propagandists, hypochondriacs, liars, or those who have damaged their bodies and minds due to wrong meditation techniques and practices without having a real Kundalini experiences.
These are real physical problems, psychiatric hallucinations, and mental disorders due to weak mind, weak nervous system, lack of good sleep, lack of healthy food and lifestyle, concentrated and magnified imaginations, excessive mental activities, hyperbolic views, etc., all due to wrong meditation/spiritual practices and misconceptions about meditation, spirituality, and Kundalini.

Due to meditation, the mind starts getting concentrated and can
think deeply about anything day and night. During this time, if a person starts
imagining, then due to the depth of his/her imagination, every thought seems to
play out in front of him/her. A person loses sleep due to imagination, and even
if he/she sleeps, the mind will continue thinking about the object of
imagination. This will get reflected in dreams. Gradually, with lack of good
food, health, sleep, such a concentrated/deep imagination will turn into hallucinations,
which over a period of time will result in mental disorders, lunacy, psychosis,
etc. In such cases, you need to stop practicing meditation and forget
spirituality until you get alright. You need to stop being with spiritual
persons and start being with worldly persons, involving yourself in worldly thoughts and worldly activities. Undisturbed sleep of 7-8 hours is a MUST.
If you still think you have STUCK Kundalini, my view is that if your Kundalini awakens but for once during this STUCK period, then the obstruction will clear immediately. If Kundalini rising has caused blockage or obstruction, then this blockage or obstruction can be released or freed through Kundalini rising itself (another Kundalini rising). Therefore, you need to release or free the stuck Kundalini the same way you blocked or obstructed it.
If you still think you have STUCK Kundalini, my view is that if your Kundalini awakens but for once during this STUCK period, then the obstruction will clear immediately. If Kundalini rising has caused blockage or obstruction, then this blockage or obstruction can be released or freed through Kundalini rising itself (another Kundalini rising). Therefore, you need to release or free the stuck Kundalini the same way you blocked or obstructed it.
To know about Kundalini as it is and myths versus reality, click:
To know some dangerous/fake meditation practices and some misconceptions about meditation and spirituality, click:
For links to all the posts of this blog, click:
WARNING: It's okay if you don’t meet a Brahmajnani (Self-realized seer) or realize yourself in this life, but never ever meet or follow a BHRAMjnaani (fake guru who will make you delusional). If you do, then you will suffer your entire life.
Good Happen to You!
11 comments: practising meditation since 2months and am focusing my concentration on breath mostly and very few times tried to concentrate on center between eye brows....but later past few weeks experiencing some energy crawling my spine..feels like a serpent..
..very intense pain at the spine centers which i unable to bear...these happens during and evn after stopping meditaion...very unpleasent sensations in my head...pulsation in spine..internal burning...i unable to bear these sensation and now stopped meditation..evn then these symptoms are proper sleep...plz help can i stop these...and return to normal condition...i didnt started meditation to awaken kundalini...i just focused my concentration on my breath ..done every day nearly an hr....kindly help me
Hi Kaveri,
People who are really interested in meditation and spirituality will read this entire blog and get convinced that all activity based meditations/concentrations/focusing are very dangerous to their physical/mental/spiritual health and well being. They will give up such practices immediately after getting to know that such practices give only suffering. "Energy crawling" "intense pain..spine..", etc., "even after stopping meditation, no proper sleep," etc., are what you will get with intense focusing/concentration/activity based meditation. Give up all your concentration/focusing/meditation immediately. Exercise, eat well, don't ever think of focusing/concentrating on any of your body parts or breath ever again; you will be alright in 2 months.
Shubhamastu - Let Good Happen To You!
Hi Achintya Idam, Namaskaram!
28,male from india. Been following your blog since 2 years. Thanks for having compassion to share your experience to others. 3 days back i did meditation for 1 hr. sat in sukhasana posture. realised soon that even staying silent is difficult.random thoughts hovered my mind. I did silence meditation. I just sat and relaxed. Doing nothing.trying to sleep. 1st day my left hand thumb rised 2 inches up and tingling sensations in both hands. Next day i did 2 hrs of silent meditation. My right arm slowly rised to and above my right shoulder and seemed to be getting stopped. I felt tingling sensations in my limbs as if small electrons/micro particles moving. I liked the sensations though. My right arm rised for quite a few times whenever i experienced silence. On that evening after i lift heavy weights ,i sat in sofa relaxing ,and again my right hand started moving up even though i’m not meditating. And during night when i got into bed and about to sleep again my hands we moving up .i experienced tremors in my legs,right biceps and shoulder and some parts of body.these were slight and ultra fast tremors which were pleasurable. I felt cool sensation in my lower lip and my jaws were dropping.. 3 rd day 1 did meditaion for 1/2 hr 1 experienced tingling sensations,arms rising as if some one is lifting it. It reminded me of times when i was kid playing spirit game.we used to keep 1 rupee coin on paper ,put finger on that and let it move to where it intended to go to different options written on paper. we used to act in that game it was fun back then. I’ve been reading spiritual books since when i was 20,trying to decipher.I stopped reading books since i discovered your blog. Now i just did casual mediation just to see whether i can feel k awakening or not. I've been working in a job where i virtually have no time left for other activities. Please let me know whether it is Hallucination or real meditation experience. Thank you.
Hi Gamma,
Body movements that "wake" you up from deep meditation are real meditation experiences.
Tingling sensation in limbs, tremors in biceps and shoulders, only right hand moving up, 2 inch thumb rise - all these shouldn't happen. Don't meditate for another week. Don't concentrate on body parts - just sit silently.
Shubhamastu - Let Good Happen To You!
Hi Gonzalo,
Kundalini does not get stuck anywhere. Kundalini energy/awakening/pranayama does not help you in sexual matters. Stop all meditation/prana techniques that promise physical/mental benefits.
Shubhamastu - Let Good Happen To You!
Achinntya thaknks and my another question is this is temporary the problem whit the genitals the was concentrate there that the problem can i recover the original size that i was have.... and the other cuestion yesterday i was meditatind in my third eye and of stop of course but i have started feel in my to ears a ringing in the ears today this is temporay to and i have a little bit diminshed my vision...but achintaya do you say that if i stop meditate can i recovery my sexual organs the size again because before i starts this bad practices my penis and testiculs was very healthy..if i starts today whit 0 practices spiritual nothing i dont want to meditate anymore how much can thake the recovery of the symtoms..thank you for your answers
Hi Gonzalo,
So soon so many problems! Give up meditation, pranic and energy stuffs immediately. You will be alright after sometime.
Wrong meditation techniques/nonsensical and dangerous energy stuffs cause tinnitus, ringing in ears, hearing problems, blurry vision and vision problems, headache, fatigue, etc. Read the entire blog starting with this post:
As for your genital problem, follow doctor's advice.
Shubhamastu = Let Good Happen To You!
yes Achintya but this problem whit my genitals begeans whit the kundalini spinal sweep and i dont not what hafeppen what can i do. Im afraid to died men.Today i go to a pranic healing that cure a lot of pepole whit kundalini syntoms and she foucs a lot whit the perine chackra it ok that thing......she tellme that i have a lot of energy more open in this chakra that the oterhs centers a she balance that i dont now men what to do i am so scared to died....
Hi Gozalo,
All chakras will have equal amount of energy. Chakras open only when Kundalini awakens during meditative state/Samadhi. Chakras close after meditation. In normal waking state, all chakras will be closed. Don't worry. Nothing will happen to you. Chakra balancing is fake. I have already mentioned this in my blog.
Shubhamastu = Let Good Happen To You!
OK so why my genitals are more small then before when the kundalini rises up because i read that the kundalini expandig the organs a little bit for the vibration i follow the other master of kundalini mr.CHRISM IF YOU CAN LOOK THE VIDEO KUNDALINI AND EspANDING ORGANS i feel whit my kidnees and liver tge grow and i feel good its ok but not whit my genitalas i lose the power the size do you think that i can recover whit the my origianl size when the kundalini down or move for the genitals this change is reversible this my question .... i repeat this is not a medical issues i promese this is for the kundalini thanks broder
Hi Gonzalo,
So your kidneys and liver increased in size but your genital organ shrank due to Kundalini rise/vibration?! All of your problems are due to following quacks. Youtube videos on Kundalini are nonsense. I have already mentioned in my blog that people who follow nonsensical and dangerous people/masters/gurus, teachings, techniques will suffer, and you are one of them. Think rationally and stop following quacks.
Shubhamastu - Let Good Happen To You!
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