May 31, 2016

Kundalini in a nutshell, Some More Thoughts on Spirituality, Meditation, Yoga, Kundalini, Mantra, Shaktipati, Kriyas, Chakras, Kundalini DNA


Spirituality is about the SPIRIT (spiritual body/mind/consciousness), our inner Reality, or the real knower (Jnaata/Kshetrajna). Meditation is the means to get an insight into this inner Reality.

Kundalini is the mechanism/the power that is responsible for our breathing during waking, dreaming, and deep sleep states and also spiritual awakening. Kundalini has two phases or states, sleeping (downward-looking) and waking (upward-looking).

Sleeping Kundalini State:
Kundalini breathes through Ida and Pingala (nerves/channels connected to our left and right nostrils).
When Kundalini is sleeping or looking downward, we have control over our body and perform physical and mental activities at will. We can regulate our breathing, do pranayama, or do other physical activities.

Waking/Awakened Kundalini State:
“Prana (Vital Breath/Energy) enters Sushumna” can also mean Kundalini breathing though Sushumna in addition to Ida and Pingala.
We have no control over our body and we cannot perform physical activities at will. As for mental activities, we can just be silent witness to the activities performed by Kundalini. Such activities during Kundalini awakening are called Swabhavika Kriyas (natural Kriyas). These activities are also called involuntary/spontaneous Kriyas, i.e., performing activities without our effort/will.

All the experiences of the following post are the Swabhavika Kriyas of Kundalini:

Modern-day meditation and spiritual practices are exactly the opposite of real/ancient meditation and spiritual practices.

Books on Kundalini are filled with many fundas and mumbo-jumbos, which are really not true—all figments of someone’s imagination. Whatever little truth is in them, you will never understand it unless you have had Kundalini experiences.

To know about Kundalini and the myths surrounding it, click:

To awaken Kundalini, if you want to practice any mudras, mahamudras, bandhas, pranayama, kriyas, etc., seriously for a prolonged duration of time, take for guaranteed that you will irreparably damage your body and mind. THESE ARE DANGEROUS.


Because these are not the causes of Samadhi/Kundalini/spiritual awakening. These are the results of Samadhi/Kundalini/spiritual awakening.

Spiritual awakening is nothing but Kundalini awakening. The ancient Indian Yogis and Seers told what happens during deep meditation, Samadhi, or Kundalini awakening. They told that when Kundalini awakens, breathing alters-body position changes- involuntary body movements take place-gaze gets fixed (Kriyas), body starts twisting itself in certain positions (Asanas), hands and fingers/eyes/tongue start gesturing or positioning themselves in different ways (Mudras, Mahamudras), different types of speech is produced, breathing starts changing and breath starts getting locked in various parts of the lungs-breathlessness happens (Pranayama, Bandhas, Kriyas), eyes start rolling upward/backward/gaze gets fixed as happens when a person is dead (Trataka), etc. The ignorant followers of the Yogis and Seers, without direct experience of Samadhi/Kundalini Awakening would have taken such effects of Kundalini as the causes to awaken Kundalini and attain Self-realization. They may have manipulated also.

All the above activities are the natural activities (Swabahavika Kriya) of Kundalini. These happen when the mind becomes silent during mediation. These are the real meditation experiences. These are the real Kriyas performed by Kundalini.

Modern-day ignorant Gurus make a combination of Pranayama, Asana, Mudra, Trataka, etc., and give a unique name to such activities as XYZ Kriya. They popularize their unique Kriya to awaken Kundalini.  Pain in the Ajna Chakra, twirling/swirling sensations in Chakra locations, spinning, vibrations, pulsations, ringing/buzzing in the ears, etc., which are the side effects of such Kriyas are termed as meditation/Kundalini awakening experiences.  If a person experiences pain in the forehead during such Kriya meditation, they will say that the pain is due to Kundalini blockage and their Kriya is clearing the blockage or Naadi Shodhana/Shuddhi (purification/cleansing of Naadis/nerves) process has started. In reality, pain in the forehead means headache, and if you continue with such Kriyas, you may develop chronic headaches, migraines, or end up having dizziness, giddiness, syncope, loss of consciousness, vision problems, or other nervous disorders. If a person experiences ringing/buzzing/whooshing sounds or pulsations and vibrations during and after meditation, the Gurus will say that your Kundalini has awakened, is working, or is purifying/cleansing your nerves, clearing your Chakra blockages, or you are hearing divine sounds. These are signs/symptoms of tinnitus, vertigo, and other ear/nervous disorders. Give up all Kriyas to awaken Kundalini.

When Kundalini awakens, only ancient Yogic Kriyas happen. Fake Pranayama or Kriyas that have been discovered or invented by modern gurus never happen. Do not practice these. These are dangerous.

This is a very dangerous meditation technique. People will have increased BP, Hypertension, Stroke, and Cardiovascular disorders if practiced for a prolonged period of time or practiced intensely or seriously.

Mantra meditation is a tiresome mental activity. Can repeating a mantra continuously (mental activity) give any mental calmness? Mantra meditation is a hindrance in achieving SILENCE. Without SILENCE, take for granted that you will not have Kundalini/spiritual awakening. People start imagining about the form of the deity of the Mantra, which in the long run if practiced seriously to have a vision of the deity, will lead to problems.

The following are the stages of Mantra meditation:
You loudly utter a mantra, others can hear you.
You quietly utter a mantra, others can’t hear you, only you can hear.
You close your mouth and utter the mantra with your tongue.
You close your mouth, mentally recite/think the mantra.
You have closed your mouth, you are not reciting it. The mind starts reciting, and you cannot stop it—This is AJAPA (involuntary mantra recitation). Your head becomes heavy. This is dangerous if you do not know what to do.

Last Stage: All the above Mantra uttering stops--you will experience the following:

There is MAHAJAPA or ANANTA JAPA (The Great Eternal Recitation) of the MAHAMANTRA (The Great Grand Mantra) happening not only in you but in the entire cosmos. This is the mother of all mantras. This is the Supreme Vibration/Sound, the Supreme Word, the Creator of the universe. This is the beginning, the middle, and the end of the cosmos. To know what this Mahamantra is, click the following:

"In Silence, the Supreme Sound is Heard." "Be Still, and Know That I am God!"

Silence leads to deep meditation, spiritual experience, and transcendence. Uttering a Mantra is an activity hence a hindrance in deep meditation. If you cannot really do away with a Mantra, then utter it for 10 minutes and then keep silent.  Start practicing SILENCE.

Shaktipat is a trap.  Shaktipat--guru arousing Kundalini of a new initiate through sight, touch, sex (to some lecherous people), etc.

The disciple does not know what Shakti (Kundalini) is, the Guru doesn’t know what Shakti is, but he will arouse Kundalini in the disciple. Is it possible?

Some Gurus will just ask a new initiate to meditate on Ajna Chakra, etc., and when the initiate has meditated for sometime, the guru will forcefully close the disciple's ears with his thumbs/fingers and press the Ajna Chakra with his fingers/thumbs. Due to the pressure, the disciple will see some brightness, which the guru will call as Kundalini awakening. The guru may use other techniques also.

You can ask your friend or somebody to use the same technique on you--the effect of Kundalini awakening will be the same!

Flashing a torch would be more effective. When a new initiate is meditating, flash a torch on his closed eyes, he will see more brightness. This is an advanced way of raising someone's Kundalini.

As for looking into someone's eyes and raising Kundalini or transferring power/energy, it is just an act of perversion. In such eye-to-eye transfer of energy or Shakti, the usual participants will be a man and a woman.

Shaktipat through sex is a BIG hoax. Do not fall for it.

To know if sex can lead to super-consciousness or Self--realization, click the link below:


Do not believe in Chakra Balancing or Chakra Healing. It is a hoax. Chakras are related to our spiritual body. These are useful only for people who have Kundalini awakenings. None of the balancers (like bouncers) and know anything about Kundalini, Chakra, or anything related to spirituality. These people will use some crystals, some massage, some weird stuffs and practices. Strange people. All bogus. These are Kundalini superstitions.

These are meditation experiences and not meditation techniques as taught by family-oriented, worldly, business people. Do not practice them. For more details, click:

Dhyan is an Indian name for meditation, which became Chen in China and later Zen in Japan; Dhyana became Jhana in Buddhism--all these are due to pronunciation issues.

Dhyan/Dhyana is a pure spiritual practice, which was practiced to know the reality about oneself and the entire Cosmos (pinda and brahmanda), Nirvana, Kaivalya, Self-realization, Self-knowledge, Yoga, etc.

All the above are mental activities. These won't help in having a spiritual/Kundalini awakening experience.

Say "I don't know anything apart from what I have read, heard, or thought about" and practice meditation on Silence.

Advaita, advaya, or advitiya means one, one without a second, or nondual. It refers to the nondual PRINCIPLE of sub-sub....subatomic particles of vibration/sound, which is the Cosmic Reality. Knowledge of Advaita does not make you a God (Aham Brahmasmi), a miracle man/woman, or a Super human being. Advaita means everything (yourself and the cosmos) is made up of a God particle/Consciousness hence the same.
There are 100s, if not 1000s, of meditation techniques discussed in Tantra. All these techniques should lead to silence because silence is a stage (however brief it is) one has to go through in deep meditation for Kundalini/spiritual awakening experiences. Any mental/physical activity as a form of meditation will not yield any spiritual result apart from the reactivity of your body and mind to such activity. Avoid practicing Tantric techniques if you have any physical/mental problems (more often than not, you will have problems).

I have seen some people having Kundalini awakening during religious festivities, religious processions, temple visits, devotional singing, Kumbh, and other Melas. These people had convulsions and seizure-like activities and some dropped to the ground as they had been standing. People around them would think that either a God/Goddess or an evil spirit has possessed them. Based on how the public took it, they were either revered as being godly or referred to a fake Tantrik to get rid of the evil spirit. These people were either villagers or very simple people from humble backgrounds. Such people were spiritually evolved. These people did not know anything about Kundalini awakening. (I am not talking about people who fake as if they have been possessed by a God/Goddess and start dancing to some filmy music.)

Yoga means union or merger of the individual self/consciousness with the cosmic Self/Consciousness. It also means you coming face-to-face with your inner reality--spiritual self. It means Self-realization or enlightenment.

In the following Yogas, the first word is an adjective describing a method through which Yoga (union, Self-realization) is achieved:  Patanjali Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Raja Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Dhyana Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Shiva-Shakti Yoga, Shava (corpse) Yoga, Nidra (sleep) Yoga, Tantra Yoga, Mantra Yoga, Siddha Yoga, Sandhi Yoga, etc. Remove all the adjectives and read the above meaning of Yoga.

Whatever Yoga method you follow, Silence (however brief) is a stage you have to go through in meditation. Therefore practice Silence or meditate/concentrate/focus on Silence.

Give Mouna Yoga (Yoga of Silence, Silence Yoga during meditation) a try.

Viyoga (separation) of Chit (spiritual body/mind/consciousness) from Jada (physical body) is also called Yoga.

Many people live and die without knowing what Yoga or spirituality is.

All are mental activities influencing one's physical activities. Like a child for whom such words have no use, stop thinking about ISMs and practice meditation in a playful manner to know if there is anything in you that is beyond the body-mind complex.

Experiencing is believing! Otherwise, all your spirituality and divinity stuff is going to be a second-hand knowledge (read, heard, thought about) and a mere belief. Your mind will keep raising doubts about spirituality and divinity until death, and maybe during death you will experience something which will shatter all your beliefs to pieces. 

Meditation is the route to Self-realization. Meditation is not bad, but wrong meditation techniques and spiritual practices are:

To know about the process through which Kundalini awakening/spiritual/meditation experiences can be had, click:

To know about the obstacles and obstructions in achieving Samadhi, click:

For some instructions, guidelines, do's and don'ts in meditation and spirituality, click:
WARNING: It's okay if you don’t meet a Brahmajnani (Self-realized seer) or realize yourself in this life, but never ever meet or follow a BHRAMjnaani (fake guru who will make you delusional).  If you do, then you will suffer your entire life.
SHUBHAMASTU – Let Good Happen to You!

May 21, 2016

Vipassana, Mindfulness, Here and Now, Here Now Myth, Akaliko, Just Be, BEING, Knowing Things As They Are, Insight Meditation, Mindfulness Meditation, Buddhist Meditation, Knots of the Spiritual Heart, Buddhist Knots of Eternity, Buddhist Auspicious Symbols/Signs, Dangers Involved in Vipassana, Nirvana, Samsara, Self vs Non-Self, Maya, Buddha's Enlightenment, House Builder, Sanatana Dharma, Dharma Sanatana, Ritam, Rutam, Prajna, Panna, etc.

Read Prajnaparamita Sutra or Heart Sutra of Buddha first. You can Google it and read it. It is half a page Sutra.

There are Vipassana courses and retreats in which people are asked to wake up early, eat very little, and meditate for longer periods of time (may be 8 hours a day). If a person who is not used to sitting for 15 minutes a day is asked to meditate a couple of hours a day, he/she will damage his/her body and mind irreparably. It's like forcing a kid who has not run a kilometer a day to run 8 kilometers a day for as many days continuously. COMPLETE BREAKDOWN! And if the kid is unable to run 8 kilometers, the blame is on him! If the kid collapses while running, the kid is to blame again! All the problems are with the kid! Surprisingly, the kid also thinks the same!!! Hasn't common sense gone for a six? What is this if not a delusion?
I have heard that some people attending such courses and retreats go out of their mind within a very short period of time. Such practitioners are secretly chucked out of the retreats and courses due to the same and in order to avoid others fleeing the retreats and courses.

DANGER: Vipassana teachers will tell you to just observe the bodily sensations without reacting--this will damage your body, nervous system, spinal chord, etc., if you are sitting for a prolonged period even when you have pain or pressure.

It is common sense that when your legs get numb, you need to change your position. Prolonged absence of blood supply to any body part or too much pressure on the spinal column results in severe medical conditions. A meditator told me that his uncle wanted to meditate in Padmasana (Lotus posture), so he somehow managed to fold his legs in Padmasana. He meditated for some time, and then he started screaming. He was unable to unlock his legs from Padmasana. People tried to unlock his legs, they couldn't, so they took him to the hospital, and now he is paralyzed. This is a believe it or not stuff.

Sitting in a rigid posture; sitting for a longer duration of time without changing the position despite feeling pain, pressure, heat, air movement will damage your body area or cavity, spinal column, and nervous system irreparably.

Observing body sensations continuously, sitting rigidly in a body position/posture, without relaxation of the mind leads to overheating of the brain leading to mental disorders.

TRUTH: Vipassana is a mediation experience! It is not a meditation technique.

Is Enlightenment a result of meditation or a meditation technique?

Is Vipassana (seeing/knowing things as they are, i.e., knowing the truth about oneself and the entire cosmos) a result of meditation or a meditation technique?

Buddha encouraged his own family members to renounce the world and live like him. By using Buddha's name and concocting his teachings, some people who are neck-deep in family (worldly) life and enjoying the pleasures of the world are making spirituality and meditation a profit-making venture. Such people have not done an ounce of Sadhana which the Buddha did by he tonnes. Such people do not know what solitude is; they have always been among people all their lives enjoying worldly pleasures. Can such people's teaching ever have any effect on a person's spiritual progress? Can such people's followers ever benefit spiritually? Can such people ever know what Vipassana is?

VIPASSANA has been corrupted and brought down to the lowest level of focusing on the usual body sensations and mental feelings, which we all experience everyday, throughout our lives. It is being popularized as a meditation technique for good physical and mental health, as a stress buster, a tension reliever, something that bestows peace and happiness, etc.

If someone says through mental activities, you can gain mental peace or through observing sensations, you can sense Enlightenment—take that person to be a BHRAMjnaani (a delusional person or a fake guru that is hell bent on making you delusional) because it is like saying you can gain super-consciousness through sex. Some people do believe it!

TRUTH: Buddha did not get enlightenment by observing his breath! Buddha got enlightenment as his mind went through the following stages:

To know about the REAL meditation experiences, the meditation experiences of your REAL/TRUE self or nature (Buddha nature per buddhists), Enlightenment experiences, spiritual Revelations, Samadhi experiences (buddhists call it as Sambodhi), REAL VIPASSANA, real Insight and the real effect of Indian Dhyan, Chinese Chan, Korean Son, Vietnamese Thien, or Japanese Zen, click:

WARNING: Vipassana meditation practices may help in giving you a pseudo-mental state or an ego massage by making you feel that you have become spiritual or you can sit in a meditative pose for longer duration. Due to this reason, you feel compelled to change your outlook, behavior, attitude and feel or act differently. You will be like the emperor and others in the story of The Emperor's New Clothes.
VIPASSANA IS NOT A MEDITATION TECHNIQUE -- VIPASSANA IS A RESULT OF DEEP MEDITATION. Vipassana is a meditation experience, which happens when the mind becomes silent of all thoughts. It is the awareness of your super-consciousness, not your bodily or mental consciousness.

Food for thought: By the way, Here and Now means 'Akaliko.' Akaliko was used in the context of dharma or religion to mean 'without time frame' or 'here and now.'  According to the ancient monks, a good religion should yield results here and now, without waiting for longer periods of time. It means if you follow a good religion, the fruits of that religion should be experienced here and now, in this very life; you don’t have to wait for future, like going to heaven after death to enjoy the fruits of your dharma. This was used to criticize the theories of heaven and hell which were prevalent in Buddha's time and which are prevalent even now. In the ancient times, people were under the delusion that if they do good karma (basically donating to religious priests/gurus/causes), they will get the results in heaven, which surprisingly continues till date.

Isn't the term 'here and now ' "here now" "akaliko" being used or misused beyond limits? THINKING HERE AND NOW, HERE NOW IS NOT ENLIGHTENMENT; IT IS A PSEUDO-MENTAL STATE.

Some people say that living in the present is Nirvana, Self-realization, or the effect of meditation. In that case, all children should be Self-realized and experience Nirvana everyday without meditation. Can anyone live in the past or future? Thinking about the past/future is done in the present. Some people jump and dance and tell other people that whoever lives in the present feels happy like him/her and jumps and dances. Does happiness mean jumping and dancing? Such persons have still clung to their bodies to express their happiness, which is a mental emotion. Also, does it mean people are watching his/her dance in the past/future and not in the present?

Such "live in the present moment" stuff is cooked up by some fake gurus/teachers/book writers to satisfy the appetite/ego of those people who have had a bad past and bad memories, who have an inferiority complex, who are concerned only about fulfilling their selfish physical and mental cravings/desires Here and Now, who believe only in taking and not giving, who are body worshipers, who want to have a pseudo-mental state and pseudo-happiness, and who want to feel great about themselves.  More often than not, such people who say "live in the moment" are not considerate towards others, do not care about their duties and responsibilities toward others, live a selfish life, have big fat egos, and are artificial and dry. Such people are ungrateful because they forget those who have helped them in the past. Avoid contact with such ungrateful people and also avoid contact with gurus who teach others to become ungrateful.

Truth: Thinking about the present is also a thought, a mental activity. Silence is the best form of meditation, and silence is a stage which one has to go through in deep meditation to have a meditation experience, an insight, or real Vipassana. 

"Be silent and know thyself." "In Silence, The Supreme Sound (Word of God) is Heard." "Be still, and know that I am God."

A guru is not needed to teach silence. This type of meditation is easy, free, guru-less, can be done anywhere and anytime.

Are these the reasons why gurus don't teach silence? or do they really know anything about meditation?
Is meditation deliberately made an activity and given a fancy name or a mumbo-jumbo with some do's and don'ts stuff to say I-know-you-don't-know-so-I-am-your-guru?
If everyone practices silence as a meditation technique, what will happen to all gurus, their courses, and their organizations where physical and mental activities are taught as forms of meditation?
What will happen to all the authors, writers, and others who make money writing on meditation/spiritual mumbo-jumbos?

How many Buddhist people, monks, bhantes, abbots, lamas, ripoches, bhodisattas, gurus know the real meaning of the 8 auspicisious symbols, especially THE  ENDLESS KNOT?

To know the real meaning of this the endless knot, click and get enlightened:

Read Prajnaparamita Sutra or Heart Sutra of Buddha again.

Believe it or not #1: Buddha is not a name of a particular person.
A person who merges/dissolves his Buddhi (physical mind/intellect/intelligence/ego) in Bodhi (Chit/Bodhicitta/Bodhichitta/Pure Awareness/Consciousness/Spiritual Mind or Consciousness) is a Buddha/Bodhisattva/Bodhisatta.

Just as anyone can become a Yogi or a Seer, anyone can become a Buddha. YOU CAN BECOME A BUDDHA!

In the history of buddhism, there was only one Buddha, i.e., Gautama Siddhartha. Buddhism never produced a second Buddha who taught in a buddhist monastery, temple, organization, building, or a buddhist place.

Believe it or not #2: A Buddha (a person who merges his Buddhi in Bodhi due to Samadhi/Sambodhi) gains Prajna.
Prajna/Panna means complete/perfect wisdom/knowledge about the reality of oneself, others, and the entire cosmic creation, creator, creatures.

Without meditative Samadhi/Sambodhi due to Kundalini/spiritual awakening, if a person thinks he/she is a Buddha, then that person is deluded and will definitely delude others about meditation, mediation experiences, Kundalini, spirit, spirituality, Self, No-Self, Non-Self and with his/her nonsense. Such a person is called a BHRAMjnani (a deluded/delusional person or a person who will delude others). To know about real Kundalini/meditation/spiritual experiences, click:

Believe it or not #3: Samadhi/Sambodhi results in Jnana or Prajna.
Prajna/Panna = The perfect wisdom/knowledge that whatever is obvious to one and all (physical cosmic creation, body-mind complex) is non-self/Anatma/Maya.

Maya is a word which is used in various contexts to mean evil, ignorance, illusory nature of the world, illusions/delusions/hallucinations, etc. Wrong knowledge that non-self/Anatma is Self/Atma is called Maya (ignorance).

Prajna is directly experiencing and realizing the following Eternal Cosmic Principles/Dharma Sanatana/Sanatana Dharma/Ritam/Rutam:
  • There is a physical and spiritual nature to the entire cosmic creation, including you and me.
  • Due to ignorance of our spiritual nature, we think that only the physical nature is the Ultimate Reality. Such ignorance is called Maya/Mara.
  • As long as a person is under the spell of Maya (ignorance about one's spiritual nature), he/she will remain in Samsara (cycle of births and deaths/change/birth-old age-death-rebirth/building of a house-decay-destruction-reconstruction, etc). Our ignorance leads to our rebirths and redeaths.
  • With Prajna/realization/enlightenment of our spiritual nature and loosening all the knots of the spiritual heart, we are liberated from Samsara.
  • Due to liberation from future physical forms/nature/births, we remain until eternity in our spiritual form/nature. This nature is called Buddha nature/Buddhahood, etc.
Ignorance that we are only this physical body-mind complex (Maya) obviously leads to various types physical/mental/ego desires and karma (building materials for a house per Buddha's victory song) that force you to come into and go from this Samsara/world in a physical form. The reason for this is the cosmic principle of action and reaction/Karma and Kamaphala. So the house-builder Buddha refers to in his victory song upon enlightenment is the Sanatana Dharma (Eternal Cosmic Principles) and the building materials he refers to are ignorance, desires, and karma.

Anatma/Anatta/Non-Self = Physical nature.
Atma/Atta/Self = Spiritual nature/Buddha Nature/Buddhahood.
Maya = Delusion that Anatma/Anatta/Non-Self/Physical nature is all that we have, it is the only reality, and that there is no Self/Atma/Atta.

Physical nature is not permanent, it undergoes continuous change, hence it is called non-self/Anatma. Our body-mind complex is born, becomes old, gets diseased, and dies. So it is temporary, hence non-self.
Spiritual nature is eternal, it is neither born nor dies nor undergoes any change, hence it is our Real Self.

Believe it or not #4: THE HOUSE-BUILDER CANNOT BE DESTROYED; YOU CAN ONLY DESTROY YOUR QUOTA OF BUILDING MATERIALS (ignorance about your spiritual nature, ignorance that you are only the individual ego/body-mind complex which results in desires and karma).
  • The destruction of building materials (ignorance, desires, karma vasanas and samskaras) also means destruction/loosening all the knots of the spiritual heart (buddhists wrongly interpret the inauspicious knots of eternity as one of the 8 auspicious buddhist symbols).
  • Ritam/Rutam/Dharma Sanatana/Sanatana Dharma/Eternal and all-pervasive Cosmic Principle is the House-Builder.
The eternal cosmic principle, in other words:
  • Everything in this cosmos has dual forms - a physical form/nature and a spiritual form/nature.
  • Everything that is physical is no-self, non-self.
  • Everything that is spiritual is self, real Self.
  • Everything that is physical changes. The physical body is born, grows, gets diseased, becomes old, and eventually dies.
  • Everything that is spiritual doesn't change. The spiritual body is neither born, nor grows, nor gets diseased, nor becomes old, and never dies.
Gautama Siddhartha had a physical nature and a Buddha/spiritual nature. A person will undergo repetitive births and deaths in physical forms until he/she gets enlightened and liberated, i.e., loosens all the knots of the spiritual heart. When a person gets enlightened/liberated, loosens all the knots of the spiritual heart, then he/she remains in the spiritual form until eternity.

Believe it or not #5:
Why does a spiritual body take a physical form in the first place?
Cosmic principles. The house-builder has his/her/its own rules. You can't do anything about him/her/it.

The house-builder is the Supreme Sound/Vibration/Cosmic Creator/Cosmic-creating principle, Ahm/Om/Hum/Hoom, Brahm, Atma/Atom, Cosmic Self which has physical and spiritual principles:

Knowledge of this house-builder and the building materials which this house-builder assembles to build individual houses is the first step toward understanding spirituality. The second step is to know how to destroy your quota of building materials.

Buddhists misinterpreted the Great Void, Emptiness, Nothingness, etc., as No-Self. The Great Void is the Unborn/Unmanifest/Unconditioned physical nature of the Cosmic Self. Whoever/Whatever is aware of such a Great Void, Nothingness is the spiritual nature of the Cosmic Self, which is your own real Self:

Believe it or not #6:

  • Whatever of you gets enlightened resulting in liberation from coming into/going from this faulty Samsara is your self/essence of yourself/yourself.
  • Whatever of you is not born and doesn't die is your self/true nature.
  • Whatever of you is born (coming) and dies (going) is your non-self/false nature.
  • Your physical body and mind (body-mind complex) is non-self, and your spiritual mind/consciousness is your true self because spiritual body is neither born nor dies.
  • Loosening all the knots of the heart leads to freedom/separation/liberation from future physical body-spiritual body entanglement.
Believe it or not #7: Prajna is the end of one's journey in this Samsara (cycle of births and deaths in a physical forms). One who has reached/attained Prajna is called Tathagatha (one who has arrived at the truth/Prajna/end of knowledge/end of Samsara/end of the journey in physical forms/end of the cycle of births and deaths).

Believe it or not #8: Through Kundalini awakening/Samadhi/Sambodhi, you get Vipassana. Directly seeing/knowing/experiencing your spiritual nature is Vipassana. Directly seeing/knowing the house builder/Cosmic Principles/Dharma is Vipassana. Directly knowing the building materials is Vipassana. With many Vipassanas due to many Kundalini Awakenings/Samadhis/Sambodhis, you will gain Prajna.

Kundalini awakening=Samadhi=Sambodhi=Vipassana helps in loosening the knots of the spiritual heart. These knots are ignorance, desires, and karma. Ignorance is Evil/Maya/Mara. Knowledge is Liberation/Freedom from ignorance/Maya/Mara. Self-Knowledge is Bliss/Nirvana.

Loosening all the knots of the spiritual heart through Kundalini awakening/Samadhi/Sambodhi/Vipassana = Prajna = Perfect Wisdom = Enlightenment = Self-Knowledge = Self-Realization = Nirvana = End of Samsara = Liberation/Mukti/Moksha/Freedom, etc., etc.

Check similar thoughts on enlightenment/liberation/Atma as per Vedanta and Buddhism in the following link:

NOTE: The intention of writing the above 8-noble believe it or not is to encourage you to strive for a real single Kundalini awakening first. These are in no way intended to theoretically enlighten you. With Kundalini awakening, you will experience the truth about real meditation experiences; and with many real meditation experiences, you will experience spirituality and your reality directly.

How did buddhists get No-Self wrong? Why do buddhists talk about No-Self?
It is only some schools of Buddhism that talk about No-Self or Non-Self in delusional terms. Their misinterpretation/misunderstanding/manipulation of No-Self/Non-Self is phenomenal. All this is due to ignorance or manipulation of Buddha's real teachings.

We have dual realities - one is physical and the other one is spiritual. Ancient Indian Seers found out that anything related to your physical nature is non-self (because it is destructible, it changes/dies) and said that your spiritual nature is your self (because this is eternal, doesn't get destroyed, doesn't change/die).

Everything in this cosmos has subatomic nature. Everything in the universe, from light to electrons to atoms, behaves like/is both a particle and a wave at the same time.

Can you see your mind and thoughts? Can you see others' minds and thoughts? Can you see yourself as subatomic particles/waves/vibrations? Just because you can't, it doesn't mean the mind doesn't exist, thoughts don't exist, or  you are not subatomic particles/waves/vibrations. Similarly, just because you don't know or have not experienced your spiritual nature/self, it doesn't mean self/spiritual nature doesn't exist.

Our spiritual body/mind/consciousness takes different types of physical forms based on our individual (ego) ignorance, desires, and karma due to cosmic principles. With enlightenment, we stop the process of rebirths and re-deaths in physical forms. We will live on until eternity in our real and spiritual body/mind/consciousness just like Buddha.

All buddhists light candles, offer biscuits/chocolates/fruits, pray/worship, celebrate Buddha's birthday, Buddha poornima, meditate and beg Buddha/Buddha's statue for enlightenment, etc. Are buddhists practicing idolatry? or do they believe that Buddha exists in spiritual/eternal form? The spiritual form is your self, which is eternal, just like Buddha’s.

Cosmos/life is a play of spiritual and physical existence.

Buddhism versus Vedic Religion of Buddha's time:
If there are 10s of toilet soaps in the market and if you want to manufacture a brand new soap and make profit from selling that soap, you must use effective marketing strategies to beat the competition. Buddhists did the same after Buddha's death. Buddha's disciples/followers used  a lot of marketing strategies to prove their new religion's uniqueness and superiority. One of them is reversing Vedic religious practices. Gautama Siddhartha (Buddha) was right in opposing many wrong Vedic religious practices of his time. He was correct in teaching the right knowledge which happened to be exactly the opposite of many wrong Vedic practices. The wrong Vedic religious practices during Buddha's time were the result of ignorance/manipulation/misinterpretation/misunderstanding of Vedic knowledge by the Vedic scholars/priests/pundits of that time.

Believe it or not: Many priest-class Vedic people took over Buddhism after Buddha's death and started teaching buddhism in Sanskrit! Buddhism was split into two based on language in which Buddhism was taught/written:
1. Mahayana with scriptures in Sanskrit. 2. Hinayana with scriptures in Pali.

Food for thought: Who do you think would have become the teachers of Mahayana?

After the split of buddhism, the Pali buddhists became paranoid about Vedic religion and Sanskrit. They overdid the opposing of Vedic ideas to the point of reversing everything that was Vedic. You will understand this when you read how Buddha attained enlightenment; he overcame all torture/temptation from Vedic Indra and other deities. Buddhists will say that Buddha got instant enlightenment in one night after having realized how to meditate! His gurus (Vedic/Hindu-type) in Kashi/Varanasi/Beneras had just taught him how to torture his body and do all kinds of wrong meditation and spiritual practices. Buddha remembered that he had achieved equanimity of breath during childhood, and therefore gave up all his gurus' teachings and practiced breath meditation and got instant enlightenment. Buddha found out how to really meditate, which gave him enlightenment! Buddhists will tell that Buddha learnt whatever their gurus could teach and realized whatever they had realized but was still not satisfied with his progress in his search for the end of suffering. What did Buddha learn/realize when he did not know how to meditate? Without real meditation (momentary silence, equanimity of breath, cessation of breath), how can one have meditation/spiritual experiences? So Buddha never had any real meditation experiences in Kashi. He did not have any spiritual experiences until he remembered in Gaya that equanimity of breath results is meditation. If he got immediately enlightened with this type of meditation, then Buddha's enlightenment is instantaneous/one-night enlightenment. As I have mentioned in the following post, you will have 1000s of meditation/spiritual experiences and visions.

Google what experiences/visions/knowledge resulted in Buddha's enlightenment and how he became Tathagatha and then read the following post:

Ok continuing with Buddhism versus Vedic religion, the buddhists' treatment of Vedic religion and Sanskrit was/is nothing short of paranoia. They have reversed and want to reverse everything that is Vedic, even if it is an undeniable, irrefutable cosmic/spiritual truth as obvious as the Sun. All this reversing of Vedic religion is due to sheer ignorance or total manipulation. The one such total manipulation/ignorance is the Self as mentioned above, and the second one is the very, very ancient Swastika which is a universal symbol from time immemorial.

Buddhism is reverse Vedic religion (Hinduism).
Right-sided Hindu/Vedic Swastika

Right-sided Jain Swastika

Left-sided buddhist swastika
Buddha, when alive, never bothered about wearing/putting a symbol on himself.
Why did buddhists use Swastika on Buddha then?
Religious/Business/Financial/Political reasons. Swastika was a very ancient and universal symbol. Archaeologists have found and are finding Swastikas world over. Swastika was/is a widely known and much revered auspicious symbol in India. It was widely worshiped symbol even during Buddha's times.
Will a king/kingdom/citizens/society follow a new religion (Buddha dharma) that doesn't use such a famous auspicious symbol?
So after the death of the Buddha, the buddhists started using Swastika to market their new religion, but since they had to be unique/different than existing religions (Vedic, Jainism, etc), they reversed it and said left-sided Swastika is more auspicious than the right-sided one. Thus, Swastika on Buddha' chest, hand, etc., is a later development by his followers (buddhists) for Religious/Business/Financial/Political reasons.

Buddhists reversed the Swastika from right to left. They may also put it on Buddha's feet to show Buddha's superiority or disrespect to Hindus'/Jains' beliefs. Anybody can give some nonsense as a very good/logical/religious/spiritual explanation.
They also reversed the ancient Vedic belief of a Self to show the uniqueness/specialty of Buddhism. What these ignorant buddhist followers did not know is that the word Swastika means Sw/Swa+asti+ka "Self Exists" and the symbol Swastika is not just an auspicious symbol, it is a symbol denoting The Existence of a Self (cosmic-creating principle) in all 4/8 directions. Whether the swastika is right sided or left sided has no importance.

To know the meaning of the universal Swastika and Swastikas of various countries throughout the world, Indus Valley Swastika (some say 5000 year-old civilization, some 15000 BC), click:

After the death of the Buddha, his followers elevated Buddha to the level of a God. Only in India, Buddha is addressed and revered as Buddha Bhagawan (Lord Buddha). In other buddhist countries, they make a caricature of Buddha, like the fat laughing Buddha. Buddha is also considered as an Avatar (incarnation of God) in some Hindu scriptures. Buddha and an Avatar of God? Yes! As mentioned above, Swastika on Buddha' chest, hand, etc., was a later development for religious, business, financial and/or political reasons, Buddha becoming an Avatar is also for the same reasons. Buddha/Buddhism became very famous at one point in time, and many powerful kings/princes were following Buddha's teachings because he himself was an ex-prince. Many big kingdoms/regions in India were following Buddhism. Is it difficult for powerful kings/Sanskrit scholars to insert Buddha as an incarnation of God in a scripture?

If Buddhism was so famous during ancient times, what is the reason for its downfall?
Buddhists. They made Buddha's noble 8-fold path a state religion. The Buddha's path is only for spiritual aspirants. If all Hindus are forced to follow Patanjali's Ashtanga Yoga, which teaches sexual abstinence, in less than 100 years, there will not be a single Hindu in India. If all Hindus (including military) follow Patanjali's non-violence/non-killing, within 10 years, all Hindus will be conquered/murdered/converted and there won't be any Hindu in India.

Buddhists got dharma, karma, sangha, meditation, dhyana, jhana, spirituality, enlightenment, maitri bhavana, metta, loving-kindness, compassion, non-violence, non-killing, Vipassana, Nirvana, etc., totally wrong and many buddhists of many countries, including Indians, paid a price for their ignorance/manipulation of Buddha's teachings. Many Asian, Middle East countries were buddhist. Google "Taliban destroys Buddhas." Bamiya Buddhas were destroyed by Taliban and no one did anything. ISIS and other terrorist organizations are wiping out history in the Syria, Middle East. Tibet became China. If such things can happen in a civilized, modern, developed world, what would have happened to buddhists in the ancient times?

Food for thought: How did new the religions (Christianity, Islam) spread throughout the world so quickly? What were the religions that were being practiced where the new religions have spread?

Did Buddha teach reverse Vedic religion/No-Self?
Not at all. He was not bothered about Self or No-Self. Buddha never bothered about creating a religion by the name Buddha Dharma/Buddhism or a religious/spiritual organization (Sangha). Sangha basically means the company of enlightened/spiritual people, but buddhists made it a religious organization/monastery with a head/president and other staff members.
Buddha practiced spirituality to know the truth about the end of suffering. How would he know spirituality leads to the end of suffering if past enlightened people hadn't told about it? Why did he go to Kashi if there were no spiritual people/practitioners there who also like him wanted end of their sufferings?
He took to spirituality after seeing a happy and blissful ascetic. This ascetic may be a Himalayan Baba. You will see Buddha's ears stretched. Babas wear Kundals, big earrings. Kashi had and still has many Kundal-wearing, Jata-growing (long mattered hairs) babas practicing spirituality. Buddha also wore Kundals resulting in his long, stretched ears. He also grew a Jata like all babas do. Till date, babas wear Kundals and grow Jatas but buddhists don't.

Food for thought: Are buddhists following Buddha and his teachings correctly?

The actual Sanskrit name for No-Self should be "Anatma" but buddhists use the Pali term "Anatta" to mean No-Self. I think this must have been a misinterpretation of Sanskrit word "Ananta," which means limitless, unlimited, endless, eternal, which is a characteristic of Atma.

Truth: Buddha initially practiced wrong meditation/spiritual practices (maybe kriyas :), tapasya, austerities, etc.) due to ignorance about meditation and spirituality, suffered, then realized his mistake, gave up his gurus, gave up the wrong meditation/spiritual practices, took to silent meditation, achieved equanimity of breath, got his Kundalini awakened, had many meditation/spiritual/Kundalini experiences, loosened all the knots of his heart, and got enlightenment which ended all his sufferings.

Buddha's enlightenment was through direct meditation/spiritual/Kundalini experiences. This enlightenment was real and not bookish. He taught his newly discovered ancient truth about the end of suffering. End of suffering means escaping from Samsara, the cycle of births and deaths which is really terrifying and horrifying. Life inside a womb is terrible. Without Liberation, you will be forced again and again to take birth from various types of wombs. People don't like to sit silently and meditate for an hour or so. They don't know that time will force them to spend 9 months inside their mothers' womb in one position, lying there silently :) Death is terrible. Diseases/old-age/death is horrible. Unfulfilled desires torment us.

End of suffering means end of the cycle of births and deaths. End of suffering doesn't mean that your body doesn't feel pain, doesn't get diseases, doesn't get old age, and doesn't die. All miracles and miraculous stuffs came from misinterpretation/manipulation of enlightened people's knowledge. Ignorant people think that enlightened people can cure their own and other people's physical ailments/diseases. Fake gurus thrive on such ignorance and delude gullible people with their miracle-mongering stuffs. The truth is Enlightened people will also get diseases and will eventually  die one day.

So if you want enlightenment or the end of suffering/Samsara:
1. Like Buddha, give up all your wrong and dangerous meditation/spiritual gurus/teachings/practices/techniques (whether they are buddhist or not doesn't matter).
2. Meditate to achieve a momentary silence, equanimity of breath, or cessation of thoughts/breath which results in a REAL meditation/spiritual/Kundalini experience.
3. Vipassana is the result of Samadhi/Sambodhi due to Kundalini awakening. Modern-day Vipassana meditation doesn't lead to meditation/spiritual experiences because it involves continuous mental activities.
4. Don't bother/split hairs about scriptural theory of any religion/Self vs No-Self.
5. STRIVE FOR 1 REAL MEDIATION/SPIRITUAL/KUNDALINI EXPERIENCE IN THIS LIFE, else all your meditation/spiritual knowledge will remain bookish, theory, or delusional.

Believe it or not: No guru can give you enlightenment until you deserve and are ready for enlightenment.

Similarly, no guru can awaken your Kundalini until you deserve and are ready for Kundalini awakening.

WARNING: It's okay if you don’t meet a Brahmajnani (Self-realized seer) or realize yourself in this life, but never ever meet or follow a BHRAMjnaani (fake guru who will make you delusional).  If you do, then you will suffer your entire life.
SHUBHAMASTU – Let Good Happen to You!