Varanasi/Kashi/Banaras, everyday I used to find at least 2 unconscious men near the
railway station, pavements, river ghats, etc. Cops would ask people to pour buckets of
water on them, but they wouldn't wake up even after buckets of water were poured on them (during winter also). After many hours, they would gain a little consciousness and mumble that they drank tea from a mobile tea vendor (a tea seller walking with a kettle) and lost consciousness. All such people
would find themselves looted/robbed of their money and valuables. This was a
common sight in Varanasi. It's not only Varanasi, this happens in many railway stations and
inside trains also. Unsuspecting tourists/travelers are robbed this way.
the way, let me tell you one dark secret of how to delude/loot innocent and
unsuspecting disciples/followers/people. Some gurus spike juices/beverages/Prasad/laddu/food
with Bhaang/marijuana leaf juice, poisonous plant juices/seeds, mind-altering
drugs/substances, hallucinogenic substances or drugs, etc., due to which the
disciple/follower loses his/her mind immediately (get stunned/dumb/amnesic/sleep) or gradually over a period of time. The guru can
control, delude, or take advantage of such people very easily. I was also offered a drug-laced sleep-inducing piece of
small laddu/peda (a sweet edible stuff) by 2 babas in the midnight on the verandah of Kedarnath temple in the Himalayas.
My Kedarnath Yatra Story: A couple of years ago, I started my Char Dham Yatra (may be on May 1st or 1st week of May). I reached Kedarnath temple at 11:30 pm, alone. I walked a couple of kilometers up the mountain all alone, no other devotees or locals could be seen anywhere. There was snow all around the place, on the pavements near the temple. The temple was covered with a similar amount of snow as in the picture above.
I had only 1 shawl, 1 pair of woolen hand gloves, 1 sweater, 1 jacket, a woolen monkey cap, shoes, and 2 pairs of thick cotton socks. There were only 8 babas outside the temple, all
covering themselves with 2-3 woolen blankets each and sitting in front of a
small mobile dhuni/fire. They were burning small wooden pieces in a square tin box/can/metal container. Some babas come to Kedarnath even before the Yatra officially begins so that they can occupy the best begging spot. It was very cold so I
asked the babas if any extra blankets were available. They directed me to a
place just outside the temple where I found 2 woolen blankets but both of them were
wet. These blankets were of another baba who had built a shanty-like structure with plastic sheets for begging. This baba used to sleep inside a house. I came back to these babas and told them the condition of the blankets. I
asked the 2 babas, who had lit a bigger fire compared to the others, to allow me to sit in front of their mobile dhuni/fire and pass the
night. They welcomed me. It was 00.30 am.
tried convincing me, one baba was saying under his breath "he knows." I
refused and I asked them to have it themselves. After 5 minutes of convincing,
they gave up and said that if you don't take it, let this dog have it. There
was a dog sitting next to us which had been running around here and there,
barking at other dogs, getting into a barking fight once in a while with other
dogs (there are vegetarian shepherd dog breeds in the Himalayas. They never eat
nonveg, even when forced). The baba gave that small piece of laddu/peda to the dog. The dog ate it and within 2 minutes,
it went into a Samadhi, deep sleep :)
The babas, who were wearing thick kambals (woolen blankets) extinguished the fire saying that they have very little firewood and need to preserve whatever they have for another month until the chilly weather improves. I left their place, went and sat near the steps of the temple entrance. (In the picture above, the red arrow points to the place where I sat, and the blue arrow points to the place where the 2 babas were sitting). I wore whatever wearble was in my bag. I spread a plastic sheet, sat on it cross legged, kept the empty bag on my lap, covered myself with the shawl and spent the night thus. I also slept for 2 hours.
With the information of this blog/ancient scriptures, you can create many new Yogas with catchy names:
After a little chat, one of the babas offered me Prasad
(offering of God). It was a small piece of laddu/peda (can't remember what it
was). I refused it. They said it was Lord Bholenath/Shiva's offering, that
I should not refuse it, etc. I didn't take it. I said I have a Vrat (taken a vow)
that I will not eat anything in the night and I will not eat until I have had the
Darshan (vision) of Kedarnath Shivling.

The babas, who were wearing thick kambals (woolen blankets) extinguished the fire saying that they have very little firewood and need to preserve whatever they have for another month until the chilly weather improves. I left their place, went and sat near the steps of the temple entrance. (In the picture above, the red arrow points to the place where I sat, and the blue arrow points to the place where the 2 babas were sitting). I wore whatever wearble was in my bag. I spread a plastic sheet, sat on it cross legged, kept the empty bag on my lap, covered myself with the shawl and spent the night thus. I also slept for 2 hours.
If the thoughts/experiences/secrets/facts revealed in this blog were to be written in poetical, grammatically super Sanksrit verses and compiled as a book, then that book can also become a Kundalini Sutra (a treatise on Kundalini), Kundalini Yoga Shastra, Kundalini Tantra Vidya, or Kundalini Upanishad. It can be named as Kundalini Rahasyopanishad, Kundalni Rahasya Sutra or Shastra, Kundalini Tantra Yoga/Shastra, Kunadalini Yoga Sutra, Rahasyopaanishad, Rahasya Yoga, etc. It may become very famous when translated into English by well-established authors with good Sanskrit-English vocabulary/translation skills and flowery/literary language skills.
Ekanga Yoga, Nirvichara Yoga,
Nirakara Yoga, Nireeham Yoga, Akinchan Yoga, Shabdashabda Yoga, Stabhdha Yoga, Ativahika Yoga,
Turiya Yoga, Moola Tantra Yoga, BrahmaPita Yoga, BrahmaMata Yoga, Ekaakshari
Yoga, Amathra Yoga, Mantramukta Yoga, Tantramukta Yoga, Pinda-Brahmanda Yoga,
Mughda Yoga, Daivaviheena Yoga, Bala Yoga, Rani Bhramari Yoga, Vedanta
Shiromani Yoga, Akhanda Keerti Yoga, Shreshta Yoga, Vishishta Yoga, Niryatna
Yoga, Antar Gurudeeksha Yoga, Swasiddha Yoga, Vaitarani Yoga, Samsara Vinaasha
Yoga, Ateeta Yoga, Mrityu Sankalpa Yoga, Janma Vikalpa Yoga, Nishyabdha Yoga,
Nirvana Yoga, Akaala Yoga, Vijnana Yoga, Shodasha Kala Yoga, Santushta Yoga,
Sakalaatma Bhava Yoga, Abhava Yoga, Sarvavichaara Shoonya Yoga, Shriya or
Shreya Yoga, Kalarathri Yoga,
Hridgranthi Bhedana Yoga, Amrita Nadi Yoga, Brahma Nadi Yoga, Chit-Jada Granthi
Bhedana Yoga, Hritpundareeka Yoga, Niraayasa Yoga, Mouna Siddha
Yoga, Nirdwanda Yoga, Brahmini Yoga, Swatantra Yoga, Veetaraga Yoga…………………. It can be endless.
are many ways in which latest writings on palm leaves/bark of trees or
latest/modern books/idols/sculptures/artifacts/materials can be made to look
ancient, may be 3000 BC old stuff. (Some Indians were masters in this art. Many religions/people around the world seem to have copied/learnt so many things from Indians.) People, including archaeologists, can
mysteriously dig up/excavate/find such stuffs in an ancient-looking chest/box hidden deep beneath the ground. On
examination/dating analysis of such stuffs, they can be found to very ancient (fake).
Some real ancient stuffs which are found by digging/excavation are either wrongly dated or never reported. Gold, diamonds, jewelry are usually not found during archaeological excavations.
Some real ancient stuffs which are found by digging/excavation are either wrongly dated or never reported. Gold, diamonds, jewelry are usually not found during archaeological excavations.
it or not: There is "ALLOPANISHAD" Allah's Upanishad, Upanishad of
Allah. In this Upanishad, instead of AUM/OM/Brahm/Brahma, the reality and creator of the cosmos is
called Allah. This Upanishad was also appended to one of the Vedas and referred
to as Vedanta. This was done during Moghul period by Sanskrit Pundits/scholars. Mogul
is mispronounced word for Mongol. Mongols were from Mongolia who settled
in many West Asian countries (Persia, Middle East, etc) during the period of Temujin, Taimur, Tamerlane, Timur, Genghis Khan.
Food For Thought: If Allopanishad can be written in Moghul period and appended to
Vedas by Sanskrit pundits/scholars, many Upanishads before Moghul period could also have been written and appended to Vedas.
Truth/Secret: This blog contains a mother lode of pure, raw, true, and secret meditation/spiritual information. I have revealed many secrets (Rahasya). Since people have not heard or read such secrets before, they would obviously doubt them and would want to debate/argue with me. Everybody would want to quote one or the other scripture to prove his/her point. What's the point of argument/debate with a person who just has such bookish knowledge and no direct experiential knowledge? By the way, I am just writing about new discoveries of old truths. I am not creating any new knowledge, I am just revealing the ancient truths which were discovered by many people in the past but were just lost, hidden, or forgotten or deliberately erased from the minds of people or made to be forgotten.
Sat + Dhana = Sat means true/real and Dhana means wealth.
Sadhana means true/real/spiritual wealth.
Physical wealth = physical characteristics/appearance, mental reasoning/logic/intelligence, ego pride/pleasure, money/gold/wealth.
Spiritual Wealth = Kundalini awakening, Atma Jnana, Self-realization, Self-knowledge, etc.
Sadhana is a practice that helps you get rid of your unreal/untrue/false physical wealth and gain real spiritual wealth/knowledge/realization. In other words, Sadhana means giving up Attachment to your untrue/unreal physical wealth voluntarily as a practice for accomplishing/gaining it's opposite true/real spiritual wealth (Self/SPIRITual-realization/knowledge).
Thus, anything practiced to get rid of the attachment to
physical wealth in order to gain/acquire/accomplish spiritual wealth is real
Sadhana. It is ATTACHMENT OF THE MIND that you should get rid of.
Warning: Fake gurus will tell their disciples/followers to serve the guru with Tan, Man, Dhan (body/mind/WEALTH). Seva (service) to the guru should be done by toiling in the guru's ashram/organization, making the guru famous by spreading his/her teachings and marketing/using brains to bring in more followers/money/donations/offerings, and donating/offering all the disciple's/follower's WEALTH at the lotus feet of the fake guru. Some shameless gurus ask for a percentage of a person's wealth to be donated at his/her lotus feet. This is all the fake gurus are bothered about. You will become a physical, mental, financial, spiritual beggar if you follow such fake gurus.
Warning: Fake gurus will tell their disciples/followers to serve the guru with Tan, Man, Dhan (body/mind/WEALTH). Seva (service) to the guru should be done by toiling in the guru's ashram/organization, making the guru famous by spreading his/her teachings and marketing/using brains to bring in more followers/money/donations/offerings, and donating/offering all the disciple's/follower's WEALTH at the lotus feet of the fake guru. Some shameless gurus ask for a percentage of a person's wealth to be donated at his/her lotus feet. This is all the fake gurus are bothered about. You will become a physical, mental, financial, spiritual beggar if you follow such fake gurus.
Bhavana (thinking/doing the opposite) is also a Sadhana. For example, if you are egoistic,
shed your ego by begging.
Warning: It doesn't mean you donate everything and become a real beggar. Donating to fake gurus is bad karma. A real guru will never take anything from you other than required for his/her basic needs (the guru takes from you only after he/she finds you to be a good human being). There's a lot of free food, clothes, money, train travel to Sadhus in India. A German circumstantial baba (previously hippy, circumstances forced him to become a baba) in Rishikesh told me that there is so much free food in India that he calls all his compatriots to come to India to live a carefree Sadhu's life. When people offered money to babas, Indian babas would get 10 or 20 bucks whereas this German baba would get 100 bucks. Another Indian sadhu told me that he does FREE train travel worth Rs. 50000-75000 per year. He spends more time in trains than on land :) This sadhu can be called a Train baba/Rail baba.
Cravings to look after the body can be overcome by treating the body as a mobile bag of excreta. If you take pride in your beauty, then you should become careless about it by avoiding to look good. Sadhus grow beards, Jata, nails, etc., for this reason. All these grow on their own. It's only that a Sadhu is not bothered to cut/trim them, showing his carelessness to his physical appearance. Surprisingly, nowadays, Jata has become a fashion statement! Sadhus flaunt their jatas and decorate them. Some people believe that the longest jata/beard a sadhu has, the more enlightened the sadhu is. Modern-day Sadhus have ponytails to prove they have got modern enlightenment.
Warning: It doesn't mean you donate everything and become a real beggar. Donating to fake gurus is bad karma. A real guru will never take anything from you other than required for his/her basic needs (the guru takes from you only after he/she finds you to be a good human being). There's a lot of free food, clothes, money, train travel to Sadhus in India. A German circumstantial baba (previously hippy, circumstances forced him to become a baba) in Rishikesh told me that there is so much free food in India that he calls all his compatriots to come to India to live a carefree Sadhu's life. When people offered money to babas, Indian babas would get 10 or 20 bucks whereas this German baba would get 100 bucks. Another Indian sadhu told me that he does FREE train travel worth Rs. 50000-75000 per year. He spends more time in trains than on land :) This sadhu can be called a Train baba/Rail baba.
Cravings to look after the body can be overcome by treating the body as a mobile bag of excreta. If you take pride in your beauty, then you should become careless about it by avoiding to look good. Sadhus grow beards, Jata, nails, etc., for this reason. All these grow on their own. It's only that a Sadhu is not bothered to cut/trim them, showing his carelessness to his physical appearance. Surprisingly, nowadays, Jata has become a fashion statement! Sadhus flaunt their jatas and decorate them. Some people believe that the longest jata/beard a sadhu has, the more enlightened the sadhu is. Modern-day Sadhus have ponytails to prove they have got modern enlightenment.
Egoistic Mind is our #1 enemy. All Sadhanas are to crush this enemy.
Physical/mental cravings/desires are our #2 enemies. All Sadhanas are to kill such cravings/desires.
Fear is our #3 enemy. All Sadhanas are to overcome fear, fear of death being the most common (during sleep apnea/transient cessation of respiration during sleep, the first thought that comes to the mind is fear of death). Nirbhaya Shanti (fearless peace) is the result of Self-realization because an enlightened person knows that there's nothing called death because he/she (his/her SPIRIT/Spiritual Self) is immortal.

I finished my pond-river-waterfall Sadhana, Cave Sadhana, Forest/Jungle Sadhana, and building a kutir (hermitage) and doing Kutir Sadhana, Mountain Sadhana, Open Air Sadhana, Naked Sadhana, Ekanta (Solitude) Sadhana, etc., here:
I had mosquitoes, rats, bats, scorpions, a viper for company inside and near the cave; monkeys, Langurs, hyenas, wild cats, foxes, King cobras, deer, etc., outside the cave and in the jungle; and fish, crabs, water snakes in the pond the waterfall had created. I was down for 15 days with malaria during the Cave Sadhana. I never lived in that cave, or any other cave for that matter, after the malarial attack.
There are many other hidden Sadhanas in my blog posts. That's the reason why you should read all my blog posts once in a while. All Sadhanas help in purifying your body/mind/ego and testing your spiritual worth/inclination. All Sadhanas are aimed at purifying your thoughts and ego and making you ready for Kundalini awakening. If you have had Kundalini awakening effortlessly, then you are really lucky and are a SPIRITual person and should consciously make efforts to progress in spirituality.
There is not much in spirituality apart from the spiritual/meditation/Kundalini experiences which give direct ( first-hand) experiential spiritual knowledge.
Silence is the easiest, best, and the most effective method/meditation to gain spiritual knowledge/wealth.
(I know people who read my blog are not fit to do the Sadhanas that Indian Babas/Sadhus/Sadhaks do, but I am giving the above information for their general knowledge. For the present-generation Internet-reading meditation/spiritual practitioners, physical/psychological benefit-giving (presumed) Kriya/Pranayama/Vipassana/Mantra Japa in an air-conditioned place seems to be a Sadhana. To some, even such time-pass practices are difficult!!!)
TO THE BLOG POSTS FOR EASE OF REFERENCE:There are many other hidden Sadhanas in my blog posts. That's the reason why you should read all my blog posts once in a while. All Sadhanas help in purifying your body/mind/ego and testing your spiritual worth/inclination. All Sadhanas are aimed at purifying your thoughts and ego and making you ready for Kundalini awakening. If you have had Kundalini awakening effortlessly, then you are really lucky and are a SPIRITual person and should consciously make efforts to progress in spirituality.
There is not much in spirituality apart from the spiritual/meditation/Kundalini experiences which give direct ( first-hand) experiential spiritual knowledge.
Silence is the easiest, best, and the most effective method/meditation to gain spiritual knowledge/wealth.
Without a Momentary Cessation of Thoughts or a Momentary Natural
Cessation of Breath, You Cannot Have Yoga or Kundalini Awakening (Samadhi) or A
Spiritual/Meditation/Supernatural Experience.
Why are you wasting your time doing nonsense meditations and practicing unnecessary Sadhanas?(I know people who read my blog are not fit to do the Sadhanas that Indian Babas/Sadhus/Sadhaks do, but I am giving the above information for their general knowledge. For the present-generation Internet-reading meditation/spiritual practitioners, physical/psychological benefit-giving (presumed) Kriya/Pranayama/Vipassana/Mantra Japa in an air-conditioned place seems to be a Sadhana. To some, even such time-pass practices are difficult!!!)
1. Kundalini Experiences, Meditation Experiences, Spiritual Experiences, Yogic Experiences, Kundalini Awakening Experiences, Third Eye Opening Experiences, Chakra Activation Experiences, Fourth Level of Consciousness/Superconscious Experiences, Start of Spirituality, Beginning of REAL Meditation (Dhyan, Chan, Son, Zen), Real Vipassana/Insight, Samadhi
2. Dangers In Meditation, Meditation Or Kundalini Side
Effects, Illnesses Due To Meditation, Hallucination Due To Meditation,
Kundalini Dangers, Misconceptions About Meditation And Spirituality:
3. Hallucination, Imagination, and Kundalini
Experiences; Meditation Experience, Imagination and Hallucination; Kundalini
Awakening through Drugs; Drug-Related Meditation Experiences
4. Kundalini Awakening through Sex, Sex Tantra, Sex Yoga, Superconsciousness through Sex, Vajroli Kriya, Sucking Energy of the Opposite Sex to Transport Sexual Energy to Sahasrara, Sexual Shaktipat, Shiva-Shakti Yoga, Sex without Ejaculation, Imagining man for Shiva and woman for Shakti and Sex for Yoga, etc
5. Brahm, Parambrahma, Naad Brahm, Veda Brahma, Shabda Brahma, the One Syllable or One Letter (Eka Aksharam), OM, Pranava, Omkar, Ahamkar Vritti, Akhandakar Vritti, Chaitanya, Consciousness, Purusha, Anahata Shabda/Nada, Aham, Koham, Soham, Hamsa, Aham Sphurana, Bhagavad Gita, Ashtavakra Gita, Uddhava Gita, Supreme Word (Parama Pada), Aham iti, AUM, Mani padme Hum/Hoom, Divya Shabda/Nada, Yam, Lam, Ram, Bam, Kham, Hrim, Klim, Vam, etc.
8. Dhyana or Meditation Techniques, Silence, Mouna, Stages
in Meditation, Meditation Process, Kundalini Awakening Process, Samadhi
Process, Samadhi
5. Brahm, Parambrahma, Naad Brahm, Veda Brahma, Shabda Brahma, the One Syllable or One Letter (Eka Aksharam), OM, Pranava, Omkar, Ahamkar Vritti, Akhandakar Vritti, Chaitanya, Consciousness, Purusha, Anahata Shabda/Nada, Aham, Koham, Soham, Hamsa, Aham Sphurana, Bhagavad Gita, Ashtavakra Gita, Uddhava Gita, Supreme Word (Parama Pada), Aham iti, AUM, Mani padme Hum/Hoom, Divya Shabda/Nada, Yam, Lam, Ram, Bam, Kham, Hrim, Klim, Vam, etc.
6. BHRAMjnana, BHRAMjnani; Brahmajnana, Brahmajnani; Rutam, Ritam, Rutambhara Prajna, Ritambhara Prajna, Pinda and Brahmanda, Sanatana Dharma
7. Spiritual Heart, Hritgranthi Bhedana, Chit-Jada Granthi, Knots Of The Heart, Dasha Angula, Vitastyante, Dwadashanta, Angusta Purusha, Linga, Hritpundarika, Hritguha, Ashwatha Tree, Buddhist Auspicious Knots of Eternity
9. Obstacles and Obstructions in Meditation, Kundalini
Awakening, or Samadhi; Reasons for Kundalini not Awakening or Rising, Reasons
for Not Having Real Meditation Experiences, Why can't I get into Samadhi, etc.
10. Common Do's and Don'ts In Meditation, Guidelines or
Instructions for Meditation, Kundalini Awakening
11. Kundalini Awakening, Kundalini Rising, Kundalini Raising, Urdhvareta, Urdhwareta, Urdwagamana, Pranotthana, Transporting Sexual Energy to Sahasrara, Shiva-Shakti Yoga, Third Eye Activation, Chakra Activation, Converting Retas into Ojhas, Atma Jnana, Self-realization, Self-knowledge, Enlightenment, Brahma Jnana, Akshara Jnana, Perfect Wisdom, Swarupa Jnana, Kevala Jnana, Bodha, Praajna, Chaitanya, Parachiti, Existence-Consciousness-Bliss (Sat-Chit-Ananda), Nirvana, Supreme/Super Consciousness or Pure Awareness, Yoga, Aham Brahmasmi, Jivan Mukti, Moksha, Liberation (Moksha, Mukti), Tattvajnana, Deathlessness or Immortality (Amrutatva or Amaratva), Liberation Rutambhara Prajna, Aham Brahmasmi, Aham Brahmeti, Etc
13. Who am I? What am I? Koham? Self-enquiry, Atma Vichara, Adhyatma Chintana, Tattva Vichara, Self-investigation, Investigation into the real Self, Meditation on Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Vichara Marga, Path of Self-enquiry, Samadhi
14. Religion versus Spirituality, Science versus
Spirituality, Belief/Perception versus Reality, Chit versus Jada, Chit-Jada
Granthi Bhedana, Body/Matter versus Spirit, Mind versus Pure Mind,
Spiritual/Astral Body, Sukshma/Ativahika Sharira, Kshetrajna, Drashta, Bhokta,
Saakshi, Jnaata, Shoonya, Akinchan, Maya, Goal of Spirituality
16. Vipassana, Mindfulness, Here and Now, Here Now Myth, Akaliko, Just Be, BEING, Knowing Things As They Are, Insight Meditation, Mindfulness Meditation, Buddhist Meditation, Knots of the Spiritual Heart, Buddhist Knots of Eternity, Buddhist Auspicious Symbols/Signs, Dangers Involved in Vipassana, Nirvana, Samsara
17. Kundalini in a nutshell, Some More Thoughts on Spirituality, Meditation, Yoga, Kundalini, Mantra, Shaktipati, Kriyas, Chakras, Kundalini DNA
18. My First Meditation
Experience, Effects of Meditation, Which is the best Book and Place for
Kundalini Meditation? Is Guru Required for Kundalini Awakening? How to be
19. Kundalini Myths, Chakra Myths, Kundalini as it is, Kundalini Rahasya, Kundalini Secrets, Chakra Secrets, Self-realization secrets, Enlightenment secrets
Medha Nadi, Meditation, Meditation
Experience, Medhita, Spirituality, Sphurita, English/Other Language Words
Dervied From Sanskrit.
Guru's Grace, Religious and Spiritual
Gurus, Disciples, and Followers; Yoga Bhrasta, How to Know a True Guru, How to
Differentiate Between a True and a Fake Guru, Inner Guru; Sadguru, Satshashtra,
and Satsangha; Indrajaal, Mayajaal, Bhramjaal, Shabdajaal (Net/Trap of
Deception); Kaama-Kaanchana-Keerti.
Questions and Answers Part I, Kriya Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Patanjali Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Karma Yoga, Mantra Yoga, Tantra Yoga, Trataka Yoga, Laya Yoga
Questions and Answers Part II; Meditation Experiences That Weren't; What Should
I Know About Meditation; Effects of Tratak, Focusing, Concentration and Other
Dangerous Meditation Techniques; Choosing a Guru
Questions and Answers Part III; Kundalini Awakening, Kundalini Yoga, Samadhi,
Kundalini Syndrome, Kundalini Symptoms, Ascension Symptoms, Kundalini Psychosis
Miracles, Miraculous Powers, Yogic Superpowers, Psychic Powers, Ashta Siddhi,
Yoga Siddhi, Yoga Siddha, Siddha Yoga, Spiritual Powers, Supernatural Powers,
Amrit, Amrut, Amritattva, Amrutattva, Deathless and Deathlessness, Immortal and
Immortality, Soma, Reality about Siddhis and Immortality, Trayatapa, Tapatraya,
Tattva Jnana, Sankhya Darshana, Samkhya Shastra, Dangerous Khechari Mudra,
Questions and Answers Part IV
Swastika, Svastika; Indus Valley Civilization; Druid and Dravid; Triskelion,
Triquetra, Druids and Celts; Aryan Race; Cosmic Art, Culture, Science,
Metaphysics in an Indian's Daily Life; Cosmic Rangoli, Cosmic Kolam; Spirituality
in Dance; Dinosaur Egg, Australian Aboriginals, Pangaea, Baiga Tribe, Indian
Vimana, Pushpaka Vimana, Ahura Mazda, Jain, Spirit Cooking, Occultism,
Illuminati, Zion
27. Tripura Rahasya, Tripurantaka, Tripurasundari, Brahma, Parambrahma, Allegories in Scriptures
You have a SPIRITUAL BODY/MIND/CONSCIOUSNESS!!! This is your real "I," Self, BE+ING!
ANCIENT MEDITATION AND SPIRITUAL SADHANAs WERE DEVELOPED TO EXPERIENCE YOUR REAL/HIGHER SPIRITUAL SELF. Sadhanas were developed to make you humble, humane, and to rid you of your physical/mental/ego cravings/desires.
You can directly experience your spiritual body in meditation within a short period of time. You just need to practice silence for 1 hour a day!!!
If you have any of the following experiences listed in the post below, then know for sure that you will definitely succeed in experiencing your true Supernatural Spiritual Self in this very life.
Shubhamastu = Let Good Happen To You!
There is not much guru in Canada what to do?
Guru is not required. Avoid ignorant/dangerous gurus/people who teach activity-based dangerous meditation techniques and spiritual practices.
Hi Achintya,
Thanks for your posts - one of the most informative pages about meditation that I landed on on web.
I've been meditating on and off for a few years now - nothing special when it comes to techniques, no guru, simply trying to focus on and observe my breath, ease my mind, quite down myself. Recently, I've started feeling a swinging circular movement sensation which seems to happen around my spine up to the top of my head, but as if my spine is actually in the very middle of my trunk. This sensation does not flow up or down the spine, it's along all the spine and goes round, fast, making my torso swing around; open black 'sky' around me at the same time, no stars or lights just soft darkness, not scary though. I usually sit in a crossed leg position, not a lotus, just comfortably sitting straight.
Obviously, I started Googling about this sensation that feels like energy going round, tried sharing this with my husband (who couldn't get it whatsoever - he doesn't meditate) and seeking for some kind of reassurance that nothing wrong is happening to me. That I'm not hallucinating, won't 'meet' daemons from other realms, etc.
Should I continue and let myself experience this? Should I be cautious? Should I stop meditating at some point of time, keeping in mind there's no guru next to me? Though at the same time, maybe my inner Me knows what I'm doing?
Thanks a lot for your advice & time.
Hi Rosa,
That's a good Kundalini experience. Nothing to worry. Nothing wrong is happening to you.
Continue meditation. You will start having many other experiences - some may be intense. I am back from my 5-month forest stay. Share your new experiences and I will promptly reply.
Shubhamastu - Let Good Happen To You!
ALLOPANISHAD Nonsense...Author is not aware of facts.... No Indians wrote ALLOPANISHAD
Sir Iam new to meditation. I have been initiated to shambhavi mahamudra by Isha yoga two days back.Please tell me how to meditate.Also I have one doubt. If I chant Vishnu sahasranamam , Lalitha sahasranamam , skanda sasti kavasam etc daily can I attain self realization ?
Hi Lekshmy,
Since you are new to meditation, read all of my answers in Quora starting with the following:
Read all the posts of my blog 2 times every week for the next 3 months. Read the following post 3 times a week to know the wrong/dangerous/harmful types of meditations and their effects.
Any other queries only after 3 months.
Shubhamastu = Let Good Happen To You!
Hi Achintya :)
I've been celibate and for 3 months now, and meditated for 3 months also. Until now I've had one really weird experience where I felt like I was actually slightly above my head. It felt out-of-body-ish, or much taller than I am?
Also, most times when I meditate "deeply", I feel the same feeling as when you are sitting in a car and your head falls forwards because you almost enter sleep state, but you wake up because of the fall itself. I have the same feeling when I mediate except that my head does not fall forwards. And I feel awake too. Is this a good sign? Feels like I am almost disappearing but there is something that prevents me from letting go... like I'm afraid.
Further, I find that my body, might just be the sitting position (?)... whenever I go deeper into the meditation, I almost fall to the right side even though I were sitting relatively steady when I started.
In addition, today in fact, when I meditated I felt almost like some extremely tiny particles or something were shaking all over my body. And I couldn't tell if it were real or not.
And one last question!
I read somewhere that celibacy is the means in which vital energy is stored within, and meditation is where this energy goes upwards (if the kundalini awakens). And that when one reaches the 5th chakra one becomes a urdhvareta/ one in which the seminal or vital energies flows upwards naturally, even without meditation form that point onwards.
And some places it says that; yes, meditation is fundamental, but it's only by being celibate for many years (some say about 12 years) that you can accumulate enough vital energy to reach enlightenment and stop the circle of birth and death.
What are your thoughts?
Hi Stig,
Congratulations for being a celibate for 3 months, for meditating, and for having Kundalini experiences! When physical activities cease, spiritual activities begin. Your spiritual activities have begun. You are experiencing jerks (head/body jerking forward/sideward) due to Kundalini awakening. It's a good sign. You are experiencing Kriya Samadhi. Feeling out-of-bodyish is not weird but a normal Kundalini experience. Seeing tiny light particles is ok. Don't get frightened, nothing will happen to you. You are doing extremely well. You can always stop your meditation when you get frightened. By the way when you get frightened too much, automatically your meditation session will end. It's always good to meditate more, without any fear/expectation, when you start having initial Kundalini awakenings. Despite meditating for long in one session if nothing happens, then end that session, give 6/8 hours break and then meditate again.
Celibacy (storing of vital energy) not only gives physical and mental strength but also awakens our spiritual body (Kundalini awakening). Losing vital energy due to masturbation, sex, and other sexual activities weakens the body and mind. Sexualized culture is ruining young minds (TV, newspaper, movies, internet, porn, etc., 5-year old kids are being asked if they have a boyfriend/girlfriend). Many youngsters these days are suffering from depression, anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, OCD, social withdrawal, confusion, eating disorders, and other mental and nervous problems due to overthinking of/overindulgence in sex/sexual activities. Extreme loss of semen can result in tremors and nervous breakdown. Two months ago, a goldsmith's teen-aged son told me that he is no longer able to do jewelry work because his hands start shaking, he sometimes is seized with intense fear to the point that his heart starts pounding and palpitating, he thinks he is going to have a heart attack and die or something wrong is going to happen to him, he is afraid of darkness, etc. He went to a doctor who prescribed him some psychiatric medication (anxiety, panic attack, depression type). He told me that he masturbates once or twice daily.
Procreation and expansion is the basic law of the physical universe. Celibacy and Kundalini awakening is the basic law of the spiritual universe. Without losing sexual energy (sexual activity), nobody can procreate and multiply. Without storing sexual energy (celibacy), nobody can awaken Kundalini and experience spirituality.
Partial truth about meditation/urdhwareta/chakra can be found anywhere. Meditation (momentary silence), storing sexual energy (celibacy), urdhvareta (Kundalini looking/moving upward or energizing/awakening of our spiritual body/senses/mind/consciousness/Self) are all fundamental to directly experience spirituality.
Whether a person is married or not, sexually active or not, has given birth to 2 or 12 children, has been celibate for 12 or 20 years doesn't matter. The right amount of sexual energy, the right lifestyle, and the right meditation is enough to awaken Kundalini.
You have also had urdvareta (movement of energy upward). You are also an urdvareta (a person able to move energy upward). Only when one reaches the 5th chakra, a person automatically becomes urdhvareta is a myth. Kundalini moves up and then drops down. If Kundalini doesn't drop down, we cannot talk, walk, or do any physical activities.
Don't give any importance to chakras, Kundalini, urdvareta and other such nomenclatures. Don't waste your time reading anything about these elsewhere. Perform your day-to-day activities as if you know nothing about meditation/spirituality.
Enlightenment (Brahmajnana/Freedom from cycle of births and deaths) is freedom from all the knots of the heart which can happen only with Kundalini awakenings.
Shubhamastu - Let Good Happen To You!
Hope you are doing good, I have small query regarding meditation, when I started doing meditation within 30 minutes to 40 minutes I am getting kind of Jerks, slight body movement and my body is swinging and not able to continue and silence my mind in this case sometimes.
could you please suggest me do i need to continue further or need to stop for time being in this cases.
Hi Ramakrishna,
I am very happy to hear about your Kundalini awakenings.
Your body jerks, movement, swinging means rising/awakening of Kundalini, awakening of spiritual body/senses/nerves/mind/ego/self, inner Samskara Kshaya, loosening the knots of the heart, etc.
When your physical and mental activities cease, your Kundalini and spiritual activities begin. Momentary silence is required for Kundalini awakening, but once Kundalini has awakened, who cares about silence :) So don't bother about silence DURING meditation/Kundalini experiences.
Let body jerk, shaking, swinging, movement, etc., happen during meditation. These are normal spiritual/meditation/Kundalini experiences. Nothing to worry.
Continue whatever you are doing. As a matter of fact, you should meditate more and more now because you are in the flow. You should have more and more Kundalini awakenings easily now. Though nothing will happen to you, you can always stop your meditation session if you get scared.
Shubhamastu = Let Good Happen To You!
Hello again Achintya! It's me, Stig, from one of the comments above.
I just had the most crazy and powerful kundalini awakening till now. I felt almost completely possessed, my head first moved to the left (quite far), then it moved back to the middle and angled slightly down into some kind of fixed position. I could not hear anything from the external world, no sound, not even from me.
The craziest thing was this; my breath became slower and slower and smaller and smaller, until I stopped breathing entirely. First I almost panicked, but realized that this would certainly break the whole kundalini awakening. So, I tried to just relax completely.
When I was not breathing at all for some seconds (?) I felt sucked into the center of my being. But suddenly, just before I felt like I "lost" myself into the center, I panicked and opened my eyes.
Overall, the whole experience felt like I where falling into myself or something.
I think this happened because I have been celibate for 4+ months now and meditated about 1 hour, sometimes more - every day. I've noticed that the celibacy is becoming effortless. I no longer suppress anything; I just witness.
As a consequence of this happening I must ask; is it possible to let 1 kundalini awakening take you all the way? One awakening in which you're brought into the center totally, instead of having many hundreds of small awakenings?
What are your thoughts?
Hi Stig,
Why do you call it crazy? In the last comment, you said your experience was weird. If you call your initial Kundalini awakenings as crazy and weird, what do you think of the Kundalini experiences listed in the following post?
Let me know your religious beliefs and how strong they are. Let me know your thoughts on god, spirituality, meditation, Kundalini, and supernatural stuffs. Let me know what all kinds of books you have read on such stuffs. What centering are you talking about? Where did you learn about total centering through Kundalini? What books or what kind of people are you influenced by? Have you not read my blog completely? Have you not understood (at least theoretically) meditation, Kundalini, and spirituality as they really are? Can't you find the answers for your last 2 questions in my blog?
Shubhamastu = Let Good Happen To You!
Hi Achintya,
You mentioned in one of your post to do silent meditation, how should it be done?
Hi Rakesh,
Re-read that post and also other posts for tips. Practice. Devise your own technique to silence your mind. Silence is the opposite of activity.
Shubhamastu = Let Good Happen To You!
Hi Achintya
I am from South India.There is a tradition of not sleeping on Mahashivaratri day in our area.But many guys are following now. To know what is the reason behind that I searched in Google and find this.
Mahashivratri, the one that occurs in February-March is of the most spiritual significance. On this night, the northern hemisphere of the planet is positioned in such a way that there is a natural upsurge of energy in a human being. This is a day when nature is pushing one towards one’s spiritual peak. It is to make use of this, that in this tradition, we establish a certain festival which is night-long. One of the fundamentals of this night-long festival is to ensure that – to allow this natural upsurge of energies to find their way – you remain with your spine vertical – you stay awake.
Etc. .
Is it true? Do you observe anything like this.or it is just taboo?
Please shed me some light on this...
Thank you
Hi Achintya
I have recently started reciting Hanuman chalisa 11 times daily in the morning. I get a feel a heaviness in my head as soon as I reach my third round & stays that way for 30 min after I finish my 11 rounds. This feeling is very soothing & calm, so I meditate for few minutes soon after my recitation completes, while meditating my head starts swaying to & fro & in circles too. I just try to observe my breath during meditation, am not into regular meditation. What can be said about this experience?
Hi Ganesh,
"I get a feel a heaviness in my head as soon as I reach my third round & stays that way for 30 min after I finish my 11 rounds." PROBLEM! GIVE UP RECITATION.
"my head starts swaying to & fro & in circles too." Same thing all the time, PROBLEM! GIVE UP YOUR MEDITATION TECHNIQUE.
Shubhamastu = Let Good Happen To You!
Hey Achintya, I’ve been doing wrong meditations (mindfulness but not regular and sometimes I’ve been focused on my head crown) and I ended up having OCD thoughts and Anxiet and some delusions,, have I had the dark night of soul? I went to psychiatrist he said I don’t need medications and my psychologist says I’m fine. The symptoms went away, I don’t meditate anymore. I never wanted to force anything, right now I feel like my mind is empty, like I’m more awake. Is it the silence you talk about? I’m 23, I would love to explore spirituality but not yet I feel like I’m too young and there is a lot of to understand before practicing.
I dont want to do wrong meditations but I feel like I’m always meditating (being mindful) concentrated, observing everything. Is this okay? I definitely feel different than before having “dark night of soul” I feel very good, just confused about what happened. Sometimes at night when i try to fall asleep I feel super awake, I feel this emptiness and stillness. And it’s like I know I’m falling asleep. Is this spiritual or just me imagining this because of my anxiety. I know you said kundalini goes away after meditation. I respect the force and I don’t want to mess with it.
What would you advise me to do? Could I email you? Thank you for your blog, Now I see that most gurus talk shit
Hi George,
Don't think of meditation and spirituality for another 1 year. Avoid them completely.
Shubhamastu = Let Good Happen To You!
what about these machines that use flickering lights that supposedly take you to deep meditation? (machines such as Lucia Light, PandoraStar, Enkidu Light). You close your eyes and 'look' at the lights that flicker at different frequencies. I used one and I saw intense geometric fractals. Are these 'harmless fun' or something more dangerous, or possibly even a 'breakthrough' for reaching enlightenment.
Also, What about a technique called 'strong determination sitting'? where you aim to sit completely still for a period of time (1 hour) and not move a single muscle.
I really want to begin a path but I don't know where to start, there is TOO MUCH information everywhere. I know you say its about being silent (and I will try and observe it when I go to bed tonight) but I just can't help but think 'that's it?' (respectfully)
Thank you
Hi A,
"supposedly take you to deep meditation? (machines such as Lucia Light, PandoraStar, Enkidu Light). You close your eyes and 'look'..." USELESS!
"strong determination sitting'?..." USELESS/DANGEROUS.
Somewhere in the blog you can find the story of a person who wanted to learn padmasana and locked himself in padmasana and ended up being paralyzed.
Doing this or that type of activity as a form of meditation is easy but doing nothing/thought-less/silence is difficult. Ancient seers, saints, and sages have said that the path of spirituality is a difficult one.
Shubhamastu = Let Good Happen To You!
Hello again (i'm the person who just asked that last question)
Thanks for answering me. I have another question (I may have a few more, as I think I've done too much reading/research and now I am suffering due to being confused by it all)
I have this program called NSR meditation (I haven't started it), it is basically an affordable version of Transcendental Meditation that you learn at home....
.... I know you said that mantra meditation is wrong, but in the manual it says that you should end each session with 3-4 minutes of silence (and it says that this 3-4 minutes of silence is very important part of the meditation)....
... do you think that this is correct in what they are saying?...basically I think it is trying to get you to use the mantra so that is the sole remaining thought in your mind, and then you use the last 3-4 minutes of silence, which you don't repeat the mantra and that means that the last thought in your head is gone and then you achieve TRUE silence during this 3-4 minutes.
or have I gotten it wrong once again? :D
I have not actually tried this yet (or ANY other forms of meditation), I was only flipping through the manual and I noticed that they placed emphasis on the part about having silence on the last few minutes.
PS. You said that those flickering light machines ( I just realized they are actually called brainwave entrainment devices, which they are supposed to put your brain into different frequencies eg beta, theta, gamma etc..) are USELESS...
...well I am very stupid because before I asked you that question, I had actually PURCHASED one of those devices (because I had a good time on the one I tried out where I saw interesting visual fractals in my mind)..., when you said they are USELESS. did you also mean that using them is DANGEROUS as well, or just useless for achieving actual meditation. Do you think its ok to use it just for fun/experimentation? if so then I will use it for a bit before retiring it (to get 'my money's worth'), but if it is actually DANGEROUS, then I will not use it at all (as I don't want to hurt any chance of having real spiritual experiences in the future)
sorry for bothering you with these unusual questions. i'm so needy haha :) but thank you. (also, I can give you my email if you don't want to talk about this on your site)
Hi A,
Don't comment as anonymous anymore.
"...I had actually PURCHASED one of those devices (because I had a good time on the one I tried out where I saw interesting visual fractals in my mind).." So deep meditation means this kind of good time for you? ("...what about these machines that use flickering lights that supposedly take you to deep meditation? (machines such as Lucia Light, PandoraStar, Enkidu Light)."
Read all the posts of this blog once every week for the next 1 year.
Shubhamastu = Let Good Happen To You?
What great knowledge ! All respect and love for you. Read every post and comments in few of them. Where are you these days?
I agree to all you said - exprential knowledge - silent meditation.
I had just started watching my thoughts trying to gradully understand that they just come by the laws. I assume that finally they will go away as mind gets bored of them. This is becuae going directly to silence or zero is not easy for me.
Also, started practicing meditation and reducing my urge to read more n more
Hi!! Achintya Idam
I have just read your article which is more useful and complete information about Kundalini
Expression, kundalini Awaking,kundalini yoga and make me Stress-free in daily life.
I find your blog very interesting, and I am glad I found it before starting any form of meditation.
My question: Is it ok to do Tai Chi as an exercise? I am having lots of fatigue lately and I think its because I don't do anything all day (and no exercise), and I read that tai chi is good for people with chronic fatigue.
I bought a book on qigong and it talks a LOT about all this energy stuff, and at first I thought this is awesome, but now after reading your blog I am a little put off by it and am not sure if it is just the same new-age energy mumbo jumbo that is with all these other yogic practices.
I just want to do if for the alleged health benefits.
I have been reading into Ayurveda recently (I see you also put faith in Ayurveda), and it says that for my body type, I should do slow exercises like tai chi or Ashtanga Yoga. But I am now very weary of any sort of practice that is being 'implicated' with 'meditation', and spiritual hogwash.
Thank you!
Hi Grant,
"I am having lots of fatigue lately and I think its because I don't do anything all day (and no exercise)" - So EXERCISE!
Tai Chi/Yoga/cycling/swimming/running/jogging/brisk walking, etc are all physical exercises. Somewhere in my post I have talked about tai chi/kung-fu/yogic exercises/martial arts etc., being just forms of physical exercises. They have nothing to do with meditation or spirituality; don't fall for new-age energy mumbo jumbos, spiritual hogwash. Read the entire blog.
As for your other comment about masturbation - avoid it if you want to. If you avoid it during the day, over a period of time you will not have wet dreams. I have discussed about this also in my other posts. Read the entire blog.
Shubhamastu = Let Good Happen To You!
How much minimum time should I try to meditate for a day?
What object to try to concentrate on? Need to do a "trataka"?
Explain, please.
Where can I read your new articles?
Hi Yuri,
Answers to your questions are in this blog. Read all the 27 posts of this blog and answer your questions in one sentence each.
Read all the posts every week for another 3 months, practice celibacy during these 3 months, and then start meditation. Always keep in mind that meditation is a spiritual practice which should be done ONLY to experience spirituality (your/cosmic spiritual nature).
Shubhamastu = Let Good Happen To You!
I have been suffering from profound sensorineural hearing loss since last 32 yrs. As when I was 8 yrs old I got infection at internal ear which resulted into this permanent hearing loss. I have been continuously trying to find out various ways to restore my hearing capacity back to normal (i.e Medication, Yoga, Pranayam, Dhyan etc..). But I have not got any success till date.
Is it possible to cure permanent problem (like in my case) with the help of Meditation / rhythm meditation/ drumming meditation/ Dhyan (Dhyan focused on associated chakra..i.e Vishuddha chakra in my case) ? Please let me know if there is any remedy ?
Thanking you.
Hi Ninad,
Meditation is a spiritual practice to awaken your spirit. It cannot cure hearing loss or any other chronic medical conditions. I don't know any remedy for your condition.
Caution: Intense or prolonged Kriya, mindfulness, heartfullness, vipassana, concentration, visualization, sound/light/chakra meditation may lead to hearing loss and other physical and mental illnesses.
Shubhamstu = Let Good Happen To You!
Hi A,
All your experiences sound like that of Ekta, see the comment in the following post:
Shubhamastu = Let Good Happen To You!
Hello Achintya,
I just found your blog and I think it is very direct and no non-sense guidance for true meditation.
Believe it or not, I was going to go to Vipassana for the second time, next month, but I now canceled it after reading your blog.
I went to Vipassana first time, a couple of years ago and one of the first things taught was to look for sensations on the nose and upper lip.
On the second day of my meditation I started noticing the sensation/pressure from middle of the eyebrows to the entire length of the nose on both sides and it still remains to this day. I haven’t done much Vipassana after that first course, but I did occasionally observe my breath during meditation sometimes.
It happens immediately after I start any type of meditation (including just being silent). Do you have any suggestions to recover from this condition?
Thanks again for your guidance!
Hi Naag,
If you had continued the meaningless and dangerous continuous concentration exercise (modern-day Vipassana), you would have got the pressure sensation all day, even when not meditating. It would have definitely harmed you more.
Don't do Vipassana exercise/focus/concentration meditation ever again.
Stop meditation, including silence, for a couple of months or until you don't feel the sensation. It is better to give up meditation than harm yourself.
This may help: Apply a little sandalwood+camphor mixture (water/oil) to the affected area. Make sure you close your eyes before applying it. Close your eyes, apply the mixture, divert your attention away from your breath/forehead/nose sensations, leave it for 10-15 minutes, wash it thoroughly before opening your eyes. A little tearing due to camphor is okay.
Shubhamastu - Let Good Happen To You!
Hi Ruffy,
Real meditation brings out hidden emotions that are deep inside one's heart, everyone's heart. These emotions are very intense and are definitely rare. Therefore, words fail to express them accurately. It is worthless to compare them with mundane physical or psychological sensations/experiences/feelings. Very, very few meditators experience them.
Happiness is like a drop in the ocean of bliss. Happiness is a tiny bit of bliss. Bliss is inside us - bliss is our inner nature, our real nature. Happiness is the inherent nature of all beings, bliss being the mother of all happiness. It is but natural that all the activities of all human beings on earth are directed toward attaining happiness. It is but natural that happiness is the pursuit and goal of all beings in the universe. Our inner nature is bliss, and only in deep meditation/Samadhi can we experience our inner nature/bliss. A fish taken out of water has only one goal = getting back into water, it's natural habitat. Likewise, everyone's goal = happiness/bliss, which is our inner nature/Self.
Bliss/blissful experience = fish inside water. Other emotions/experiences = fish outside of water.
Deep meditation/silence/super-conscious/Samadhi state where we experience our inner nature = fish inside water.
Not experiencing our inner nature = fish outside of water.
If mind is the fish, then waking/thinking state is like being on land and meditative/Samadhi state is like being in water.
A causeless happy/blissful experience cannot tax us as it is natural to us. What will tax us is the unnatural emotions/experiences/feelings (resistance/aversion, etc) and the efforts we put to reach our nature – happiness/bliss. Believing ourselves only to be the ever-active physical body/senses/mind/ego, we have deluded ourselves in thinking that happiness comes from outside, people, objects, activities, efforts, results, karma, our body, our mind/senses/intellect/ego, etc. This sin of delusion/sin of ignorance is a colossal one which is the root cause of all legitimate and illegitimate desires and resultant sufferings of mankind. Effortless silence/stillness/meditation only can burn down this colossal sin.
Silence has given you some good meditation experiences. Continue meditation and try experiencing deeper silence. You cannot allow/resist particular meditation experience - IT IS NOT IN YOUR HANDS. Silence First. Meditation Happens. Experiences Follow. You can't do anything. As the meditation experience starts ending/waning, you begin getting control over yourself – then you can like/dislike, think of the experience in words, etc.
Meditate for minimum 1 hour.
Heat in the body should not last longer after you wake up from meditation, so should your intense emotions.
Shubhamastu – Let Good Happen To You!
Hi Ruffy,
1. Don't let your spiritual practice affect your worldly life and worldly life affect your spiritual practice. Perform day to day activities as if you don't know anything about meditation and spirituality. Meditate as if you know nothing about the world.
2. Lack of undisturbed 7-8 hours sleep makes the mind hyperactive and the sense organs hypersensitive. So make sure you tire your body and mind with physical/mental activity/exercises, yoga during the day so that you can get good sleep at night. Any asana/asanas are fine. 15 minutes of sarvangasana (exercise for the whole body) is fine. Walking barefoot on grass is okay. Rub coconut oil to the soles of your feet when you go to sleep.
3. Eat healthy, nutritious and sufficient food. Drink good amount of water, coconut water.
4. Body shaking, including violent, will not adversely affect your body. In fact, such shaking should energize your nervous system.
5. If you know the heart of your mind, its nature and functioning, you can try for manonasa.
6. Yea meditate at least 1 hour a day in the morning. If you can meditate more, well and good. Try not being aware of your body.
7. You don't need to do anything to integrate Kundalini energy.
Shubhamastu = Let Good Happen To You!
Hi Ruffy,
You've just started experiencing spirituality. There are lots of things that you need to experience and realize. Don't waste time discerning the meaning of spiritual jargon, concepts, bookish words, definitions and descriptions. Stop reading books and using spiritual jargon. Theory is useless in spirituality. STRIVE FOR DIRECT EXPERIENTIAL KNOWLEDGE THROUGH MEDITATION.
Standing meditation pose is not good. Comfortable sitting position is good. You can meditate in a sitting position first, and when you get tired, continue meditation in lying position.
Shubhamastu - Let Good Happen To You!
Hi Ruffy,
You will find answers to all of your questions in this blog. Do re-read.
1. In body shaking kundalini experience (kriya Samadhi), you will obviously become aware of your body (and surrounding), which means silence is broken. It is normal.
2. The shaking will end on its own. Let it end and then resume silent meditation. Initially the shaking will be for a longer duration, but as you progress in meditation, they will be very short, negligible. If you can ignore them, ignore and be silent.
3. Silence is supreme. Meditation means medha nadi activation, which results in Self-realization, realizing the Supreme truth/God/I, etc. Devote yourself to silent meditation - THE ONE AND ONLY SUPREME PRACTICE TO REALIZE THE TRUTH about everyone/everything including truth, god, I, consciousness/awareness, mind, matter, .... universe.
4. WITHOUT KUNDALINI AWAKENING, nobody will experience his/her spirit. Without practical/experiential knowledge of the spirit, how can one advance in SPIRITuality? To gain and absorb practical/experiential spiritual knowledge, you need a spiritual brain/heart, which is activated only by the medha nadi. Without Kundalini awakening, no one can activate the medha nadi.
Normal brain can only gain and absorb theoretical knowledge, hence until death it will always be in doubt or think in various ways about meditation, kundalini, spirit/god/truth/I/consciousness, etc.
Loosening/freeing the knots of the heart means freedom from bondage. What remains after freedom from bondage? Without Kundalini awakening, no one can loosen even one single knot of the spiritual heart!
If you have more questions or whenever you have questions/doubts, you must re-read the entire blog. You will get all answers. Reading and following the contents of this blog are enough for one to advance in spirituality.
Shubhamastu - Let Good Happen To You!
Hi Ruffy,
Samadhi is not something where the body becomes still like a rock 24/7 for days, months, years without breathing and oblivious of extreme heat, cold, hunger, thirst, etc. Samadhi is not something which is achieved only through god's or guru's grace or after doing hard penance/tapasya in a forest or a cave for 12 or more years. Samadhi is not something which gives you superhuman and miraculous powers, siddhis, etc. This is bookish Samadhi. Practical Samadhi basically and simply is Kundalini awakening/activation, SPIRITual awakening or Spirit activation. Activity of the Kundalini is Samadhi, activity of the Spirit is Samadhi, or SPIRITual activity is Samadhi.
Sahaja Samadhi is effortless, spontaneous, natural Kundalini awakening or spiritual awakening, Kriya Samadhi, or Jnana Samadhi. As a person progresses in meditation, he or she will experience Sahaja Samadhi when going to sleep, when relaxing, when simply sitting, when thinking deeply about spirituality or spiritual matters/experiences, etc. As soon as an advanced meditator/spiritually evolved person achieves stillness of the body and mind, Kundalini awakens spontaneously, effortlessly. This is Sahaja Samadhi. You should meditate more and more now as Kundalini is in free flow and you are having Sahaja Samadhi. Make adjustments in your daily schedule so that you can meditate more. Let Kundalini awake as you are going to sleep; don't resist. You will definitely get sound and deep sleep after Kundalini finishes its quota for the day.
Spiritually evolved persons who believe in God, path of devotion to God (Bhakti Marga) may have Kundalini awakening while praying, singing, dancing, worshiping. They may experience horripilation/goosebumps, become still for sometime, start shaking or may fall to the ground twisting and twirling. This is called Bhaava Samadhi, divine/god intoxication, divine ecstasy, etc. (Do you find mental stillness, goosebumps, and body shaking ecstatic and intoxicating?) These are normal Kundalini experiences listed in this blog but misunderstood, misinterpreted, exaggerated by the devotees. Without knowing it is a basic Kundalini awakening due to their spiritual evolution and mental stillness, the devotees feel that their god's grace has fallen on them due to praying, praising, etc. So in order to realize and see/hear/speak to their god, which is the goal of all devotees, they intensify their prayer, devotion, worship, etc. They devote their day and night to their god-pleasing and god-realizing physical and mental activities. Once these activities increase to the point where there is no time for proper sleep, they start seeing their god and start talking/joking/laughing/crying/walking, etc., with their god. People with intense devotion to god end up awakening their subconscious mind to experience their imagination instead of awakening Kundalini to experience reality. So avoid Bhaava Samadhi. You are lucky to have come across this blog.
Don't worry about the breathless state. You will be forced to breathe even if you don't want to. The process of Kundalini awakening (Samadhi) is the same, be it Kriya Samadhi, Jnana Samadhi, etc. The difference is the result/effect of Kundalini awakening - activation of the Sushumna, activation of x/y/z chakra/nadi, revelation of the spirit truths, strengthening/activating/awakening of the spiritual body/senses/mind, etc.
Kundalini reveals the spirit truths depending on a person's spiritual inclination, ability to let go off physical and mental activities and thoughts, character, personality, attachment, karma, vasanas and samskaras, etc. People get what they deserve. This is the reason why Kundalini awakens in some people only after they put in great efforts while others have Sahaja Samadhi with very little effort. Kundalini awakens in some people only after they suffer in the world and seek solace in meditation/spirituality like a worm scorched in the hot sun seeking shade, while others may have Sahaja Samadhi without even seeking.
Some people experience only few Kundalini awakenings while others will have many. Some people need a lot of Kriya Samadhi before experiencing Jnana Samadhi. Some people may experience both Kriya and Jnana Samadhi in a single day. Some people even after many Samadhi experiences indulge in sensual gratification and become Yoga Bhrasta (persons fallen from Yoga). Most people never awaken their Kundalini in this life. No one can say "I don't want body shakes but want to experience supreme bliss now" and end up experiencing supreme bliss.
Have patience and meditate as usual. Don't try to invent or find a Samadhi switch.
Word of Caution: Fakery has no limits. Beware of fakes. Some fakes claim that without Kundalini awakening they are always in Sahaja Samadhi or have attained Buddhahood/Enlightenment/Liberation, etc. Other fakes claim that their Kundalini is awake 24/7 or they are in Sahaja Samadhi 24/7 even while eating, walking, talking, sleeping, bathing, toileting, etc. Some people who are only after worldly activities 24/7 and consequently shall never awaken Kundalini in their lifetime claim that they will get liberation at death as they have Moksh yog or Moksha yoga (planetary positioning leading to Salvation/Liberation) in their Kundali (horoscope)! Nonsense and silliness have no limits! Other fakes claim that a god, guru, scripture/book, religion, divine external entity gave them enlightenment/Self-realization/god- realization/liberation, etc., and ask everybody to worship, sing, pray, praise, dance, jump around their god, guru, book/scripture, organization, etc. Beware of dead and alive fakes whose goal was/is personal development and organizational expansion through spiritual fakery. By the way, no god, goddess, guru, master, prophet, Buddha, avatar, reincarnation, human being, divine being, etc., could have taken birth and survived without the primordial Kundalini Shakti/Kundalini energy/Kundalini mechanism.
Many ancient and modern gods, goddesses, religions, faiths, beliefs, teachings, practices, and concepts have become obsolete. The world will ultimately understand the truth about real meditation and spirituality and realize that Kundalini awakening is the first and the last step toward spiritual enlightenment – it is just a matter of time.
Shubhamastu - Let Good Happen To You!
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