Basics: Kundalini is the power responsible for our breathing, without
which we are all dead as a dodo. Kundalini is also the power that is
responsible for SPIRITual awakening, SPIRITual knowledge, loosening the knots
of the SPIRITual heart, and Enlightenment.
In the above picture, the two snakes represent DNA. The two snakes also represent Ida and Pingala nerves or nerve channels (responsible for our breathing) which are connected to our left and right nostrils through which we breathe in and breathe out. The middle staff/rod (Meru Danda) is the Sushumna (ethereal/spiritual nerve channel responsible for SPIRITual awakening/knowledge). The head of the staff is Sahasrara and the wings represent freedom/liberation/enlightenment/Nirvana/Kaivalya. The wings also represent our spiritual body, with which we can fly!!!
In short, Kundalini is a breathing mechanism, which connects Ida, Pringala, Sushumna, and many other physical and spiritual nerve channels.
Kundalini breathes through Ida and Pingala when it is sleeping or downward looking. We
have control over our body when Kundalini is sleeping. We can regulate our
breathing, do pranayama or other physical activities by breathing through Ida and Pingala. Our breathing automatically varies when we are walking, running, relaxing, sleeping (thanks to Kundalini), in fear, in anxiety, in anger, in peace, in a happy mood, etc. It's all due to sleeping/downward Kundalini. Kundalini is a breathing mechanism.
When Kundalini awakens or points upward, it breathes through
Sushumna also,
i.e., Ida+Pingala+Sushumna. “Prana (Vital Breath/Energy) enters Sushumna” can
also mean Kundalini breathing though Sushumna in addition to Ida and Pingala.
We cannot regulate our breathing, do pranayama or other physical activities
with either Ida or Pingala at will when Kundalini is awake. Kundalini does its own altered breathing and physical activities, which are called Kundalini Kriyas or Swabhavika Kriyas or Sahaja Kriyas of Kundalini.
When Kundalini Kriyas happen or when Kundalini awakens, we will just witness/know our own physical activities, without having control over them. Its similar to Kundalini regulating our breathing during sleep. The difference is that during sleeping, we will not know how we are breathing, and during Kundalini awakening, we will know how we are breathing/performing the Kriyas, but in both instances of sleeping and Kundalini awakening, we will not have control over our bodily/breathing activities. We are not responsible for our breathing during our sleep but Kundalini is. Kundalini is a breathing mechanism.
breathing for us and we cannot control our breathing. It would feel as if
somebody has taken possession of our body and forcing us to perform Pranayama
or other bodily activities/Kriyas. Check the Body Movements and Breathing
experiences in the below link:
The experiences in the above link are due to 2
kinds of Samadhis (intense SPIRITual experiences due to deep meditation and Kundalini awakening): Jnana Samadhi and Kriya Samadhi:
Kundalini, the Coiled
Serpent Power, connects Ida and Pingala (reason for our breathing) and Sushumna
(reason for spiritual awakening/DNA repair or upgradation) at
the mooladhara.

Except for Kundalini awakened people, nobody knew what DNA was. Kundalini awakened people realized that Kundalini is a natural physical+spiritual phenomena, DNA being the physical Kundalini energy.
In this picture (the caduceus), the intertwined 2 snakes represent DNA. Medical science is about the body-mind complex made up of DNA/Physical Kundalini energy. This ancient insignia/the Caduceus is not created by modern scientists, doctors, or researchers. Modern medical science has its roots in ancient medical knowledge. Comparison of modern DNA and ancient Kundalini DNA in pictures is in the below post:
The 2 snakes also represent Ida and Pingala nerves or nerve channels which are connected to our left and right nostrils through which we breathe in and breathe out. The middle staff/rod is the Sushumna. The head of the staff is Sahasrara and the wings represent freedom/liberation/enlightenment/Nirvana/Kaivalya.
Kundalini awakening leads to Liberation, Freedom, Self-realization, Brahmajnana, Yoga, Nirvana, Kaivalya, Enlightenment, etc., which all mean the same.
Except for Kundalini awakened people, nobody knew what DNA was. Kundalini awakened people realized that Kundalini is a natural physical+spiritual phenomena, DNA being the physical Kundalini energy.
In this picture (the caduceus), the intertwined 2 snakes represent DNA. Medical science is about the body-mind complex made up of DNA/Physical Kundalini energy. This ancient insignia/the Caduceus is not created by modern scientists, doctors, or researchers. Modern medical science has its roots in ancient medical knowledge. Comparison of modern DNA and ancient Kundalini DNA in pictures is in the below post:
The 2 snakes also represent Ida and Pingala nerves or nerve channels which are connected to our left and right nostrils through which we breathe in and breathe out. The middle staff/rod is the Sushumna. The head of the staff is Sahasrara and the wings represent freedom/liberation/enlightenment/Nirvana/Kaivalya.
Since Kundalini is responsible for our breathing, Kundalini is responsible for
EVERYTHING--life, living, physical and spiritual activities and knowledge,
freedom, enlightenment, etc. Kunalini is both the primordial energy and the
vital energy, which scriptures talk about.
Indian Yogis and Seers called the Vital/Super Energy/Power that lies in us as Kundalini. You can call it by any name. People have millions of names, but all are human beings. Water is called by many names in many languages. Thus, the important thing to know is that there is a super mechanism in us. Nomenclature does not matter.
Why did Vedantis, Buddhists, or Muslims, Christians, or other religious people not mention Kundalini and its importance?
you experience and know is what you will teach. If any of the above
religions have mentioned Kundalini with a different name/concept/idea, then it
is well and good. By the way, there are Upanishads on Kundalini. People
just got stuck with 12 major Upanishads for various reasons and called
them Vedanta, and none of them mention anything about Kundalini. Only these 12
Upanishads were made famous for various reasons again. So Vedantis, it doesn't
mean Kundalini is unreal, it means something else. Also, there are innumerable
scriptures which don't mention Kundalini. Again, it doesn't mean Kundalini is
unreal, it means something else.
Kundalini is mentioned as a coiled serpent/snake. It doesn't mean that there is a real snake residing in you. These are nerves or nerve channels coiled in the shape of a snake. Kundalini is a vortex like in this picture below, which resembles a coiled up snake.
The ancient Indian Yogis and Seers found out that Ritam/Sanatana Dharma or Dharma Sanatana (The Great Cosmic Principle/The Eternal Laws of Nature/Eternal Laws of Pinda and Brahmanda) is the same everywhere. It is the effect of the Supreme Sound/Vibration which vibrates throughout the cosmos. Due to the variation in frequencies of this vibration/sound, there is variety in the cosmos.
To know about the Supreme Sound, click:
The ancient Indian Seers and Yogis found
that a a higher power is responsible for our breathing during waking, sleeping,
and deep sleep states--we do not put any effort to breathe while sleeping. They called
this power that resides in all of us which is not only responsible for our
breathing but also which gives us spiritual experiences as Kundalini, the
coiled up power. Even the galaxy looks as though it is coiled up. "Whatever is in you is in the
entire cosmos." Kundalini is a vortex, the miniature galaxy residing in
Kundalini knows how to breathe when you
are sleeping, relaxing, running, walking, etc. Kundalini is
ever-active. Men can always see the effect of Kundalini--the groin changes
position, as if there is some breathing activity happening. They cannot do
anything about it, nobody can stop it. Similarly, for women, it will be
happening internally. This is the vital activity, without which a person
is dead.
Kundalini has 2 phases, sleeping and waking OR clockwise and anticlockwise (OR forward and reverse). Sleeping/clockwise means when Kundalini is not spiritually active. Waking/anticlockwise means when Kundalini is spiritually active. Spiritually means SPIRITually. When it moves anticlockwise, you come face-to-face with your original/real/spiritual Self.
When Kundalini is sleeping or looking down:
Kundalini is physically active and spiritually inactive or asleep. Kundalini breathes through Ida and Pingala. We have control over our body when Kundalini is sleeping.
We can regulate our breathing, do pranayama, and breathe the way we want. We are interested in all kinds of worldly activities that give us pleasures, especially the triple desires of kaama-kaanchana-keerti (sex, wealth, name and fame). We will be doing all other sorts of body-mind-ego activities, with being fully conscious of our body and mind. We will have complete knowledge of our surroundings.
When Kundalini awakens or looks upward:

Kundalini is spiritually active. “Prana
(Vital Breath/Energy) enters Sushumna” can also mean Kundalini breathing though
Sushumna in addition to Ida and Pingala. When Kundalini wakens, it starts
regulating breath in its own way—pranayama—this is original pranayama. We
cannot regulate our breathing, do pranayama, or do other physical activities during
this time. We have no control over our body. It would seem as if somebody is
breathing for us or we cannot control our breathing. It feels like as if
somebody has taken possession of our body and forcing us to perform Pranayama or other bodily
activities such as jerks, body shakes, twisting of the body, gesturing through
fingers and hand, tongue, eyes, etc. When Kundalini awakens, it feels as if someone has taken possession of your body!
Myth Versus Truth
Myth: Kundalini awakening is not required for enlightenment because not many religions talk about it.
Truth: Without Kundalini awakening (Samadhi), you will not experience anything about spirituality, not to mention enlightenment. All your knowledge of Enlightenment and Spirituality will remain bookish/borrowed/second-hand. Without Kundalini awakening and consequent real spiritual experience/knowledge, people become BHRAMjnanis (deluded persons or fake gurus who delude others about spirituality and enlightenment).
Myth: Ordinary people cannot get enlightened.
Truth: Everyone is ordinary. Only when many ordinary people think "person Z" to be not ordinary but special does this Z become extraordinary.
Myth: I can feel Kundalini moving/swirling/twirling in my mooladhara (perineum) when I am walking or awake.
Truth: That is not Kundalini, it is air/energy trapped in mooladhara due to meditating or concentrating on mooladhara. This is a physical symptom related to physical nerves, not related to any spiritual nerves.
Truth: Without Kundalini awakening (Samadhi), you will not experience anything about spirituality, not to mention enlightenment. All your knowledge of Enlightenment and Spirituality will remain bookish/borrowed/second-hand. Without Kundalini awakening and consequent real spiritual experience/knowledge, people become BHRAMjnanis (deluded persons or fake gurus who delude others about spirituality and enlightenment).
Truth: Everyone is ordinary. Only when many ordinary people think "person Z" to be not ordinary but special does this Z become extraordinary.
Myth: I can feel Kundalini moving/swirling/twirling in my mooladhara (perineum) when I am walking or awake.
Truth: That is not Kundalini, it is air/energy trapped in mooladhara due to meditating or concentrating on mooladhara. This is a physical symptom related to physical nerves, not related to any spiritual nerves.
Warning: This can happen in any Chakra location or any part of your body, physical
heart, in between your eyebrow, etc. People develop hernias in Chakra locations due to air getting trapped there. This is the reason never ever
meditate/concentrate on any chakra location, physical heart, brain, etc.
Myth: Pranayama leads to Kundalini Awakening.
Truth: It is the other way around.
When Kundalini awakens, Pranayama happens. You cannot awaken Kundalini with
Pranayama. Pranayama is a Swabhavika Kriya of Kundalini due to awakening.

Myth: If I practice prolonged breathlessness (kumbhaka), I can awaken my Kundalini.
Truth: When Kundalini awakens, you
can become breathless. This is called Swabhavika Kumbhaka (natural/spontaneous/involuntary breathlessness). While practicing Kumbhaka for awakening Kundalini, if your breath gets locked and you are unable to release the breath, then you will say goodbye to the world.
Myth: With Kriyas, I can awaken my Kundalini.
Truth: When Kundalini awakens,
Kriyas happen.
Myth: Practicing Mudras, like Kechri, I can awaken my Kundalini and move Prana up the Sahasrara and drink Amrit (nectar).
Truth: Mudras happen when
Kundalini awakens. Drinking nectar is not Amrit. Amrit or Amrut means deathless. Your spiritual body is deathless and immortal.
Myth: I can fly with my physical
body, when Kundalini is awake.
Truth: Only the spiritual body can
fly when Kundalini gets awakened.
Myth: My pineal gland gets
activated and I get enlightenment when Kundalini awakens.
Warning: Many fake gurus are now saying activating hormonal glands as chakra activation. There's no limit to the delusion that is being spread by modern-day educated (Scientific/quantum background) English-speaking gurus. We can expect druggists or electricians to become gurus who can inject some substance into or give nano-electric shocks to the pineal gland for Enlightenment/Chakra activation/Kundalini awakening.
Myth: Kundalini can
be awakened through sexual intercourse, Tantric sex, sex without
ejaculation, heating up your mooladhara.
Truth: Just
before Prana enters Sushumna, the sexual organ withdraws as a tortoise
withdraws its head. This is anticlockwise motion of Kundalini. There will be a
cold sensation in your perineum and groin area, as a result of which your
sexual organ retracts/contracts. Nobody can have sex in this condition.
These are all the side effects of wrong meditation techniques. People harm themselves physically and mentally by practicing unnatural meditation techniques, damage their body/mind irreparably, and end up blaming Kundalini. Without Kundalini, nobody can live.
sexual activities, nerves become weak, and Kundalini will never awaken in a
body with weak nerves. This is the reason why Yogasana is prescribed--to
make your body and nerves strong. Any yogasana practice without celibacy is a
BIG WASTE. A celibate doesn't need Yogasana.
There are many Kundalini symptoms (Kundalini syndrome, Kundalini psychosis),
Kundalini ascension symptoms, and other Kundalini awakening side effects.
Truth: There is nothing
called Kundalini symptom, Kundalini syndrome, Kundalini
psychosis, ascension symptom or Kundalini side effect.These are all the side effects of wrong meditation techniques. People harm themselves physically and mentally by practicing unnatural meditation techniques, damage their body/mind irreparably, and end up blaming Kundalini. Without Kundalini, nobody can live.
Kundalini experiences are subjective.
Truth: They
are not. Everybody will have similar experiences. There will be a little
difference as far as visions and some revelations are concerned, but the rest
are the same. The difference in vision/revelations is due to Re-Living and
Relieving of Vasanas and Samskaras.
and meditation are not subjective concepts. It is just that people are ignorant
because of lack of direct experiential knowledge. Many people do not believe
that they have a supernormal principle in them or that they have a higher
nature of existence. People just will not have meditation experiences because
of their low level of spiritual evolution. Deeply interested in fulfilling
physical, mental, and ego desires or relishing worldly pleasures with
enthusiasm at the cost of morality and human character is the characteristic of
a lowest of low person. The more one is disinterested in such activities, the
more evolved he/she is spiritually.
Myth: Books and websites teach the right things about Kundalini.
Truth: Too
much theory and nil practicals. In books/websites/scriptures, you will find that there are N number of naadis explained which
may be physical naadis. The main spiritual Naadi is Sushumna. It is only
when you start experiencing Prana flowing in Sushumna would you know the truth
about books, websites, and other sources of Kundalini misinformation. People would
have used different names like Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswati for Ida, Pingala, and
Sushumna, etc. People have been breathing all their lives with Ida and Pingala, do they ever become aware of the route of these nerves from nose up to mooladhara?
Meditate on silence and do not bother about theoretical information about Kundalini.
Some drug addicts have also written books on Kundalini. Such authors have made books out of their first experience with drugs as a Kundalini guide. Their auditory and visual hallucinations have been passed off as Kundalini experiences.
Meditate on silence and do not bother about theoretical information about Kundalini.
Some drug addicts have also written books on Kundalini. Such authors have made books out of their first experience with drugs as a Kundalini guide. Their auditory and visual hallucinations have been passed off as Kundalini experiences.
Myth: I see snakes around all the time, in meditation as well as when I am
not meditating--that is I see Kundalini everywhere.
is your spiritual power. It has no relation to snakes. The two intertwined
snakes represent the two strands of your DNA and Ida and Pingala. When
Kundalini shakes in mooladhara, it seem as if a snake is crawling
under your seat. This happens during Kundalini awakening and you jump from your
seat. On the other hand, if there is a sensation in your mooladhara
always, even when you are not meditating, then you should know that air is
trapped there due to meditating on mooladhara. In some cases, people develop a

Myth: By imagining that
my Kundalini is moving up the spine, I can awaken my Kundalini.
Truth: Do not practice
any imagination techniques, you will start hallucinating. If you are
concentrating on your spine, then surely you will damage your spine also.
Myth: I see a tiny bright light in my spine and sometimes I see 3 strands of white airy pipe-like nerves going from mooladhara to sahasrara. I am seeing Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna.
Truth: Your mind is very good at imagination. Do not practice any imagination/visualization meditation techniques, you will start hallucinating. If you are concentrating on your spine, then surely you will damage your spine also.
WARNING: DO NOT practice imagination techniques to
awaken Kundalini. Meditation is practiced to find the reality about oneself.
How could imagination lead to reality? If you want to make your imagination a
reality, then that imagination may lead to hallucination and other
mental disorders. This is where and how people start hallucinating and losing their minds!!!
People with weak bodies, worn out nerves, weak minds, who have indulged in
a lot of sexual activities, who imagine too much, who are hypochondriacs, who are too intelligent and think they can have Self-realization through intellectual activities, etc.,
will start hallucinating. This is the reason why celibacy is important.
Celibacy strengthens our nervous system, makes our body strong, and gives mental
strength, all of which make us strong enough to withstand the surge of spiritual
currents that will be passed when Kundalini awakens.

is a great benefactor! It knows when a person is ready for the awakening. It
knows that people would go out of their mind or would damage their bodies if
their bodies and minds are not fit for the awakening. This is the reason
why only 1 in a million will have a Kundalini experience in his/her lifetime.
Myth: Kundalini awakening can be done through Yoga, i.e., asanas, pranayama, kriyas and other bending, twisting, sitting, breathing exercises.
Truth: No.
All these will happen
spontaneously/involuntarily/naturally (swabhavika kriya) when
Kundalini awakens. You can practice yogasana to make your body and nerves
stronger. You can practice ancient yogic pranayama to get relief from a
particular medical condition or symptom that you are having. You need to first check the efficacy of the pranayama on your medical condition. Mind you all gurus who teach ancient pranayama may not know the correct way of doing a particular Panayama or may not know which pranayama is beneficial for what kind of medical symptom/medical condition. Practicing the same pranayama always is dangerous. Many gurus say that along with pranayama, you should also continue your allopathic drugs/medicines for your medical condition. So you should first check the efficacy of pranayama for your medical condition and then do what you please.
In any case, NEVER practice pranayama or Kriya for Kundalini Awakening. It is dangerous.
In any case, NEVER practice pranayama or Kriya for Kundalini Awakening. It is dangerous.
the mind becomes still, the breath becomes equanimous, or a MOMENTARY
swabhavika kumbhaka (natural cessation of breath) is achieved, a higher power (Kundalini) in you awakens WITHOUT
All types of meditation and non-meditation practices should
end in SILENCE for the higher power (Kundalini) to awaken in you.
know about the process of or stages in meditation, click:
Myth: People get enlightened without awakening Kundalini.
Truth: Impossible. Some past enlightened
people may not have talked much about Kundalini for various reasons (one reason may be because not many followers would have asked about Kundalini), but without Kundalini
awakening, nobody can get enlightened. Kundalini is the reason for loosening
the knots of the heart, which leads to Self-realization and Enlightenment.
Myth: You cannot awaken Kundalini without knowing what Kundalini is or without having a thorough knowledge about Kundalini. Nobody can awaken Kundalini without reading a lot of books on Kundalini and knowing the hundreds of naadis mentioned in those books.
Truth: Kundalini is just a name. I had
a Kundalini experience without having heard the word "Kundalini".
To know how, click:
To know how, click:
Myth: Kundalini Yoga is a type of Yoga or meditation technique.
Truth: Whatever type of Yoga technique
or meditation technique you are practicing, Kundalini (higher power in you
responsible for breathing and spiritual awakening) will awaken once you Silence
your mind and progress in deep meditation.
You need to remove the adjectives which describe a type or the name of the author (eponym) from Patanjali Yoga, Raja Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Vihangama Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Dhyana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Shava Yoga, etc., and then read the above meaning of Yoga. All the adjectives/types are practices that ultimately lead to Yoga, Self-realization or Enlightenment. Only when the body and the mind become Silent, the spiritual and super-conscious activities begin--This is the beginning of Yoga.
Yoga means union or merger of the individual self/consciousness with the cosmic Self/Consciousness. Yoga means spiritual body/mind/consciousness awakening. It means Self-realization or enlightenment. Yoga is achieved through Dhyana or meditation, not through physical exercises (asana) or breathing exercises (pranayama).
Myth: Kundalini can only be awakened through yogic activities.
Kundalini will awaken once the mind becomes still or inactive during
meditation. When Kundalini awakens, all yogic activities happen on their own.
This is how our Yogis found out Kriyas. When swabhavika (natural, spontaneous,
involuntary) yogic activities like pranayama, asana, twisting of the
body, mudras, involuntary speech (glossolalia), kriyas, altered breathing, etc., happen without your will, know for sure you had a Kundalini awakening.
Myth: There
are various types of Kundalini rising, in different naadis.
Truth: There
is only one type of Kundalini rising, through Sushumna.
Myth: I can activate my Chakras without Kundalini awakening.
Truth: Kundalini awakening means Chakra activation.
Myth: My Heart Chakra is displaced, do I take help from people who balance and heal Chakras?

Myth: I had a Kundalini awakening when my guru performed Shaktipat.
Truth: Lies. Shaktipt is fake. Lies about Shaktipat are in the following link:
Myth: Guru is necessary for Kundalini awakening.
Truth: Not necessary.
Myth: You need to renounce the world and become a sadhu for Kundalini awakening.
Truth: Not necessary.
Myth: Presently, many gurus have had Kundalini awakenings.
Truth: Presently, any guru who takes money/donations from his/her followers/disciples has not had any Kundalini awakening.
Myth: I can awaken my Kundalini with activity at will.
When Kundalini awakens, you lose control of your body. You cannot do anything,
not even breathe on your own.
Myth: I can park my Kundalini in one Chakra and do other physical activities.
You cannot do anything with Chakras. You cannot do any activities at will when Kundalini is awake. When
Kundalini awakens, there will be an intense experience. When the experience is
over, Prana/Kundalini drops down/comes back to its original position so that you can
perform your worldly activities.
Myth: My Kundalini is disconnected from my mooladhara.
Myth: My heart/crown Chakra has opened and is not closing. I am having a lot of sensations there.
Truth: You are joking/imagining. Chakras are not of the physical body. They are the spiritual nerve centers of the spiritual body. As for sensations, go through my posts if you want your well being:
Myth: Kundalini Awakening experiences and Vedanta/Upanishad/Jnaana Maargi's (followers of the path of Knowledge) experiences about Consciousness/Reality are entirely different.
Truth: Whatever route, a higher power in you must awaken and give you spiritual experiences. Those experiences should be similar to the ones that I have listed in my first post about Kundalini and meditation experiences. If a Jnaana Maargi says they are different, take him to be a BHRAMjnaani. Upanishads are nothing but a compilation of the knowledge of Kundalini awakened people. Only through Kundalini/spiritual experiences will you know the truth about Vedanta and Upanishads.
Truth: Whatever route, a higher power in you must awaken and give you spiritual experiences. Those experiences should be similar to the ones that I have listed in my first post about Kundalini and meditation experiences. If a Jnaana Maargi says they are different, take him to be a BHRAMjnaani. Upanishads are nothing but a compilation of the knowledge of Kundalini awakened people. Only through Kundalini/spiritual experiences will you know the truth about Vedanta and Upanishads.
Myth: The path of Vedanta is the best, just by reading and understanding Vedanta/Upanishads/Upanishadic truth, people become enlightened. Jnaana Yoga is the best of all.
Truth: You are living your delusions. Spirituality is not an intellectual exercise. Vedanta is the compilation of the knowledge of Kundalini awakened people. If you think you can get enlightened through intellectually understanding Vedanta, then it is like reading Guinness Book of World Records and thinking that you have set all the World Records.
Myth: By asking who am I? or saying/thinking/getting convinced that "I am That, I am He, I am She, I am, I am I AM, Soham, Aham, Hamsa, Aham Brahmasmi, Aham Eva Asmi, etc.," I can become Brahmajnani or Enlightened.
Truth: You will become a BHRAMjnani (deluded person/person who deludes others) if you get enlightenment through thinking/intelligence/perception/belief/questioning.
Anybody can read what you have read and think like you, even a murderer sitting in a jail can say "I am That, I am He, I am She, I am, I am I AM, Soham, Aham, Hamsa, Aham Brahmasmi, Aham Eva Asmi, etc." and upon release from the jail may murder another person and get back in jail and still say "I am That, I am He, I am She, I am, I am I AM, Soham, Aham, Hamsa, Aham Brahmasmi, Aham Eva Asmi, etc."
Truth: Kundalini experiences give glimpse of the higher nature of our existence. Loosening all the knots of the spiritual heart is a must.
Enlightenment happens when you have 1000s of Kundalini awakenings, and when all the knots of the heart are loosened through passage of spiritual currents, you will surely know what enlightenment is. Yes of course you can become a BHRAMjnaani Guru (a fake guru who will make his/her disciples/followers delusional) without even a single Kundalini experience, like all the present-day gurus of all the religions throughout the world.
Truth: You are living your delusions. Spirituality is not an intellectual exercise. Vedanta is the compilation of the knowledge of Kundalini awakened people. If you think you can get enlightened through intellectually understanding Vedanta, then it is like reading Guinness Book of World Records and thinking that you have set all the World Records.
Myth: By asking who am I? or saying/thinking/getting convinced that "I am That, I am He, I am She, I am, I am I AM, Soham, Aham, Hamsa, Aham Brahmasmi, Aham Eva Asmi, etc.," I can become Brahmajnani or Enlightened.
Truth: You will become a BHRAMjnani (deluded person/person who deludes others) if you get enlightenment through thinking/intelligence/perception/belief/questioning.
Anybody can read what you have read and think like you, even a murderer sitting in a jail can say "I am That, I am He, I am She, I am, I am I AM, Soham, Aham, Hamsa, Aham Brahmasmi, Aham Eva Asmi, etc." and upon release from the jail may murder another person and get back in jail and still say "I am That, I am He, I am She, I am, I am I AM, Soham, Aham, Hamsa, Aham Brahmasmi, Aham Eva Asmi, etc."
Myth: Once Kundalini awakens, a person becomes enlightened.
Truth: After 1000s of Kundalini awakenings and many types of spiritual experiences, when all the knots of the heart are loosened, a person becomes enlightened.
Myth: I had a Kundalini experience in which I experienced I am this whole cosmos and now I am an enlightened guru.
Enlightenment happens when you have 1000s of Kundalini awakenings, and when all the knots of the heart are loosened through passage of spiritual currents, you will surely know what enlightenment is. Yes of course you can become a BHRAMjnaani Guru (a fake guru who will make his/her disciples/followers delusional) without even a single Kundalini experience, like all the present-day gurus of all the religions throughout the world.
To know about the spiritual heart/knots of the heart, click:
Myth: An enlightened person's Kundalini is always awakened.
Truth: Do not go that far. Have at least one REAL Kundalini experience in this life first.
Myth: I heard a voice during my Kundalini awakening.
Truth: More often than not, meditation practitioners take auditory and visual hallucinations as Kundalini awakening experiences.
Myth: A person with a single spiritual awakening understands the state of Just Be, BEING, BE, I AM, etc., and he/she gets instant enlightenment/Self-realization.
Truth: He/she is a fake guru or a BRHAMjnani.
Myth: Spiritual body is a myth.
Truth: Spiritual body is real. This spiritual body can take any form. There's no death or decay to this spiritual body. The spiritual body is immortal. This spiritual body is like the subatomic particles, neither created nor destroyed but just change their outer appearance.
Myth: Kundalini is a myth.
Truth: Kundalini is real.
Myth: If a person's Kundalini reaches Sahasrara (Crown Chakra), he/she gets enlightened.
Myth: If a person's Kundalini reaches Anahata (Heart Chakra), he/she will hear Om/Aum/Cosmic Sound/Vibration.
Myth: With Kundalini awakening, people can see other people's aura/divine forms/God/Goddess with their physical eyes and hear voices/sound/music/divine or God's voices with their physical ears.
Truth: If you are seeing something with your naked eyes that's not visible to others and hearing something with your physical ears that others can't, THEN YOU ARE HALLUCINATING. Divine vision/hearing happen only when Kundalini awakens and you get into Jnana Samadhi, where you have no physical/body consciousness hence can't see or hear anything with your physical eyes and ears. After your meditative Samadhi is over, you will realize that you had been meditating.
Myth: If a person's Kundalini has awakened, he/she becomes a perfect celibate.
Myth: If a person's Kundalini has awakened, he/she becomes a miracle wo/man, psychic wo/man, gets miraculous powers, becomes a famous guru, rules the world, doesn't get married, always thinks/walks/talks Kundalini, enlightenment, and spirituality.
Myth: People who have had Kundalini awakenings cannot do ordinary works, behave like ordinary people, think/talk like ordinary people.
Myth: I heard a voice during my Kundalini awakening.
Truth: More often than not, meditation practitioners take auditory and visual hallucinations as Kundalini awakening experiences.
Myth: A person with a single spiritual awakening understands the state of Just Be, BEING, BE, I AM, etc., and he/she gets instant enlightenment/Self-realization.
Truth: He/she is a fake guru or a BRHAMjnani.
Myth: Spiritual body is a myth.
Truth: Spiritual body is real. This spiritual body can take any form. There's no death or decay to this spiritual body. The spiritual body is immortal. This spiritual body is like the subatomic particles, neither created nor destroyed but just change their outer appearance.
Myth: Kundalini is a myth.
Truth: Kundalini is real.
Myth: If a person's Kundalini reaches Sahasrara (Crown Chakra), he/she gets enlightened.
Myth: If a person's Kundalini reaches Anahata (Heart Chakra), he/she will hear Om/Aum/Cosmic Sound/Vibration.
Myth: With Kundalini awakening, people can see other people's aura/divine forms/God/Goddess with their physical eyes and hear voices/sound/music/divine or God's voices with their physical ears.
Truth: If you are seeing something with your naked eyes that's not visible to others and hearing something with your physical ears that others can't, THEN YOU ARE HALLUCINATING. Divine vision/hearing happen only when Kundalini awakens and you get into Jnana Samadhi, where you have no physical/body consciousness hence can't see or hear anything with your physical eyes and ears. After your meditative Samadhi is over, you will realize that you had been meditating.
Myth: If a person's Kundalini has awakened, he/she becomes a perfect celibate.
Myth: If a person's Kundalini has awakened, he/she becomes a miracle wo/man, psychic wo/man, gets miraculous powers, becomes a famous guru, rules the world, doesn't get married, always thinks/walks/talks Kundalini, enlightenment, and spirituality.
Myth: People who have had Kundalini awakenings cannot do ordinary works, behave like ordinary people, think/talk like ordinary people.
It's okay if you don’t meet a Brahmajnani (Self-realized seer) or realize
yourself in this life, but never ever meet or follow a BHRAMjnaani (delusional person or a fake guru
who will make you delusional). If you do, then you will suffer your
entire life.
SHUBHAMASTU – Let Good Happen to You!